What is the best way to install files
Posts: 757
Okay, after some serious problems with files I bought from Daz, which were unmarked add-ons, I went to Renderosity to purchase a base outfit so the add-on I bought for it would work. Turns out to be 7 zip files.
What is the best way to install those files into Daz with working metadata?
Does it even have working metadata? Usually products that do are set up so that they can be isntalled through DIM. Personally I unpack so that the Data, Runtime, and user-facing folders for the product are in an empty (or largely empty) content directory. From there I can test it, create metadata if needed (check to see if it already has a /Runtime/Support folder with a .dsx file for the data and a thumbnail - if it does use the Content DB Maintenence tool from the content Library option menu, the lined/hamburger button in the top corner, to Reimport Metadata and check just the new product) and once done just move it into the main content directory (all the DS stuff, except for custom actions, uses relative paths so it doesn't care which content directory it is in or what that is called as long as everything remains in the correct relative psotion within the content directory).
Again... if you really rely on metadata which needs to be accurate enough, there're usually two ways: Content Wizard and Creating Product manually. Which do you prefer ?
For using Content Wizard, check this post firstly to take a look at how it primarily works : https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/8741736/#Comment_8741736 (I believe you've already watched the tutorial from RiverSoftArt on youtube...)
- pros: fast, accurate, can generate IM package for installing via DIM, so as to give you enablement of auto-Intallation / Uninstallation
- cons: requires a bit technical skills
For Creating Product manually... I may give you detailed tutorial if you want to go for this way..
- pros: free of charge, a bit easier than using Content Wizard
- cons: every product goes to LOCAL USER rather than accurate Stores... no capability of generating IM package, yada yada ~~
You can create stores using http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/referenceguide/scripting/api_reference/samples/metadata/add_store_id/start and then assign products to them as needed - I have two for freebies, commercial and non-commercial, where More information goes to the readme and one for Renderosity, where More Information goes to the product page.
Thanks ! I didn't know this script before. I used to create stores directly in dzcontent... Since I used Content Wizard, the script can well create them all, then I just need to select a store from the dropdown list when installing a Product, very convenient.
Another issue is: after creating a Product in Content Library and changing Store in Content DB, the LOCAL_USER dsa/dsx files are still in support folder, I wonder if it's a default behavior or not...
I usually just assign the store in the Create Product dialogue, so it never gets added to Local User (that I have noticed).
You mean the action of Create a Product from...? If so, where to assign a Store ?
Hmm, that is odd - I am sure I remember being able to get the full, tabbed dialogue for product creation without first going through that name-only prompt but I can't see how. Sorry fro getting your hopes up, though I didn't think it was that long since I last did it.
Never mind ! Not a big deal ~
Okay, you two, now I have a headache reading all this. I really appreciate the help but a lot of your advice is over my head. I'm going to need time to figure out how to do some of this suggestions and get back to you later about it.
7zip. Its a free zipping app and you can install from any file in the hierarchy you want to.