
  • IlenaIlena Posts: 282
    edited September 2012

    Another go.

    800 x 1131 - 448K
    Post edited by Ilena on
  • edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Hey Folks, great work. I found a link one of our old friends had and you might like to get this file. Thanks to Sedor I can point you to the free 3D lighting tips book I was talking about. http://www.3dlightmaster.com/

    Thanks for the link Sedor and Jaderail. I downloaded the ebook and have read through it, he has some interesting ideas I will have to try. So far I have been using Uber Environment as the main scene light with spotlights and point lights to highlight the important bits.

    Miss B said:
    bluemoon said:
    I tried to add a bit of DoF but it completely ruined my camera angle. Will save it with a new name and play around some more as I think it would help a lot.

    See, now that you changed your overall lighting to night rather than day, I don't think you need DOF at all, because she's brightly lit and popping right out of that background. I also see you added a little more space between her and the right edge. Right on! I think this is your best effort yet. ;-)

    Edited to Add: And your trigger finger looks well positioned now.

    Thanks Miss B

    Another go.

    I really like your poses especially the hand holding the cup, looks very natural and comfortable.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Pendraia said:
    Jaderail said:
    DS has a Ambient Glow but that will not produce a REAL light. It works well for low light scenes then a fill light is needed for the spill effect.

    Here is part of one I did about a year ago. The GUN is a free item I snagged from ShareCG. The Flash is a 3D effect from a pack here at DAZ3D. All this had to be posed by hand. By all this, I mean the Gun, hands and muzzle flash, the background set comes that way.

    EDITED TWICE to clear things up.

    Hi all, saw this and wondered whether the area lights in DS would create the effect you're after?

    It doesn't seem much different to making eyes glow...

    Interesting thread....love what I've seen so far.



    I had asked whether D/S had a glow option in the shader because I don't use it and wanted to know if it was an option before I put together a generalized (as much as possible) tutorial. Personally, I thought that if there was a glow function in DAZ Studio's shader system it would not cast a light. The reason I suggested it was to make the image used for the shader/texture appear illuminated. To make it look as if it was casting a real light, I would add a light. The type of light would depend on the effect I was trying to achieve.

  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,598
    edited December 1969

    Pendraia said:
    Jaderail said:
    DS has a Ambient Glow but that will not produce a REAL light. It works well for low light scenes then a fill light is needed for the spill effect.

    Here is part of one I did about a year ago. The GUN is a free item I snagged from ShareCG. The Flash is a 3D effect from a pack here at DAZ3D. All this had to be posed by hand. By all this, I mean the Gun, hands and muzzle flash, the background set comes that way.

    EDITED TWICE to clear things up.

    Hi all, saw this and wondered whether the area lights in DS would create the effect you're after?

    It doesn't seem much different to making eyes glow...

    Interesting thread....love what I've seen so far.



    I had asked whether D/S had a glow option in the shader because I don't use it and wanted to know if it was an option before I put together a generalized (as much as possible) tutorial. Personally, I thought that if there was a glow function in DAZ Studio's shader system it would not cast a light. The reason I suggested it was to make the image used for the shader/texture appear illuminated. To make it look as if it was casting a real light, I would add a light. The type of light would depend on the effect I was trying to achieve.

    You may well be able to make a shadermixer light that gave that glow...I haven't played with the lights much so I really couldn't say. It is very powerful unfortunately not many people know how to use all the functions yet.

    You possibly could do something with a material shader but I would have to play with it to be certain...it's a while since I played with SM and much has changed

  • WilmapWilmap Posts: 2,917
    edited December 1969

    Does nobody look at my entries? No-one makes any comments on the last one!

  • IlenaIlena Posts: 282
    edited December 1969

    wilmap I like image's composition. Also the camera is nice. As for light I'm afraid I can't help you much there as I too struggle it, but might I suggest putting in the background a house? A barn of some sorts?

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited September 2012

    wilmap said:
    Does nobody look at my entries? No-one makes any comments on the last one!

    Aplogies, trying to spread myself too thinly at the moment, Trying to keep up with this contest, another contest or two , do what I should be doing around the forums and organise myself for a migration to a new PC which will be arriving next week (hopefully) all at the same time.

    I know we women are good at multi tasking, but sometimes I slip a bit.

    You had said, with your 2nd image that you weren't happy with the lighting, and it did seem that Jaderail was maybe responding to you. However I do think the lighting needs a little work, as the human fogurs are hilighted, whereas the Horses seem to be in shadow. I know you have a tree which is mostly out of shot, but it doesn't sppear to be casting any shadows as such.

    Love the rearmost of the horses BTw, the way it is looking longinigly at the apple in the girls hand. Precious
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited September 2012

    wilmap said:
    Does nobody look at my entries? No-one makes any comments on the last one!

    I like the stance of the woman on the bike. I agree with chohole that the horse looking at the apple is very nice. I don't know what software you're using or what you're using for lights so it's a bit hard to address that specifically. I will say that it looks washed out and the hue seems off for an outdoor scene. One thing you can try is to add one light at a time, adjust that to the way you like, then add another light, etc. If there's an option to view the scene lights Vs. the default light map when setting up your scene that can help with positioning, intensities, etc.

    Edited because I quoted the wrong post. D'oh!

    Post edited by evilproducer on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    I think Wendy is using Bryce.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    wilmap said:
    Does nobody look at my entries? No-one makes any comments on the last one!
    I'm sorry you missed my GREAT JOB comment. That was meant for you and IIena52, you had both just put up renders before I posted. I still say Great Job Too you both.
  • WilmapWilmap Posts: 2,917
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    I think Wendy is using Bryce.

    No this one was done in DS4.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Ah OK, so someone else will need to help you if you want to tweak the lights. Me no use DS :red:

  • SasjeSasje Posts: 835
    edited December 1969

    wilmap said:
    Does nobody look at my entries? No-one makes any comments on the last one!

    Hi Wilmap sorry I can’t advise you with the light, but when I use light sets and it looks
    to bright/light then I play and experiment with the light color and intensity.
    By the way it is a nice picture :)
  • IlenaIlena Posts: 282
    edited December 1969

    Phew, then I won't try to change it. Though a pile of books or perhaps a bottle could be added? Or would that be too much?

  • WilmapWilmap Posts: 2,917
    edited December 1969

    Another go, altering lights and moving the tree branch.

    800 x 1035 - 1M
  • wiibbwiibb Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Had a look and others are getting some great advice from others about how to improve there renders so here is my render post production work done with Photoshop.

    800 x 800 - 180K
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Merged into the WIP thread.

  • BWSmanBWSman Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    wilmap said:
    Another go, altering lights and moving the tree branch.

    I think you are missing a back light or reflected light. On a bright sunny day; you will get light reflected back from almost all surfaces. You wouldn't have those deep shadows in some areas that you currently have.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    wilmap said:
    Another go, altering lights and moving the tree branch.

    Very Nice!! I really like it. If and only if your ground plane has it I would turn the Bump or Displacement way up. If it does not have one it's great just the way it is.
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    wiibb said:
    Had a look and others are getting some great advice from others about how to improve there renders so here is my render post production work done with Photoshop.

    I know you, and I think this is pretty good for a User as new to the software as you are. So I'll be pointing out just a few things that will help you improve from this point.

    First you have way too much dead space in this image. The top that was rendered empty adds nothing to the image to get you into the scene. The bottom is just DEAD space that never should be in a image, at least do a full fade to black. I can tell that was added when you changed the final Size in PS. I know you did that to follow the contest rules, any image 800x800 MAX can be shown, it does not have to be 800x800 square 800 wide 500 tall 800 tall 600 wide ect.. all are fine.

    Next thing is your composition, it's pretty straight on, experiment with different camera angles. Maybe one character very close and the other farther off kind of thing. That can be done just by moving your VIEW around if you are looking through the camera you will use to do the Render in.

    I do Like the Action and Effects. I hope you find this helpful.
  • wiibbwiibb Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Hi BWSman it has been took into account what you suggested now thank you :)

    Hi Jaderail, nope no ground plane in that render yes you are correct about the dead space top and bottom I did do that to follow the rules of 800x800 and also the great advice about positing the models within the view port. Great bit of info for me to think about the next time around, I have noticed that a lot of users do there post production work with other software rather than Photo shop. Would it be better to also try and learn other software for such jobs? and also what would be the best for a new B like my self?
    Thanx guys for the help and great info it is appreciated.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Well, personally I rarely do any Post Work. I try to get the Render I want with just DS. If I do postwork it is with PS or PSP. It's really up to the user and what they prefer when it comes to that. The Groundplane comment was for wilmap about his last post.

  • IlenaIlena Posts: 282
    edited September 2012

    Added some new props and skin. Advice?

    800 x 1131 - 545K
    Post edited by Ilena on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Ilena52 said:
    Added some new props and skin. Advice?
    Only one that might help and one that might not do anything. If the Hair has a morph to bring the side braids into a hanging down position I would do that. The other, if your render settings are high enough you could play with the BUMP or Displacement of the figures texture to see if you might get a little bit of detail into the skin. The Props look fine and I like the lighting. You might need to turn the lighting down a bit for texture details to not wash out. That would be up to you and what your going for with the image.
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Ilena52 said:
    Added some new props and skin. Advice?

    Looks really good. What software are you using?

  • ExperimenterExperimenter Posts: 162
    edited December 1969

    What is your opinion to my pic?

    970 x 628 - 423K
  • edited September 2012

    Made a few changes with the lights and rendered with an atmospheric camera set to fog. Not sure about the facial expression, wanted her to look really mad.

    edited because I attached the wrong image. %-P

    725 x 800 - 194K
    Post edited by bluemoon_524a0e29ba on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    bluemoon said:
    Made a few changes with the lights and rendered with an atmospheric camera set to fog. Not sure about the facial expression, wanted her to look really mad.

    edited because I attached the wrong image. %-P

    I really like everything except the EYES. To me (Just me) if she was looking at her target I would like it much better. Don't go changing just for me, it's only my two cents.
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    bluemoon said:
    Made a few changes with the lights and rendered with an atmospheric camera set to fog. Not sure about the facial expression, wanted her to look really mad.

    edited because I attached the wrong image. %-P

    That's looking really sweet!

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited September 2012

    bluemoon said:
    Made a few changes with the lights and rendered with an atmospheric camera set to fog. Not sure about the facial expression, wanted her to look really mad.

    edited because I attached the wrong image. %-P

    That's looking really sweet!
    I agree. The atmospheric camera really added that little "something" that was needed.

    I also agree with Jaderail about the eyes, they should be sighting down the barrel of the gun, but I wouldn't bother changing it for this render, just keep it in mind for next time.

    BTW, I think she looks plenty made enough. ;-)

    Post edited by Miss B on
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