3 Hidden Lights - where did the video install

I purchased the 3 Hidden Lights Video and installed using latest DIM.  The light presents are where I expected but I can't locate the video.




  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,334

    Did you install both parts - there's the one with the light presets and another with the video. You may need to check DIM is showing type "General" as well as Daz Studio.

    If you installed both then use DIM to right-click the "General" installer and "Show Installed Files" - cllick on the .wmv file and it should take you there.

    (Or used the ReadMe filelist to track it down)

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,444

    Studio does not recognize all file formats, like, for example, video files. They are installed from one of the packages (a General file, make sure you have that type selected in DIM - Advanced Settings - Downloads so that you can download and install it).

    In general, there is a ReadMe file for every product (but not always), with a link to a file list that will give you some idea of where to look. In this case, the ReadMe is: 3 Hidden Light Secrets - DAZ Studio Video Tutorial [Documentation Center], but does not say where the videos are. That you can see from the link to the File List which gives a path for every asset in the product (relative to your Library root folder). Or, just open the .zip file to find the path used.

    They can be made accessible in Studio using a simple script that invokes your OS's default viewer for any file type. If you are interested, we can continue this later.

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