Issue with content not showing up on Linux Garuda

IlenaIlena Posts: 282

Hi, I've installed Linux Garuda and Daz Studio software via Lutris where the content that was install manually doesn't show up. To be precise, textures show up fine on the characters. It's the morphs that don't show up. In characters folder when I click on apply head nothing happens. They are all not in the parameters tab. They are installed in Daz library. What I installed through Daz install manager loads without problem. It's when I don't install through Daz install that issues arise. I'd really appreciate help because I ran Daz on this OS and it renders and simulates fine. Been troubleshooting for hours.

Post edited by Ilena on


  • edited July 22

    This seems to be common with the Linux installs I've done. Linux file systems like "ext4" are case sensitive, but Windows programs expect a case insensitive one. Have a look at the directory names in your "My Library" and "My DAZ 3D Library", particularly under "data". I'll bet you'll find both a "DAZ 3D" and a "Daz 3D" which seems to confuse DAZ Studio. This is mainly why I set the "casefold" flag on the file system and mark the Wine "drive_c" directory as case insensitive. It's not a full workaround, but it seems to limit the problem somewhat. What you need to do is look through both trees for similarly named directories that only differ in case, and for each set you find, pick one directory, and move the content from the other into it, then delete the now empty similarly named directory.

    Have a look at for my preferred approach. Let me know if it helps.

    Post edited by mvrazel_8516000a69 on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,480

    It isn't a matter of confusing Daz Studio, it is a matter of how the OS works. If you install through Connect (which is obviously only possible for Daz content, and not all of those) lower case will be enforced. Do note, however, that linux is not supported (though Mac OS is, and may also use case-sensitive naming).

  • Yeah, I've avoided using Connect for no really good reason, perferring DIM. And you are correct, Linux isn't supported. Still, I've had assets go missing/stop working often with this set up and very nearly every time it's been a casing problem somewhere, like having both a "DAZ 3D" and a "Daz 3D" directory in the "data" directory. I've run into several of those all over the library tree. It's especially problematic when wiring up a Linux-native Blender and trying to use the bridge.

    Interestingly, Between the time of this and my last post, I scraped and reloaded one of the laptops and tried to put all of Wine into an NTFS partition which seems to have cleared up even more of the odd behavior. Probably just one of many issues with running under Linux I suppose.

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