Questions about Avija Wings poses and Hierarchical poses

yuyu.atemyuyu.atem Posts: 388


I am using the avija Wings ( an a G8.1M character and I notice that, when I use the AV wings in the anatomy section, the wings follow correctly the character when I use a pose or a hierarchical pose:


But when I use the AV Wins Solo in the props section, even after parenting the wings to the charater, the wings do not follow correctly the charater:


Is it possible to make the AV Wings Solo to follow correcly the character, please? I would prefer to use the solo because I have the impression that they ask less power to my computer...

Thank you in advance for your answer!


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,692

    If you parent the wings to the character root, they will only follow the root movements.

    If you want to have them properly attached, you need to parent them to an appropriate bone. In this case I would guess Chest Upper.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    Check the product wiki... what were the Props designed for and how to use them.

  • yuyu.atemyuyu.atem Posts: 388
    edited July 2024

    Ah ok, thank you very much! laugh I used chest upper for the wings and pelvis for the tail, and it seems to work correctly.

    If I want the wings solo to be automatically parented when I load them, is it possible to save them as a wearable presset?

    Thank you in advance!

    Post edited by yuyu.atem on
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