Trouble Loading Character

in New Users
I'm having trouble loading a Jill Valentine Character after unziping the files and copying them to C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library. I click Refresh. Then go to load the character and I get an error warning. See attachment.

604 x 1039 - 95K
And what does your log say about the error Help > Troubleshooting > View Log File?
Lots of Gobbledy Gook. See attached file.
Something seems wrong with your installation.
Example from log:
Try to search for "Jill Valentine Face.dsf" on your drive and see if you can find it and on what path.
Or look in the zip file, where the file is, and if it in the zip have the right path.
What you loaded are Shaping Presets... You need to load a G8F base figure into the scene and select the figure before loading the presets.
Ahh. I thought so. I'll try.
I sent you a PM