POSER FILES installed

Hi, new to using DAZ 3d and starting to learn its workings, was wondering do i need to have the poser files installed in my content aswell has the DAZ files??, reason mainly to save drive space. any help would be great.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,864

    Which Poser files? Most recent content is daz Studio format, and requires nothing else. Somewhat older content may have PoserCF files, which are extras to enable some versions of Poser toimport the content. Other, mostly much older, content is mainly Poser format and may have Daz Studio Companion Files (adding native materials, usually) or may be Poser only. Check which packages are offered, check to see if they are labelled as companion files and if so for which application (you don't need Poser or Bryce CFs for use in daz Studio), if there are separate Poser and Daz Studio packages compare their sizes - if the Daz Studio package is about the same size as the Poser then it is likely you need only the native version.

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