Parameters Sort Order Reversed?

I have no idea how this happened, but suddenly the parameters in the Parameters panel seem to be showing up in reverse sort order. I'm not sure it's exactly 100% reversed, but properties that I'm used to seeing at the top of the list now occur at the bottom and vice versa. For instance, when I click on G8 head --> Pose Controls --> Eyes the list now appears as:

  • Eyes Up-Down
  • Eyes Squint Widen Right, Left, both
  • Eyes Side-Side
  • Eyes Relax Right, Left, both

Etc. The Eyelids Lower options (Up-Down Right, Up-Down Left, Up-Down, in that order) are at the bottom.

How can I get the list back to the correct A-Z sort order? I can't find an option to change it in the menus. TIA!


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 6,277

    I used to have the same issue before... not only in Parameters pane but in Surfaces pane as well ... Have you applied any Preset file (and/or even undone then...) before seeing this issue ?

    Normally if you reload the scene file, properties will be well sorted by Label in ascending order (under a single Path without any sub-path...)

  • jim_doriajim_doria Posts: 125

    It may have been a temporary glitch. I'll have to check next time I load the scene. 

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