SY Hat and Hair Helper Genesis 8: Cheek 01/02 L morphs are not applied on the left cheek

ElorElor Posts: 1,141


I'm speaking about this product by @Sickleyield:

I installed it with DIM and used it with Daz 4.21 and the last public beta, observing the same problem in both versions.

To test it, I loaded a G8.1F and a G8.1M figures, then I loaded their respective helpers before loading hairs with the helper selected (it was a pain to find a G8M hair who reacted to the cheek morphs…). Then I dialed the two cheek morphs and here are the results: change happen on the right side of the face.

G8F Cheek L morphs

G8F Cheek R morphs

G8M Cheek L morphs

G8M Cheek R morphs

I tested every other morphs related to either left and right and as far as I can seen, they are applied to the intended side of the face, and in the vicinity of where they should be applied according to their name.

I also check if it was something as simple as the Cheek L morphs calling the Cheek R files, but nope, they are calling Cheek L 01.dsf and Cheek L 02.dsf. I didn't open these dsf files, it would likely be gibberish to my untrained eyes.

Can someone who has this product check if they observe the same behavior before I open a ticket ?

1368 x 1075 - 169K
1368 x 1075 - 169K
1368 x 1075 - 173K
1368 x 1075 - 173K
Post edited by Elor on


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 6,274

    I vaguely rememeber this issue, ha ~ Let me check...

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 6,274
    edited August 24

    Yes, I think two Cheek L morphs were wrongly imported on Right side by SY. Unfortunately, this helper's geometry is not symmetrical in DS, I had no way to fix it by using Mirroring or Attenuate options. So some sculpting had to be needed ~~

    Anyway, pls submit a ticket ...

    2560 x 1392 - 798K
    Post edited by crosswind on
  • ElorElor Posts: 1,141
    edited August 24

    Ah that's too bad: I hoped a fix was possible on my end while waiting for an official fix.

    I opened a ticket.

    Post edited by Elor on
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