surfaces tab issue
I am not sure how I did it, but now in the surfaces tab everything, and I mean everything shows. I checked and show hidden properties is not selected. I have not clue what I have done, but I would like to undo it so I only see what is actually being used. Like, normally, if there is no emission or displacement, I see the slot for emission but nothing below that. Now I see it even if there is nothing functioning? Any help appreciated.
Which shader is applied? Top-left in the Editor tab of the Sufaces pane
Depends on what I am using, but the current one says lray uber (MDL). If I hit currently used then I only see what is used, but if I select any specific surface, it goes back to showing every sub file for each element.
Do you have Show Sub Items checked at bottom-left of the Surfaces pane? I didn't understand the issue proeprly from the first post.
Hi, yes I did have show sub items. However, I did NOT have show hidden properties selected. Once I did, all the stuff I didn't want to see went away. So I guess that did it, but that is the opposite of the parameters tab where show hidden properties gives you all the stuff you normally cannot see. odd.
Show Hidden Properties is about items that have been made hidden, so they don't show at all. Show Sub-Items is about showing items in sub-folders of the current folder, but only if they would be visible when the sub-folder itself was selected. There is no real conenction between the two.