Iray Studio Light Set

Free Iray Studio light Set available to download from Deviant Art: Click Here

It includes a backdrop
Two self illuminating primitive planes set either side of the character
Two spot light props I created; One to illuminate the back of the character (which helps show off SSS) and another facing the backdrop to give that halo effect.

There is also two cameras, one showing the whole character as shown above and another focused on the face.

Post links here or on Deviant Art if you use this scene, I would like to see what you all come up with :D

NOTE: This version is in BETA if you have any issues let me know and I will fix it and upload the new files.
NOTE: In the render above I had the Environment set to "Dome and Scene" and the "Environment Intensity" set to 0.50
NOTE: Although created with Iray in mind, in theory this set up would have some use in Octane or Reality (I haven't tested it though)


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