Need to create a decent puddle water splash (solved)

robrossrobross Posts: 49
edited September 2024 in New Users

I need to create a water splash coming out of a small puddle. I have actually purchased several products, to create the splash but none seem to give a proper "water splash" look. Last attempt was with "Liquid Pack" (SKU:19066) by jolab1985. They have several splash options. They even have a water shader. But the splash, even using the water shader,  looks like foam and not water. Am attaching image. Looks nothing like preview image. What am I missing? Could someone help me with settings to create a reasonable water consistency?


604 x 767 - 377K
768 x 994 - 297K
Post edited by robross on


  • ElorElor Posts: 2,012
    edited September 2024

    This product was released before Iray was available, so if you're trying to do a render with Iray, it won't work nicely by default.

    Applying an Iray water shader should improve the situation (you may have to tweak things a bit, but I don't have the product). A couple are included with Daz Studio and you can find them in either your Content Library (Shaders Presets > Iray > Daz Uber then scroll all the way down, looking for shaders named Water) or your Smart Content (Shaders > Liquids).

    If you're not sure how to apply a shader, here a 10 minutes video that should help you:

    Edit: I forgot to put a link to the product:

    Post edited by Elor on
  • It appears that the problem is as I expected. It was in the shader associated with the pack. Found better IRAY water shader (Nature Shaders) and am playing with it to get the look I need.

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