Measure metrics measures perimeters badly

I am trying to use the measure metrics tool to develop anthropometric mannequins with the measurements of the Chilean population.

I bought the measure metrics tool because I saw that it could measure perimeters and that is precisely what is giving me problems.

When I want to modify a measurement I enter it correctly, however it is not applied, and some measurements are even modified.

In the following case I want the bust to measure 150 cm, however when I save the change and go back to check, it measures 116 cm, very far from the measurement I need. What could be the cause of this problem and how can I correct it?

Regards and thanks.


1912 x 985 - 590K
1915 x 988 - 593K


  • Is that the only property you are adjusting? Which morph is it using? Figure Metrics (the script you are using, which is built to use the Measure Metrics plug-in) works by adjusting the targetted morphs for each selected measure to try to get a match for the desireed value, but if the morph is not suitable (unlikely here since it is having an effect) or if the shape is being affected by another morph pursuing a different target value it is possible for the process to yield unhelpful results.

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