How to put dforce hair from She-Wolf on Genesis 9?


I know that there are some topics about dforce stuff from genesis 8 to genesis 9, but they didn't tell me much about this question I"m going to ask. I was wondering is there a way to put the dforce hair on to genesis 9? I got the parts like feet and hand on genesis 9 no problem then I add the dforce hair onto the genesis 9 and try rendering it, the dforce doesn't show up at all? But, it shows on Genesis 8 female though. Can someone please help me with this? Thank you


  • dForce Hair can only be generated from the geometry/surfaces it was originally created for. With (head) hair products that use a scalp, that scalp can be refitted, but with a full body hair it's almost certainly generated from the figure itself.

    As such, in order to use a full body G8 dForce hair on G9, you would have to turn G8 into a bodysuit for G9... however, the reason that most products don't already use a bodysuit like this is that it has a lot of limitations and drawbacks.

    In practice, the challenges involved mean that if you have to use a specific dHair, my experience is it's probably more practicable to move the other resources you need to G8 rather than get the hair to G9.

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