Need some Help with Custom G9 Morphs

I'm hardly a novice when it comes To Daz and custom morphs, but I am new to G9. I've been having issues with a bodymorph i've been experimenting with.

Both the Body and Head Morph seemingly get aplied without Issue (img 1), but, doing some quality controll with some expressions revealed that anything beyond the neutral state has the eyes pop out, and jaw get mangled (img2). Even something as simple as opening the mouth will quickly cause the model the resemble your average Alabama inhabitant (img 3).

From what i can tell it definitly seems to be the body rather than the head is because without the bodymorph aplied, all expressions and such work fine even with the headmorph on (img 4). with the bodymorph on and headmorph off, the mangeling begins again.

Google has been no help, other than tell me that the seperate eyes and mouth for G9 can lead to a variety of issues while remaining vague about whether one of those issues is what i'm dealing with.

I'm certain i did something wrong somewhere, I just can't figure out exactly what. Without a diagnosis, I have no way to fix it. It could be something stupid and simple, but i can't figure it out.

If anyone could help me find out what the hell went wrong, that would be much apreciated.

586 x 586 - 162K
584 x 587 - 246K
659 x 657 - 213K
585 x 584 - 199K


  • One or more of the morphs you are using needs to have the figure's rigging adjusted to match the final shape - as it is the centres of r otation don't match the new positions of the mesh. Are these your own morphs or thrid-paryu morphs or a mix?

  • Oh my god the Rigging. I Completely forgot about adapting the rigging. The body i made is a whole head shorter than the original. Of course the rigging is Effed. I'll try it out. See if I was really that dumb. Thank you.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,117

    As you said, if only with Bodymorph dialed, you still see the mangled result, Adjust Rigging to Shape might not be the culprit or the only culprit... as a Bodymorph shouldn't affect the expresions or poses on the head... depending how you shaped or sculpted and splitted body / head morphs

  • To bring a Satifying Conclusion to this Story, Yes it was the Rigging. Let this Thread forever stand as a Symbol to all who try and Make their own Morphs and forget to adjust their rigging.

    Edit > Figure > Rigging > Adjust Rigging to Shape...

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