Fall Hedgerow Kit (3) Released Today (commercial)

The Third Hedgerow kit full of vibrabt fall colors and dripping with autuminal fruity goodness is in store (with dioscounts) today!


Hedgerow Kit 3 - Fall Hawthorne Hedges Brambles and DogRose  is the prefect compliment to my other two Hedgerow Kits -  Hedgerow Kit Bundle with its late spring to summer flowering hawthorne , dog  rose and brambles , and the Hedgerow Kit no 2 - Winter Hawthorne Hedges with frosty shaders and bare twigs, and the odd berry too! 

This is a huge bundle of plants including new brambles with fruit, dogroses with hips and of course hawthorne bushes and small trees covered in fall colors and bright berrys. These are quite high poly models (furit makes for that) but could be used in moderation in Ultrascenery or instancing apps. The bundle comes with individual plants for all three species whith different material presets to choose from for each one, plus ready made hedge secctions saved as scene subestes making them eidtiable and adjustable too! 




  • What?!? Been sneaking into our scruffy garden & taking notes & photos? Stop it! wink

    TBH, that bottom left tile of the image looks exactly like the brambles & dogroses in our Kent garden at the moment. It's simply too real to be true. In some ways I hate them - as I can never walk round the garden without shedding blood, but they're fantastic for the wildlife. Fruiting brambles at the moment are not so realistic - July is more normal here - but not too far off for my dad's place end October.

    Thankyou sir.



  • We were having blackberries in September and even a bit into October I think (not sure of the days to be exact), in Sussex, but it has been a weird year.

    Anyway, these are very welcome - thank you.

  • Another image from the collection.....

    Hedgerow Kit 3 - Fall Hawthorne Hedges Brambles and DogRose


  • davesodaveso Posts: 7,108

    hopefully a bundle soon. hint hint. 



  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,223

    Went right into my cart yesterday and thankfully I remembered to check out by end of day. I have used Alienator Pro II on every plant package I own of yours, except the too HD ones. And rediscovered some I forgot how lovely your older work is. They stand the test of time. Thank you. 

    While the inside of my apartment complex has changed most of the grassy areas to rocks and a few ugly non-appropiate regional bushes, the outside does have bushes that are seasonal and appropriate to the Denver locale, so berries, brambly bushes, and green spiky leaves are a treat through the fall (now late summers) into the winter. We are (maybe) supposed to get snow or very cold rain for Halloween next week. But right now we are in a great gold/orange display from our trees lining the streets.


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