Kayden hair?

I don't use Daz Studio that often, so I can conside myself a newbie.

Now, until now I had no issues with any figure that I've purchased, but I just got Kayden (https://www.daz3d.com/kayden-81) and there's no way I can find the hair that is in the promotional pictures - the figures is bald and I don't have a clue of how to activate the hair, assuming it has any. All other figures had hair, but for this one, I can't find it. It's a bit disappointing that such an expensive figure does not seem to have any hair.

Anybody can help? Thank you in advance.


  • Characters very rartely include hair, if they do it is usually called out in the product name.

  • Those chaaracters then indicate the resources they've used in the promotional material.

    In THIS case, of the 28 promotional figures, ONLY ONE has no hair. I feel cheated, specially with such an expensive character.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    ramon_6c3e0c8b said:

    Those chaaracters then indicate the resources they've used in the promotional material.

    Resources used in promo pics aren't always listed on product pages, for various reasons (eg the product is not sold here or even not available for sale at all, the vendor hired someone to do the promo pics and has no idea what was used in them, product used was modified so heavily that knowing what the base was would be useless, and so on).

    A "character" sold here is typically one or sometimes several morphs and associated skin textures and materials, nothing else. If hair is included it will be explicitly listed in "what's included" section on the product page. As Richard mentioned, it will also usually be mentioned in the product name.

    If you're unhappy with your purchase, Daz has a 30 days moneyback guarantee, no questions asked. You can ask for a refund by opening a ticket to sales support in help center.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    What do you mean by "all other figures had hair"? Very few characters include any hair beyond eyebrows, and sometimes facial hair, maaaaaaaaybe fibermesh eyebrows or specialty items like that. As said above, if a character does come with hair, it usually clearly says so.

  • ramon_6c3e0c8b don't dispair, it can happen to some us when we are new and no idea how is everything in the store.

    Some of us, have to buy apart from the characters; clothes, hairs, environments, poses, props needed to create the kind of illustrations we want to do.

    If you need some of the resources but can't afford it, put them in the wish list and wait for a good deal to appear and buy what you need.

    There are some free resouces every two weeks "freebies" you can get here at Daz.

    Also, you can look for free resources somewhere else, jusst go into the Freebies forum section and find out more.

    Good luck!


  • Thanks for all the feedback. It was too much work to redo all that I had already done, so I just bought some additional hair. The cover for my next book is now almost ready. I did a quick render, and it seems OK, so now i?m getting the high-quality render, now going on for over 12 hours.

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