Any updated manuals on the daz system


is there any updated manuals on the daz system out there?

Larry Liles



  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,958

    Pretty sure there is no up-to-date written documentation anywhere. You're better off searching out newer videos on Youtube or in the store.

  • There are new features threads stickied at the top of this forum, and there are the changelogs

  • golem841golem841 Posts: 137

    To be really honest, Daz Studio is awfully lacking a real up-to-date manual.  Sure, there are some paid tutorials, but many are a generation or 2 late.

    For instance, and even if I really love Howie Farkes products, nowhere else I saw I had to pay for a tutorial to use a product.

    I will not elaborate on G9 : even if I clearly understand the interest of the unimesh process, I'm dubious if it's the main core of your customers.

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