Reverse Deformation by Script

Any chance anyone knows if there is an existing function for applying reverse deformations via script?  I've scoured DzMorph, DzModifier, and DzMorphDeltas, but no luck so far.  There is an "ApplyInverse" function in DzMorph, but that doesn't seem to be wrapped (or I haven't figured out how to use it) and I'm not sure that has anything to do with reverse deformations (seems more likely it is what it sounds like, the deltas inverted).


  • Couldn't you just tell it to call the morph at a value of -1.0 or -100%?

  • Unfortunately not in this instance.  The particular issue I'm having is with creating new morph deltas for a posed character.  The deltas are caluclated in world space based on the cached geo for the posed figure.  This works fine until the scene is saved and reloaded.  On reload, the deltas are applied to the unposed, base geo, which means the deltas are no longer valid (long story short, the morphs look wonky).  I've been able to work around it for now.  I've got a PostLoad script that identifies the custom morphs and reapplies their deltas.  This works, and it's pretty much invisible to the end user, but I'm still wondeing if there's a more efficient way to do it.  I also tried creating the WS deltas, zeroing the figures pose, forcing a cache update, and recalculating which seemed, in theory, like it would work.. but it didn't :-P

    I'm wondering now if there is some way to execute Morph Loader Pro silently.

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,626
    simtenero said:

    I'm wondering now if there is some way to execute Morph Loader Pro silently.

    I'd be interested in being able to do this via script, too.

    - Greg

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