save figure

You know or I can find information to save a figure ? 

I manage to export my morphs create with blender with save as/support asset but not the materials. 

How to stack all of this? there is a function present to stack a figure with these morphs and materials ? 


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,851

    Once you have the morphs saved as assets you an save a Character preset that will apply both shape and materials (in fact you can do that even without saving the morphs as assets, but then it will work only if used to load a new figure rather than to modify a selected figure in the scene). Though if you are exporting a morphed shape to Blender, modifying it, and importing as a single morph don't forget that you can't share it and you are losing all the joint and morph adjustments from the original morphs.

    Keep an eye on the Public Build too as that is adding a nw persona preset that will not only save morphs and materials but also wearables like hair and clothes, allowing you to save a complete character set up.

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