Removing all Daz components from C drive to reinstall on D drive

I was involved with Daz a few years ago when I wanted to move it to D and at that time I was warned by techs here that I might not be able to get all the components from C to D. I ws able to move the Studio and Daz Central over, and they worked, but I see that now I have 12 GB of Daz still on my C drive, and it's at max. I installed the DIM to upgrade Studio and it installed to C too. I was not given a choice as to where to install DIM. So now DIM, Studio and Central are all back on my C drive. Central won't even open. It's giving me a fatal error. And Studio opens, but crashes when trying to open a product. DIM is the only thing that seems to be opening and working properly. I think I must have some conflicts going on with Daz now being on both C and D drives. I would like to remove everything and start over, only using my D drive. Is that possible now? Can I make sure in some way that they all install on D if i uninstall and reinstall?


  • You should get a choice of where to put DIM when installing it, though it is small (50MB). The only things that cannot readily be moved are the AppData folder entries, which in my case are about 12GB but 10GB of that is the (movable, and I thought moved) database.

  • Hi, Richard, thanx for answering. Yes, the AppData folder is where the 12GB is. Is it possible to establish an AppData folder on the D drive? (i have a feeling it's not) 

    Otherwise, how do I know what 10GB of that 12 is moveable?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,851
    edited February 13

    Change the Content Cluster location in DIM or DS (Edit>Preferences>CMS Settings in DS, for example) and then go to

    %appdata%/daz 3d/cms/

    and move the ContentCluster folder to the new location (with DIM, DS, Carrara and anything else that might be using it closed).

    You could also go to Edit>Preferences in Daz Studio and move the temp folder - though that will, of course, be emptied by DS anyway.

    Edit>Preferences will also allow you to move the DSON Cache.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Thanx, Richard, but after opening Studio (didn't crash this time, but I didn't try to load the large file I did last time) and finding it wouldn't load my created .duf files, or find certain files (like clothing) for my downloaded Gen 8 models, I'm worried about trying to move everything and make all the correct folders for stuff on my D drive. 

    Would there be any problem in just uninstalling everything I now have on both the C and D drive and starting all over? Like I said above, the tech said there was a possibility I wouldn't get everything, but is that still the case? This was several years ago when they gave me that advice. I'm hoping an uninstall would be cleaner now.

    Since all of the products I've bought are online with Daz, and I really don't have anything that important in the program that I want to keep, I'm wondering if that might just be the easiest way to go.

  • The risk would be stuf you created or modified yourself, and also you may have issues if theer are add-ons that point to old-style (.daz format and associated asset files) content that is now updated (.duf and associated asset types).

  • no, i don't have any add-ons except Animate, and it's still in my products online. i didn't do any creating or modifying that i care about keeping. so i guess i'll try this uninstall. thanx for hanging in there with me, Richard. i'll reply back here to let you know how it all came out.

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