What happened to properties?

RodrijRodrij Posts: 157

I used to be able to edit properties of slider values by clicking on the cog symbol > properties and edit the max, minimums and increment values etc. Now all I see is Favorites, lock, Hidden and reset value which are all useless and redundant when  you literally have the lock and favorite toggle symbol right next to the cog.

All I want to to do is change the exposure increment to 0.1 instead of the ridiculous 1.0 default.

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  • Parameter Settings are not exposed on some propeties where they are present between sessions but do not carry adjustments over, to avoid potential confusion. You can enable them through Window>Workspace>Customise. by dragging the command from the left into the relevant context menu(s). This has been the case for soem time, and was discussed at length when it was introduced.

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