Help with creating clothes, a house and other stuff

jflum01jflum01 Posts: 1

Hello, first off let me say I am new to forums and I've only been playing around with Daz on and off for a couple years. More so now that I am retired. I find the artistic capabilities fascinating. So far I have limited myself to making different G3 and G8  figures, posing them and rendering them. Now I would like to make a scene and eventually a story or comic. I have used the clothes, houses and other stuff available for sale on Daz but I’m not happy with the limited selection of some items. Since I am retired and I have the time I’m thinking I would like to try making my own clothes, buildings and other stuff.

My question is where to start? What program would be best to do this in? Or is one program better at making clothes and another is better at making buildings and other stuff? I have heard of programs like Blender , Zbrush and others but i know little to nothing about any of them. Plus I already have Hexagon from Daz, but I don’t know if that is worthwhile spending any of my time learning it. Especially if I should be using and learning something else. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

The quality of the renderings using the G8 figures are so good I what the environment they are in to be equally as good, or close to it. Plus the story line I’m thinking of doing needs some specific clothes, rooms and scenes that are not available. At least I haven’t been able to find them.


  • Halcon BlueskyHalcon Bluesky Posts: 583
    edited 6:09AM

    jflum01 Have you got Daz Studio installed on your computer? If not you need to download Daz Intstall Manager (DIM), this is the interface installer for Daz Studio and all the required modules to work properly.

    Now there is plenty of stuff here, a bi-weekly freebies and items in the store to buy.

    I know there are many things that are needed, Figures, Hairs, Clothes, Accesories, Props, Poses, Environments.

    So its up to you to decide what do you need.

    Browse the store, have an idea what do you really need.

    Also, if you are short of money, find places that offer free stuff, some of them are:


    It has Free stuff and items to buy in the Marketplace.

    It has 3 types of licenses

    Commercial or Non-Commercial Use

    Non-Commercial Use Only

    Standard License


    It has free stuff and an store to buy items. 

    The licensing is almost similar to the above site: 

    Extended Use is ok for Commercial and not commercial use.

    Extended Use (IP Restricted) is limited to an Editorial use only

    Personal Use Only and Personal Use Only (IP Restricted) These are restricted and cannot be used for commercial purposes.

    Buying here at Daz is a no brainer, it has very good things, just plan your budget and look out for some good offers.

    Learn how to use Daz Studio via tutorials included into the program or via this page

    I am using it as a hobby, I have learned many things while using it, still I find something new to learn and apply it.

    Forget about Blender or Zbrush.

    Blender is free to use, the learning curve is attrocious, I can't even use it.

    Build your skills with Daz Studio and you can do many good things.

    Good Luck!

    Post edited by Halcon Bluesky at
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614

    I personally prefer Carrara but since you have Hexagon

    many very good PAs use Hexagon to make both props and clothing

    DZfire and Arki are 2 I can think of right away

  • rosselianirosseliani Posts: 378
    edited 6:54AM

    IMO Blender is the best free modeling software. First steps in Blender can be a little scaring, but once you're in it, it gets addictive! Online documentation is rich and the Blender community has nice forums.

    Happy retirement!

    Post edited by rosseliani at
  • rosselianirosseliani Posts: 378

    Halcon Bluesky said:

    Forget about Blender or Zbrush.

    Blender is free to use, the learning curve is attrocious, I can't even use it.

    Build your skills with Daz Studio and you can do many good things.

    Good Luck!

    Why discourage people from learning what You find difficult?
    Yes, the first steps in Blender can take time, but once you understand the basics, Blender becomes a powerful tool for building props, making hair and clothes, making morphs for your characters, unvrap and edit UVs to optimize texture maps, and offers countless other useful features.

    Have a nice day!

  • Halcon BlueskyHalcon Bluesky Posts: 583

    rosseliani My own experience with Blender software is disastrous!

    I have tried to learn how to use it, is a total failure!

    And you said the program is addictive, how come?

    The videos aren't even specific how to learn to use it.

    I believe old folks like jflum01 will find intimidating to use it as well, he can try his hand, just don't expect overnight miracles.

    Take this as a constructive discussion, I don't want to make this opinion look as pesimistic, in other threads in the forum there are negative views of Blender.

    If the program were made user friendly, it would gain many users.

    When new users start getting to know Daz Studio, is not easy at first, but the program has an in-built tutorials and there is another online tutorial complementing the built-in one.

    It takes time to get the know-how, build the library assets with Free and Paid products.

    And not all of us can master the full features of the software, a few can reach better levels of understanding how to use Daz Studio to the fullest.

  • jflum01jflum01 Posts: 1

    Thanks for the feedback so far. To help clarify, yes I have DIM and have searched the Daz store and purchased a few items.

    The main issue I have is there is limited environments of homes, hotels and resorts. Specifically something that would resemble a mountain retreat / ski lodge or a lakefront home. Something that has a big great room with exposed wood beams and a 2nd floor that overlooks that room. Or a high rise apartment / condo or even a big luxury hotel room that has a balcony that looks good that I could have overlooking a city or ocean.

    And then some of the stuff  I have found, purchased and used is kind of poor quality.  The people I put in the render are too lifelike or real looking for the toonish surroundings. I’m sure that would be fine for the G1 or maybe even the G3 characters but the quality of the G8 is so much better. And now they have a G9 that I haven’t even started to play around with. I’m assuming that one will be even better.

    Plus I have only been able to find one scene for a cruise ship, the ship pool scene,  and only three different yachts. Two of them are unusable for what I want, one of them is actually pretty good and I have it now, but even it is a little toonish. But I make it work for now.

    The same goes for the clothes. Although there is a large selection, some of it is to toonish for the actor. And sometimes I can’t find the exact piece of clothing I’m looking for. Like a realistic corset with the strings in the back. I found one that looks close to what I was looking for but it looks like it belongs on a G1 figure, and it doesn‘t have the ability to morph, I can’t tighten or loosen the strings at all.

    I have even looked on a couple secondary markets for houses, buildings and clothes but they seem to have the same or similar items as the Daz store. So unless you all can direct me to some other web sites that I may have missed, ones with other / higher quality items, I figure my next best step is to create my own. So far it sounds like I should get Blender.

    I’m assuming that Daz and Blender are compatible when putting a scene together and rendering it. Which one would I use for the final render? Do I import items from Blender into Daz or would I import my Daz figures into Blender?

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614

    well I started in 2009 using Google Sketchup which was free with no computer experience whatsoever let alone 3D modeling 

    sadly Trimble bought it and it's ridiculously expensive now

    I moved from there to Carrara, back then using iClone and  Poser

    clothing wasn't something I really did, just props but now that's fairly easy too in D|S4 with Genesis# figures and Dforce, you can literally even drape simple shapes and have them look good

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614
    edited 2:38PM

    this might suit you then too

    I haven't used it but for houses it's popular 

    are tutorials on Youtube

    looking it's as easy as Sketchup or Architools in Carrara yes

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz at
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