DAZ|Studio 4.5 wont' save .DUF

Geek In PinkGeek In Pink Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

This is weird but lately DAZ|Studio 4.5 hasn't been saving any of my scenes after I render or when I add things to the stage. It opens a window and lets me input the filename but when I go to press save it doesn't save at all.

I am curious is this a bug or is there a way to fix it. I'd be grateful if anyone can help me to solve this problem, it's really annoying.



  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    What leads you to believe that the scenes are not being saved? Where are you saing them to, what folder?

    If this was a common problem, we would have heard of it by now I think. What OS are you using?

  • Geek In PinkGeek In Pink Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    When I click save it doesn't work, it doesn't even says it's saved of appears in the My Documents folder.

    I am using Windows 7 32bit OS

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    You are really not giving much information to work on!

    When you save as a DUF, you get a Windows dialogue asking you where you want to save it. You select a folder, click on Save, and that is the end of the dialogue, it will not tell you that it has saved anyway.

    When you click on Save what happens exactly? Have you looked in the Log File just after this has happened, Help > Troubleshooting > View Log File?

    What items are in the scene when you are trying to save it?

  • WilmapWilmap Posts: 2,917
    edited December 1969

    I use to have that happen in DS4, after telling it where to save etc, I clicked on the Save button but nothing happened, it just sat there. I found that had to just leave it and wait until it did whatever it needed to do. Sometimes 5 minutes! Think it must have been something to do with memory.

    perhaps this is also your problem.

  • Geek In PinkGeek In Pink Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I am bad at explaining things but whenever I click the save button nothing happens at all, and when I click cancel it shuts the dialogue box and when I look in the My Documents folder I don't see the file and when I try to save it again It still won't work in any other folder.

    My computer specs are as followed
    Windows 7 Home Premium
    Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Service Pack 1

    Rating: 4.6
    Processor: Intel (R) Pentium(R) CPI G850 @ 2.90GHz 2.90GHz
    Installed memory (RAM): 4.00 GB (2.92 GB usable)
    System type: 32-bit Operating System
    Pen and Touch: No Pen or Touch Input is available for this Display

    Not sure if this helps as I copy/pasted this from the system information section of my computer.

    So I am not sure if it's because the OS just doesn't like DUF files or if DAZ|Studio 4.5 hates Windows 7 or something. I guess I'll downgrade back to 3.2 of DAZ|Studio if this keeps up.

    In the scenes I normally have an Aiko3 mdoel, The Hairstyle I chosen (normally the Jonia Hair), The Victoria 4 Ice Skating Outfit (Converted to fit Aiko3), and a Cube Primative that I was using as a stool for Aiko3 to sit on the way the models in the magazines pose.

    When I went to save the scene it doesn't save and for some odd reason if the scene is empty without any models, props. ect it save the blank stage. So I am wondering if this is a glitch or if DAZ|Studio is not built for my computer to accept it. I've never had problems before with the older version but this newer one is more trouble than it's worth.

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    It sounds to me that you are not giving the Scene enough time to save. Click on the Save button, and leave it for a while to see if anything more happens, pressing cancel will do nothing but cancel the save.

    You could try saving the scene with just A3, then try with A3 and the Hair. Something may be causing a problem.

    Have you managed to save any other scenes?

    Did you look in the Log File to see if there is anything in there?

  • wooridooriwooridoori Posts: 9
    edited September 2012


    Post edited by wooridoori on
  • edited December 1969

    OK guys It is not just him. I recently upgraded to daz 4.5 and when i first save a scene it saves as a .duf instead of a .daz. when I then open the resulting .duf file and make changes or add items and then save them, when I go back to reopen the duf file it did not save.

    I have tried saving save as, I have saved and waited till it says its done. I have tried clicking new and then choosing to save scene at the prompt then waiting till it finishes saving and clears the screen, Heck I have even tried closing the program choosing save scene at the prompt and and them waiting till the whole program closes down then reopening daz and opening the scene i just saved and still nothing that I changed from the original save was kept. It's right back to the way it was before I spent an hour editing the scene. I have tried it with several different files and the only way I can get it to save the changes is to give the file a whole new name which of course leaves me with multiple copies of the same file cluttering my file system and that is not for making a Happy camper.

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    I cannot replicate that behaviour at all, on Win 7 64 bit. I have saved a scene, as a test, four times, each time adding to the scene. I have pressed 'New', reloaded the scene, and it is as it should be. I also added more things, exited DS4, reloaded DS4, reloaded the scene, and once again, it was as it should be. Do you always get a warning about overwriting the previous file when you save with the same filename?

    Where are you saving your Scenes to? Does the Log File give any indication taht it has not saved correctly?

    What version are you using, Help > About DAZ Studio? Is it the 32 bit or 64 bit version, and what OS are you using?

  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,886
    edited December 1969

    Going on a bit of a wild hunch but if you go "Edit > Preferences > General tab" do you see anything in the authorship information window ?

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    I saw a post in these forums where that was put forward as a possible cause for Save/Save As problems, but I don't have any authorship information in my Preferences either, and I don;t have any problems saving. It is possible that it could be a problem for some users on some setups.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,882
    edited December 1969

    The only thing authorship does is allow you to save your own scenes without having to go through a file dialogue. Without authorship info every save works as a save as. Not being able to save at all sounds like a different issue.

  • edited December 1969

    good morning folks

    first off thank you for the help. now on to it. I am using win 7 64 on a athlon p340 2.20ghz with 4 gig mem. my literary is on an external 500 gig Western digital my book . the problem i seem to have narrowed down to files that were originally saved as .daz files that i have modded and then re-saved as .duf''s . when i go back and mod them some more by adding content that was saved also as .daz when i try to save it says do i want to overwrite the previous file. I answer yes it finishes its stuff and when I go back and reopen the file I find it did not save any of the previous changes.

    my situation is that i am in the middle of making a commic book and have many sceans and charicters saved so I don't have to make them from scratch each time I make a new page. as I start a new page I pull up a sean and then add charicters. change clothing and so on and so forth. not all of this can be done at one time so i have to save and come back later to finish and what I am finding is all the work I do in the previous session is not getting saved . very frustrating.

    I hope this helps you to reproduce this bug and you can help me out.

    btw there is no error message ond no indication of a problem in the log file.

  • edited December 1969

    also no I do not have any authorship

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited September 2012

    seratfsg said:
    good morning folks

    first off thank you for the help. now on to it. I am using win 7 64 on a athlon p340 2.20ghz with 4 gig mem. my literary is on an external 500 gig Western digital my book . the problem i seem to have narrowed down to files that were originally saved as .daz files that i have modded and then re-saved as .duf''s . when i go back and mod them some more by adding content that was saved also as .daz when i try to save it says do i want to overwrite the previous file. I answer yes it finishes its stuff and when I go back and reopen the file I find it did not save any of the previous changes.

    my situation is that i am in the middle of making a commic book and have many sceans and charicters saved so I don't have to make them from scratch each time I make a new page. as I start a new page I pull up a sean and then add charicters. change clothing and so on and so forth. not all of this can be done at one time so i have to save and come back later to finish and what I am finding is all the work I do in the previous session is not getting saved . very frustrating.

    I hope this helps you to reproduce this bug and you can help me out.

    btw there is no error message ond no indication of a problem in the log file.

    I am not really clear what you are doing here

    the problem i seem to have narrowed down to files that were originally saved as .daz files that i have modded and then re-saved as .duf''s . when i go back and mod them some more by adding content that was saved also as .daz

    How are you adding the content? Are you merging a .DAZ file into a .DUF file? That may be your problem. Why not open and save any .DAZ files that you want to use as the new .DUF files first, then try merging them?


    I just tried this myself. If I open a .DUF scene file, and merge in a .DAZ file, it save for me as expected when I resave it again.

    Post edited by JimmyC_2009 on
  • edited December 1969

    yes what I do is open a file that is a daz file and make some changes then save it. It save fine . say it is a file of a room scean. then I open a diffrent .daz file of a person and make changes also, then merge the .duf of the original room with changes to the daz of the person. now I hit save and since it is a .daz file it askes me for a name. I select the .duf file of the room and it askes if I wish to overwrite i say yes. it dose its thing and then i hit new. wait for the scene to clear and then open. I select the .duf I just saved and when it opens none of the things I just merged into it were saved.

    I hope that maks things a little clearer.

  • edited December 1969

    I will try that but it will take a few minutes I just reinstalled daz 4.0 so i could work today. i will have to reinstall 4.5

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    I would merge the DAZ file into the DUF file, rather than the other way about, although I just tried this and it makes no difference to me.

    When you get the merged scene the way you want it, don;t save it with the same name, use a different name, say add '_1' or '_2' to the end of the filename. When I am creating a scene file, I save it quite often, but si save it incrementally, that is to say, I save each one with an incremented number, so taht I can go back to any previous version of the scene. It is not a great idea to overwrite scene files anyway as a general rule.

  • edited December 1969

    I'm trying that as we speak

  • edited December 1969

    yes merging a .daz to a .duf works. but for some reason the other way around will not on this machine. go figure.

    I have one more small problem that you might be able to help with. if not its not to bad to deal with.

    in one of my .daz scenes i have a room with many props i have all props parented to the room so if i need to move the room to a new location to fit it to something else it all moves as one. when save this room as a .duf the light fixtures end up moved to a new location but the parameters numbers say it is in the same place as it was. when i select the lights fixtures in the scene tab the bounding box is were it supposed to be but i have to move the fixtures some 800 units to th plus side ( or right) to get them back were they were. this moves the bounding box and manipulator way out of the view.

    any Ideas?

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    Are the lights parented to the Null as well?

    When you move the Null to move the props, do you then move the lights to where you need them bfore saving the scene?

  • edited September 2012

    Honestly no they are not . I'm not using a null at all Its not the lights themselves I'm having a problem with. they stay were they belong. it is the fixture pros that a re parented to the room base i have not added lighting to the scene yet.

    Post edited by seratfsg_6f158022ff on
  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    I am not sure what is going on, but DS4 has a recent new 'Group' option which can be found in Create > New Group, it is even easier than using a Null or parenting for what you want. Select everything that you want to moave as a group, selecte create new group, and you can rename the group to smoething you will recognise like 'Room'.

    You could do the same with the lights, and create a new 'Lights' group too. It would probably work a lot better.

  • Geek In PinkGeek In Pink Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    This is really a pain in the butt...I can save DUF files now but when I reload them the hair is suddenly invisible. I am gonna probably just downgrade to 3.2 like I have been using for years. This is getting to be ridiculous that I can't get any work done because DAZ|Studio 4.5 is being a pain.

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    What hair are you saving, and what versin of DAZ Studio are you using?

  • Geek In PinkGeek In Pink Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I am using the Elvin Prince Hair and the Fairytale Hair.

    I have DAZ|Studio Pro 4.5

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    Which version of 4.5 Pro, is it, there was a problem with invisible hair, which has been fixed in the latest Beta version

    You can 'buy' it here http://www.daz3d.com/shop/daz-studio-pro-beta

  • Geek In PinkGeek In Pink Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Oh yay! It fixed the hair but now for some strange reason it says there is an error during the rendering process. ^^;

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    A lot of render messages are warnings, sometimes about shaders. What is the error message, youshould be ablt to find it in the log, Hlp > Troubleshooting > View Log File.

    If the render was produced OK, then there may not be anything to worry about.

  • RobbyBobbyRobbyBobby Posts: 325
    edited December 1969

    This is an old thread, but I hope that someone in the know reads it. I have been trying to save some of my characters that were built in 4.0 Pro in the new 4.5 duf format, but they tend to explode. I'm using Version Pro Edition 64 Bit on a Windows 7 platform. The sequence of events is that I load a previously saved scene (which is in a .daz format). I then Save As a Scene (or even as a Scene Subset) in the .duf format. One pic shows the file that I loaded. The other pic shows the explosion. This happens every time I try to save a scene. I can save a preset, but that doesn't help when I can't save the hair along with it.

    Am I missing something? Seems to me it should be pretty straight forward.

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