Shaders can only be applied to surfaces. You have to select one or more surface(s) in the Surfaces pane before applying a shader. What you are experiencing in that regard is actually correct and normal behavior!
If you uncheck the box "Filter by Context" in the lower left corner of the Smart Content pane, you might see everything. Filter by Context means that it filters out (hides) anything that is not compatible with the currently selected object. If you don't have anything selected, there is nothing for a shader to be compatible with. That is my guess.
If you used DIM it is under Shader Presets - ParrotDolphin
If using connect it seems to be in under shaders & typing pd in the search box brings them up for me (see attached screenshots)
Thank you,Tottallou.
But just can not find it.
After re-installing the product,I have found the product.
But it is still not shown on Smart Content.
Take a look in the Shaders category.
Thank you, barbult.
It is strange that there is no shader catalog under Smart Content.
PS: I have bought a lot of shaders that I thought I can only acess them from "Suface pane".
Shaders can only be applied to surfaces. You have to select one or more surface(s) in the Surfaces pane before applying a shader. What you are experiencing in that regard is actually correct and normal behavior!
Thank you, barbult.
After selecting the object to be modified, the "Shader" catalog are shown in the Smart Contents.
BTW, is that real necessary that DS hide this catalog before select an object?
Any reason?
If you uncheck the box "Filter by Context" in the lower left corner of the Smart Content pane, you might see everything. Filter by Context means that it filters out (hides) anything that is not compatible with the currently selected object. If you don't have anything selected, there is nothing for a shader to be compatible with. That is my guess.
Thank you,barbult.