How can I move trees?

tdrdtdrd Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Bryce Discussion

OK - I have my terrain and waterfall as I want it... but now am planting trees.

I've decided on the scale of them but when I place them on the board I have to rescale them every time as I drag the points to the location.

Isn't there a way I can have my tree object selected and simply move it left and right, then rotate the map to position it z and down?

There MUST surely be a way - i've planted three trees now and it's annoying to get it nearly in place and then have to stretch it's height to plant it on the ground - though I think there is a button for down.

It's basically general movement of an object without resizing. ESPECIALLY TREES and plants.

Thanks everyone for the help so far - I'm beginning to think Bryce has hope for me after all - even though it's taken me several days on this screen alone.


  • LordHardDrivenLordHardDriven Posts: 937
    edited December 1969

    tdrd said:
    OK - I have my terrain and waterfall as I want it... but now am planting trees.

    I've decided on the scale of them but when I place them on the board I have to rescale them every time as I drag the points to the location.

    Isn't there a way I can have my tree object selected and simply move it left and right, then rotate the map to position it z and down?

    There MUST surely be a way - i've planted three trees now and it's annoying to get it nearly in place and then have to stretch it's height to plant it on the ground - though I think there is a button for down.

    It's basically general movement of an object without resizing. ESPECIALLY TREES and plants.

    Thanks everyone for the help so far - I'm beginning to think Bryce has hope for me after all - even though it's taken me several days on this screen alone.

    If something is above ground then when it's select a column of icons appear along the side of the selection A for Attributes, M for materials G for group, etc. at the bottom of this column will be an arrow pointing downward. Click that arrow and it will brop the selected object to the nearest surface beneath it. So say your selected object is in the air directly above a box. Clicking the arrow once should cause it to drop to the top surface of the box. Since that's not ground though the arrow pointing down will remain and clicking it again will make the selected item drop thru the box to the ground. You can also move things around simply by selecting it and dragging it, unless it is set to locked under the attributes. If so then you have to go into attributes for the selected object you're trying to move and unselect the locked option before you can move it.

  • tdrdtdrd Posts: 0
    edited September 2012

    I know you can drop the tree to the surface --- and I know how you can select the tree by Control Click and select the tree...

    However when I click on the tree object after that (whether by trunk/leaves/box/other it simply loses the selection on the object and I have to re-select it again... this is so annoying...

    And NO it is NOT locked.

    Post edited by tdrd on
  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    Select the tree (or whatever object you want to move).
    Click the 'edit' tab to bring up the icons show below in the screen grab.
    Chose the control icon I've highlighted with a red square.
    Clicking on the extended arrows and dragging the mouse will move the selected object in the directions shown*

    * The left/right, back/forward will depend on how your camera is set in regard to North, South, East, West, Sometimes you will have to drag the left arrow to make the object move right etc. which can be little confusing until you get used to it.

    You can also select an oject and move it back, forward, left and right using the arrow buttons on your keyboard. Each click will move the object a set number of Bryce units. If you want to move it in finer increments, use the 'option' modifier in conjunction with the arrow buttons on your keyboard.

    I have also ringed the 'drop to floor' arrow in the mini menu at the side of any selected object.
    You will find that 'drop to floor' will need further adjustment with trees as they have to go beneath the ground.

    1280 x 800 - 323K
  • tdrdtdrd Posts: 0
    edited December 1969


    Let me buy you a drink!


  • LordHardDrivenLordHardDriven Posts: 937
    edited September 2012

    tdrd said:
    I know you can drop the tree to the surface

    Okay well the way you said things in your first post it sounded like you didn't know how to get it to the ground since you mentioned stretching the trees to reach the ground. That and you said "I think there is a down button" as if you were unsure if there was one or not.

    Post edited by LordHardDriven on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,535
    edited December 1969

    @tdrd - If you use the Perspective Camera instead of the Directors and set its rotation angles to X=Y=Z=0, you get a defined setup that makes placing objects a lot easier. If looking from above you see a map of your world with north on top and east to the right. The additional benefit is that you can place the sun by entering azimuth and altitude and the sun appears where you want it (and once you use IBL, it also works in a deterministic way and if you use stars, you will see our sky as in spring).

    I know, there are brycers that to not concur to my view, finding it easier to work another way. Since you are at the beginning, trying out other possibilities may help you find the one that suits you best.

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