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meh meant to post links
it embedded them which is no good
hopefully now will go to
hooray took many tries
Ditto. ,.. and glad you're not gone from the forums ...completely :)
That's great Wendy.
It opens a new way of rendering. Many thanks for the effort.
and tell digital stories imo
look at this
first 360° story afaik
a foodstorm
the 360 story does appear to be in 360 though?
amazing Wendy and very immersive I can't wait to seeing your works with a Vive or sony VR, great job indeed
The interactive 360° short story titled Pearl will be watched for the first time at Tribeca Film festival in New York through cardboards applied to smartphones
I may post a bit on just the Carrara forum still but only in response to topics/posts on Carrara and using it
just so you know,
not one for dramatic goodbyes and then comebacks, just simply trying to stay out of trouble and enjoy my favourite hobby still.
Good to read that Wendy,. :)
You're needed here.
I tend to get fed up someltimes and need a break,. or I get busy with other stuff ,. but my love of carrara keeps bringing me back here.
Glad to hear that you will still be posting on the Carrara forum.
Thanks for staying.
I look forward to learning more from your insights with the knowledge of your years of experience and lots of "playtime" under your belt.
yes its mostly in other DAZ forums I have had misunderstandings.
In the so called Off Topic threads particulary, may be cultural too, am Aussie, we like to have a bit of a dig at others and maybe misunderstood.
I will try to stay professional in my posts if possible and leave the socializing to Facebook etc.
Wow Wendy ... 1) Great VR with the 360 degree garden: leading the way with much promise! And 2) - so glad you escaped harm fromthat thrown object and hope you are still doing well. 3) - dont go!
It's fun watching your videos in the Rift - My fav so far is Foodstorm :)
D|S now has a spherical camera in the latest public beta
it can be one way to get those D|S only scenes into carrara as a BG with a shadowcatch plane
Very cool and fun stuff Wendy, your prolific creativity is always refreshing and inspiring!
Wendy, very very cool stuff. even in the 2D youtube mode, using the controller in the corner to view the various angles as the scenes unfold is pretty cool!
A couple of questions:
- 360 Workflow - do you use the Carrara spherical camera, or shoot with equirectangular views and glue 'em together, or ?
- IN Bryce-land, Horo did some 360 QTVRs with anaglyth 3D-stereo. Do you think your workflow could support 360 stereoscopic?
- DS 4.9 betas: do find that the older plugins are working with the updated beta? I keep losing functions with AoA's graphic shaders and some of the NPR rendering tools with each update... And the vendors don't tend to update them as DAZ changes APIs out from under 'em. Heck, there are still some DS3 plugins that I really wish came along with DS in the 4 series.
Any thoughts from the front-lines?
(I assume you've figured out how to work around the DS4.9 Connect 'features'?)
re DAZ studio
I do not use connect content so no.
and no many of my plugins do not work in the beta either, I use D|S 4.7 as my release build! for rigging reasons mostly, there are things I just cannot do in later versions in regard to using the transfer utility and baked rotations and getting it to work in Carrara.
and in Carrara its just the spherical camera, I render to SuperHD size, convert my images to avi with virtualdub then mp4 with Handbrake, then inject metadata with the Youtube inject exe.
there are stereo VR videos on youtube by others with top bottom images that it will play in the desired format but I do not know how to get youtube to recognise them using VR.
I'm using 4.8 for the same reason. That workflow sounds familiar - it's my current toolchain too except for the youtube inject tool - I'll probably be needing that as I get closer to 'releasing' stuff. Thanks for the update.
MCasual has some interesting 360 stuff going on in the DS realm with hints and tutorials too. Worth a look if you haven't seen his stuff and if you ever have reason to composite across Apps - especially if 4.9+ will have a spherical camera - kind of a game-changer for a few hacks I use.
FWIW, one of your recent 360 NPR animations with the line-render overlaying from Carrara was a really great effect! It was an inside sequence in a cabin of sorts and the toon/line effect was really effective at matching current animation styles. It's a path I'm heading down and knowing how well it worked for you and your videos is very encouraging!
Yeah... Wendy totally ROCKS, doesn't she? :)
I bought a 360 camera, well its 220 degrees and displays with a big black disk mapped to a sphere but one just sticks their display base for their DAZ figure there!
you could paint one in Gimp
FYI - related thread in the commons:
that camera looks like it's 360 horizontal and 220 vertical?
the image quality looks pretty crisp! What are the pixel dimensions of a typical image (and how hi-rez can it go?)?
jpeg output, video, raw?
and... what do you think of it?
I've been looking into the go-pro cubes, but that just costs a lot of money..., then gluing that all together is a bit of a trick... (new editors, etc.).
this is what I bought
only just got a microSD card for it yesterday after accidently putting my other one in my Galaxy tab SIM card slot and losing it!!!!
so not done much yet, hope to take photos and videos my rostered day off which is Thursday this week.
its up to 16MP for still images less for video 2448 x2448 at 30fps to lesser settings for longer videos, does 60 fps too but only 1440 x 1440
pretty cool specs for the cost! I'm curious what'll come out of your experiments.
re: the lost micro-SD card - I could so-see-myself-doing-that followed by the slight head tilt - saying to myself: 'really'? followed by a few other choice words...