Where did my Daz 4 content go?

Starbase 1 - NickStarbase 1 - Nick Posts: 71
edited December 1969 in New Users

Maybe I have done something dumb, but help wpould be very much appreciated!

I installed the 4.5 Daz version, and it seemed to go in OK, but when I start it, it seems completely unaware of all my old conent which I installed under version 4.

As there was a LOT of it, I really don't want to wade though a humingous re-install. Is it possible to point the new version at the old content?



  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    Did you install the Genesis Essentials Starter file as well?

    Can you post a screenshot of your Content Directory Manager, Edit > Preferences > Content Library, or look to see if the My Library folder is listed there under DAZ Studio Formats and Poser Formats.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited September 2012

    Hi . Can you see genesis essential contents, or other products in smart contents?

    if you install ds 4.5 ,they never overwrite your other contents.

    Can you find your content folda before you installed for ds 4.
    by file exproer of your PC? (of coure YOU can I think,,)

    1, I think if your cms stop.

    close ds 4.5 ,and from windows PC start menu ,
    all programs>DAZ3D>DAZcontent management service)
    stop cms , then start cms , and open DAZ studio again.

    2 .
    if you change your content folda for ds 4.5,
    cms may miss your old contents folda.

    ds 4.5 , open Contet Library tab . option,(Right click the tab )
    open content directory manager.

    select DAZ Studio Formats and "ADD", then locate your content folda (eg, mylibrary mycontents where your default content directory
    fro ds4)

    then select poser Formats and "ADD" the content folda for poser which include runtime folda,
    (do not rocate runtime folda, add "yourcontent" folda.

    if you clearly understand the correct path where you installed your contents for ds4 before,
    it seems easy to correct it.

    oh,, JImmy said before,, OK I just stuck the picture.. sorry.
    (editted the picture, sorry, not "new" , ,just "add")

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  • Starbase 1 - NickStarbase 1 - Nick Posts: 71
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for prompt responses, much appreciated!

    I attach a screen grab of my preferences.

    I searched for an old content file, and located it here:
    E:\Users\Nick\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis\Base\Morphs\smay\MrHyde

    I did NOT yet install the new free essential content, I wanted to get the old stuff working first.

    I rebooted completely and tried again, same result.

    HOWEVER! While reproducing this for screen grabs, I found that the content DOES appear in the top right windows, but there is nothing under 'people' (though there do seem to be a few other things under categories like 'props' - but not everything?)

    Now I am seriously confused!
    What's going on?


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  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    What I meant was a screengrab of the Content Directory Manager, not the tab that leads to it, it will show where DS4 is looking for Content.

    In the place where the content does show up, Content Library, there are both DAZ Studio Formats AND Poser Formats. All of the items from Genesis on will appear in DS Formats, but everything before Genesis (V4, M4 etc) will be In Poser Formats > My Library > Figures. The Content Library tab will display everything as it is listed on your HDD, but Smart Content only works if the Content Management Service (CMS) is running.

    I am assuming Windows, so look in the Task Manager to see if the CMS is running or not. If not, you need to go to Start > All Programs > DAZ 3D, and start it from there.

  • Starbase 1 - NickStarbase 1 - Nick Posts: 71
    edited December 1969

    Ah, that does make more sense. Correct grab attached.

    I also note, looking more closely at the path tp the previous content, that some of it has a version number attached:

    E:\Users\Nick\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\data\4_0_2\Namo-Suit-HR\Namo-Suit-HR\modifiers\morphs

    I tried the stop and start of the content management system, restarted Daz studio, and it didn't seem to change anything?


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  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    The library setup looks all right to me, My Library needs to be listed as both DS and Poser formats, so that is correct.

    The 'data' folder that you are looking at is not content as such, it is saved files which the .DAZ format used for saving scenes, and it will not show up anywhere inside DS4.

    You didn't say if CMS was running as a process in Task Manager, it is called ContentManagementServer.exe?

    If you are not able to see it running, or is it is not working properly, you may need to uninstall it, then reinstall DS 4.5. Do you see a small triangle after Categories in your Content Library tab as shown below? If not, you need to take the steps mentioned above, it is the only way to get a new version of CMS.

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  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited September 2012

    ah,, I think,, starbase-one say,, "I did NOT yet install the new free essential content":blank:

    you must need to install genesiss starter essential (which came with ds 4.5).

    you just install "genesiss starter essential" in your content directory,
    E:\Users\Nick\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library
    because morph for genesis and genesis need to be installed same content directory

    it contain new genesis too, and you can not use old genesis in new ds 4.5

    check it just load clothing or item of your content from content directory pane..

    eg nano suits, I think you can load it.


    I think you have uninstalled already basic contents for ds 4.0.3
    which came with ds 4.0.3 when you installed daz studio.

    you can check it , under your content folda (in your case)
    E:\Users\Nick\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\People\Genesis
    from windows exprorer

    there must be genesis.duf if you installed new genesiss starter essential.
    if you remain old basic content, you can see there genesis.dsf.

    as you know you can see the files in content directory pane,
    under DAZ Studio format\My Library\People\Genesis
    now there seems no genesis, that means you uninstalled genesis.dsf
    and other basic contents already.

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    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • Starbase 1 - NickStarbase 1 - Nick Posts: 71
    edited December 1969

    Ah, I think kitacoredaz may have it - if the new daz needs the new genesis that makes sense - I was nervous about overwriting things!

    (I know it said "essential", but all too often onl;ine retailers decribe extra junk they want you to buy as 'essential" so I have got used to ignoring the word.)

    I'll give it a go this evening when I get back from the day job.

    Thanks to all for your time and help so far, it's very much appreciated!

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    I understand well about why you nervous overwriting ,,,

    it caused torpube before me, too.

    DAZ change about install basic contents which came to ds.

    and I did not grab, if you install genesis essential kit,
    it aoutomatically remove your old basic contents or not.

    I recommend you uninstall basic content ( before they named it
    built in content or basic contents,, I do not know,,)
    befoer genesis essential starter kit for ds 4.5

    it is same, and if you installed two contents (but they change fyle dsf to duf,,)
    if it cause some duplicate problem when CMS recognize the fyle.

    about verison up ds 4.5 to ds 4.5beta , you need not worry about it,
    but I can not grab clearly when you install genesis satrter kit for ds 4.5
    your dsf files of basic contents uninstalled or not.

    somepeople do not care about it, because if you want to return ds 4.0
    they need it, but if you installed ds 4.0.3, all basic content install at same time.

    so I think it is better uninstall old dsf files of basic contents.
    if they are not uninstalled automatically.

    about your other content or other product which you buy or get,,
    there is no problem. :)

    DAZ official guy must think about document how to version up ds
    in many case. they change the way about basic content
    install or uninstall, but they did not tell it clearly.
    they just announce about their new products or new ds.
    they often forgot about people who used old ds.

  • Starbase 1 - NickStarbase 1 - Nick Posts: 71
    edited December 1969

    It all seems good now, everything seems to be working - though I still find content management very confusing.

    I agree - the software is very impressive (particularly for free) but the documentation is not so good. I hope they will put a bit more effort into that before adding new features.

    And thanks again to everyone who helped with screen shots and other stuff - it's very much appreciated!


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