Where is the Paypal option?
I tried looking for a Paypal option at the checkout, but I can only find a way to enter a creditcard.
As a Dutch person we hardly use creditcards ><<br />
So how can I pay for my membership?
I have a Paypal account but it is linked to my bankaccount, not a creditcard.
When I buy anything from the store, it shows me a Paypal option, and a credit card option. I don't remember having to register it, but i don;t even have a Paypal account now, and I never used it anyway.
I think you would need to open a support ticket, by clicking on Support at the top of the forum, and asking them to set it up for you.
It should be the screen before the Credit card info one. I get Credit Card and below it Pay Pal. It then goes to the one I pick.
Hmm, I'll try the website on my pc, it might be my Ipad not showing the link...
Nope, it's not there on my pc either.
Going to make a report ticket now.
Hope I can still grab the discount deal before it ends tomorrow ><</p>
Yes it should show like this on the 2nd screen, after you have added an item to your cart, and then clicked on the cart to start the checkout process,
Nope, I only see this.
Argh, I really want to grab today's deals, I hope the support staff responds quickly ^^
That is extremely strange. Yes do file a support ticket, and explain that you are trying to buy a limited time item, They are very helpful in Sales support.
Are you trying to buy the Platinum Club membership ?
I pay for everything in the store with Paypal, but when i purchased the PC membership there was no Paypal option, only creditcard.
Guess it has something to do with recurring payments... ?
The big problem is that DAZ 3D don't start work for another two hours (Utah time), but it's worth a try.
Indeed I am trying to buy the membership! But I read in their faq that you should be able to buy it with Paypal because there is an instruction that when cancelled, you also need to cancel the Paypal subscription manually...
Oh, of course they are in a different timezone then me, didn't think of that.
I'll keep an eye on my mailbox then for tonight.
Ah, Yes at the moment you cannot buy a membership with Paypal, until they get it sorted out, Paypal is giving problems with this. I am sorry I didn't spot that your were trying to purchase a PC membership
One way round this problem is to get a prepaid credit card and use this for purchasing a membership
One place you can get these in your country is here, there are probably others, try googling for prepaid credit cards in your country.
Thanks for the info!
I looked at those cards and they are horribly expensive.
One even asked a fee of 40 euro "administration costs PLUS 40 euro's "for handling and shipping", that's insane and it nullifies the profit I would get with the platinum membership entirely :(
Also I live in a very tiny village in the middle of nowhere, so no trainstations here ><</p>
Crap, crap, crap!
I was so looking forward to my purchases >>
I found an online creditcard that I can use and the costs aren't too high either :D
It's shopping time!