Mesh Export to 3DS Max

Hi All,


Being new to Bryce, thought someone might have experienced this berfore and knows of a fix.

I exported a terrain from Bryce, in Obj and FBX formats, imported it into 3ds max, but they won't render. Do I need to adjust settings for the object?


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,537

    jhb - welcome to this forum and to Bryce. I'm not using 3DS Max and can't help here. Bryce terrains are height maps (greyscale images) and are converted to a mesh when exported. The mesh resolution can be adjusted, also the resulting file type. The material applied to the terrain is converted to an uv-map. When importing, check where the mesh appears in the scene, maybe not just conviently in front of the camera.


  • S RayS Ray Posts: 399

    Bryce units  are not standard  measurement for any other 3D software. If you exported out of Bryce with the X & Z position anything other than 0. It is probably as Hero said "just not in 3D max's Camera view". It may also be the scaling, it could be so small in 3D max you can't see it or so large it engulfs the whole scene.


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