mcjAddSphereMorphLite - Morph anything into a sphere
February 22nd 2019 mcjAddSphereMorphLite was
updated and made safer ( for
attempts to add a morph to a
subdivided surface )
version 1 accepted to create morphs on subdivided surfaces which could render your whole scene un-loadable, !, kaput ! gone !
instructions and download link
you create a cylinder, 10 centimeters tall
you select it
you add to the selection a cube
you run the script
bam ! the cube now has a morph that pulls all the cube vertices to the surface of a
10 centimeters radius sphere, that sphere is centered where the cylinder is located
This is a script i made real quick ( because i want to generate stones)
so i did cut corners when it comes to scaling issues notably
that's why it's called Lite
this script will work the best if your object to be morphed is not scaled
moved nor rotated from it's creation-time scale/position/rotation
Since Cube UV Maps are so easy to work with
we can use a grid-aligned texture
and get neat not-too-distorted textures like this
effect of adjusting the morph strength from 0% to 100%
Creating a hemiSpgere from a Cone
Very cool
Very cool! Would this work on items of clothing? I've got some V4 clothing that lost its sphericality on transfer to G3F. So I'm wondering -- could this work on just the head area of a space helmet, for example, to restore it to its globular shape, while keeping the neck area unmorphed?
unfortunately this script acts on the whole selected figure or object geometry
it was written very fast so i didnt add bells and whistles
i have a script named mcjAddRadialMorph (also see the one named mcjAddStretchMorph)
which can "push" a subset of a figure vertices onto a Cylindrical "wall"
but by applying some of the built-in special effects, you could get it to push them against a conehead "dome"
if your vertices are not too dense and placed along layers, you could also use the standard effect and push each layer against a circle
since you'd get 1 morph per layer, you could adjust each ring very easily
i remember now how i used mcjAddStretchMorph to modify Genesis2's behind to conform to Yanet Garcia's
mcjAddSphereMorphLite was
updated and made safer ( for
attempts to add a morph to a
subdivided surface ) look like fun
i'll be updating 1 or 2 more scripts today
the next one ( mcjAddRadialMorph ) lets you squeeze or inflate objects and figures along the vertical axis like this
the 3 objects above Gabrielle ( in ger blue phase )
left to right used to be cylinder, cylinder, sphere