mcjFreezeMaterials - Waste 5% less animation renders by freezing your shaders
If you render animations on a regular basis, you noticed that many if not all Uber-iRay shaders have "canAnimate" properties.
so you tweak the UV Tiling of a surface at frame 299 thinking nothing about it
then you render your 300 frames iRay animation
and an hour later you play your wasted render
this script goes through all materials of the currently selected object or figure
detects all material properties with more than 1 keyframe
memorizes that property's current value
delete all the property's keyframes
restores that property's current frame value
download here
717 x 371 - 100K
357 x 357 - 22K
Post edited by mCasual on
Thanks you're the most inventive scripter! The exciting stuff you come out with!
So this is basically a Clear Figure+Object Material Animation function for Uber Iray users, correct?
Still haven't got into Iray yet but this should be very useful for UV and tiling tweakers like myself.
I've just returned to using DS for animation. Still re-connecting. Like, something can/not be keyed, and if can, can't see the keys on timeline.
Still blur... For example...just learned last week: not everything on timeline will be erased with Clear Figure/Object Animation!
Thanks again!