what happened to pycloid??
like the name suggested..
what happened to it?
somewhere at the end of his post (link: pycloid post )
he said it would be at the end of that month... but that was may 2011.
did i miss something???
also there is no news on his website ( pycloid )
ty for reply
If I am not misaken, F1oat was busy with his job so I guess that slowed things down.
I shall write him an e-mail and ask how he is doing.
Ty for respond^^
The unreleased PyCloid 0.2 Beta looked cool:
Does the website of his load for anyone. I remember in the past seeing it, but since this thread started I haven't been able to load the website, I just get The server at www.f1oat.org is taking too long to respond.
yea works fine here.
I guess one day out of the blue f1oat will turn up with the new version. Perhaps if more downloaders of the current version made a donation?... May not pay for the time he has actually spent developing pycloid but it would let him know the Carrara community appreciates him.
Good on you Frederic do it in your own time. Me personally I'd rather be spending more time painting but work and life get in the way - I'm sure its the same with you to.
Can't argue with that.. xD
I'd be interested in a C6 version XD If it's possible. It looks awesome, but I'm kind of broke. :P
Thank you all for your nice messages. The good news is that I have my development tools open again with PyCloid C++ code since few days ! I have to clean some parts of the code before generating a new distribution.
There will be simple fluid simulation in this release, but not yet GPU support because it requires far much work.
Stay tuned.
Excellent news, cannot wait.
GPU support is overrated anyways, quad core rules.
Excellent news!
Awesome news....this is the stuff. ;-)
HI f1oat :)
This is great new,. ..and much appreciated,.
thank you for your hard work.
I'm staying tuned :)
Your a star Frederic! :lol:
Nice!!!! can´t wait :D
PyCloid 0.2 beta has been released !
Sweet, thanx!
Fluid simulation in Carrara, excellent work.