Confused about Stephanie and Stephanie Petite

RLSprouseRLSprouse Posts: 288
edited December 1969 in New Users

I have several versions of Stephanie - Stephanie 3, Stephanie 3 shape for Genesis, Stephanie 4 Elite Base, and Stephanie 5. I see products listed for Stephanie Petite, and I see a product called Stephanie 3.0 Petite Base (Upgrade from Stephanie). Do I need this, in order to use products listed for Stephanie Petite?

Or should I forget all that older stuff and just concentrate on the newer versions?

So confusing! :ohh:


  • Canary3dCanary3d Posts: 2,022
    edited December 1969

    The story of Stephanie:

    1. first there was Stephanie, AKA Stephanie 1, and a reduced resolution version of her. The RR version is still in the store as Stephanie Reduced Resolution. There are a couple things in the store for Stephanie 1 including "Aiko for Stephanie" which was the first version of Aiko.

    2. Then there was Victoria 2 and Michael 2, but Stephanie did not get a version 2 and neither did Aiko.

    3. Then there was Generation 3. V3, M3, those were continuations of the V and M line. The Stephanie made for generation 3 was significantly different in style from the first stephanie, and was "petite." So she was Stephanie Petite but also then got called Stephanie 3 to indicate that she belonged to Generation 3 and could share certain resources with her Gen 3 friends. Aiko got an update as well, and was no longer a morph for Stephanie but was her own figure. That was Aiko 3, (who is still in the store and is awesome and everyone should get her because she's free.). If you had the Generation 1 version of Stephanie you could get the Stephanie 3 Petite upgrade, but you'd need to have Stephanie 1 installed to use it. Otherwise the standalone Stephanie 3 petite is the way to go.

    4. Then there was Generation 4. New versions of most of the gen 3 characters, with Stephanie 4 being the petite woman character. She looks a lot different from Stephanie 3 but is similar in build and "personality." She's my favorite Gen 4 character, incidentally.

    5. Then comes Genesis with Generation 5 people - Victoria 5, Michael 5, and Stephanie 5 so far. Each of these fits a similar character "niche" to their generational predecessors, but is a different iteration of that person. Stephanie 5 is a new face, new look, but a petite woman like her predecessors, and again evokes a similar "personality."

    6. Also for Genesis, there are tons of other shapes. Because we love the iconic Gen 4 and Gen 3 people, there are clones of most of these shapes for Genesis. This is a character/figure for Genesis that looks like the earlier version of that person, but uses updated Genesis mapping, joints, and features, and can be mixed like other Genesis characters. So there is a Stephanie 3 shape for Genesis that looks like the Generation 3 Stephanie Petite, and a Stephanie 4 shape for Genesis that looks like the Generation 4 Stephanie shape.

    7. If you have Gen X with the Gen 3 plugins, you can transfer morphs for any real Generation 3 or 4 character into the equivalent shape for Genesis, as long as you have the shape for Genesis. So, if you have Stephanie 4, and the Stephanie 4 shape for Genesis, you can transfer the extra character faces that come with S4 into Genesis.

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