Out of memory

Ali BozisAli Bozis Posts: 39
edited December 1969 in Bryce Discussion

I keep getting an error saying out of memory when I import from daz. I only try to import 2 simple figures (picture) but then I get the error and Bryce crashes. Does anyone know why this happens?

684 x 798 - 115K


  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    First thing to check, that you are working with both the latest version of Bryce ( and DS 4.5?

    736 x 215 - 64K
    642 x 438 - 150K
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    The latest DS is

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    mjc1016 said:
    The latest DS is

    Oops. Out of date already... Still, it does work.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    No problem...keeping track of updates/version numbers is almost a full time job.

    I've been dealing with an incredibly slow start for DS with this version (to the tune of 5 or more minutes) and have narrowed it down to something about the version of Qt and WINE not going together very well. I've been playing with different versions of things all week.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,555
    edited December 1969

    A.B.A said:
    I keep getting an error saying out of memory when I import from daz. I only try to import 2 simple figures (picture) but then I get the error and Bryce crashes. Does anyone know why this happens?

    Bryce does everything in memory and as a 32 bit application can only use up to 2 GB. Studio also uses memory when opened from Bryce. It all comes down to how much memory your system has. Open the task manager and watch memory usage, this might give you a hint.
  • Dan WhitesideDan Whiteside Posts: 500
    edited December 1969

    The "Out of Memory" error is often used for what is really "An unknown error has occurred".

    I've been having Mac problems with identical (except for the posing) duplicate figures - in my case 2 V4s which hangs both DS and Bryce when Bridged. It may be the duplicate texture maps. Haven't spent the time to figure it out.

    What I did was to select just one figure and it's clothing, hair, etc. and send it to Bryce.
    Saved that and Quit Bryce.
    Selected the second figure and sent it over.
    Now File>Merge with the first saved figure.

  • LordHardDrivenLordHardDriven Posts: 937
    edited December 1969

    Well Bryce out of the box can only work with 2GB's of memory even if you have more. If however you download and run a little utility on Byce 7 Pro called Large Address Aware which can be found here: http://www.techpowerup.com/forums/showthread.php?t=112556. After running this utility on Bryce it will extend the amount of memory Bryce can use to about 3.5GB's (provided of course you have that much to work with. This isn't a huge improvement but it does help.

    Also since Bryce does everything in memory and it has a faily large undo buffer (20 different changes I believe) then if you makes alot of adjustments to your scene before importing the content you will have even less then 2GB's (or 3.5 with LAA) to handle the import. So if you have made a bunch of changes then before you import content save the scene, close bryce then reopen bryce and load the saved scene. This will clear the undo buffer and leave you with more memory to work with for your import.

  • BrycescaperBrycescaper Posts: 148
    edited December 1969

    I'll add a few observations of my own. While Bryce works with 2GB, there are cheats you can use to free up some memory. Starting in Win 7 you can have completely user controlled amount of ram added by using SD card and or flash drives, dedicated to power boost, which dedicates the drive/card completely to ram where it stores your most often used programs in memory, freeing up main ram space. I have a Dell Inspiron 6 GB which runs almost 40-50% ram. I got out-of memory errors at 51% memory, before plugging in and configuring the SD card (2 GB) and flash card (16 GB). Now my ram can go up to up into the 70's because a lot of Bryce functions are being run off the expanded drives. This is a great help when it comes to rendering large scenes, especially DAZ-populated scenes such as my resort scenes of people lounging around the pool, sitting at picnic tables and diving in/climbing out of the water.I'm still using Daz 3.71 because for some reason DAZ 4 doesn't run on my system. I use DAZ to create, pose and import figures into Bryce, I don't use DAZ for itself. It would follow even more memory would be freed in the process of transferring figures from DAZ into Bryce if you used the 64-bit version of DAZ}Studio. If you work it right, you can expand the working space of DAZ and Bryce by allocatingsome functions to the card/drive and others to main RAM. Oh, LordHardDriven, thank you for the link above... I am so all over that :)

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,555
    edited December 1969

    I'll add a few observations of my own. While Bryce works with 2GB, there are cheats you can use to free up some memory. Starting in Win 7 you can have completely user controlled amount of ram added by using SD card and or flash drives, dedicated to power boost, which dedicates the drive/card completely to ram where it stores your most often used programs in memory, freeing up main ram space. I have a Dell Inspiron 6 GB which runs almost 40-50% ram. I got out-of memory errors at 51% memory, before plugging in and configuring the SD card (2 GB) and flash card (16 GB). Now my ram can go up to up into the 70's because a lot of Bryce functions are being run off the expanded drives. This is a great help when it comes to rendering large scenes, especially DAZ-populated scenes such as my resort scenes of people lounging around the pool, sitting at picnic tables and diving in/climbing out of the water.I'm still using Daz 3.71 because for some reason DAZ 4 doesn't run on my system. I use DAZ to create, pose and import figures into Bryce, I don't use DAZ for itself. It would follow even more memory would be freed in the process of transferring figures from DAZ into Bryce if you used the 64-bit version of DAZ}Studio. If you work it right, you can expand the working space of DAZ and Bryce by allocatingsome functions to the card/drive and others to main RAM. Oh, LordHardDriven, thank you for the link above... I am so all over that :)

    This will only speed up bootup and data that bleeds off to the page file on disk is bled off to the SD card instead - which is a huge time saver. You're referring to Ready Boost, This is no memory expansion as such and Bryce cannot use it, as no other program can - and Bryce does everything in memory and never uses the page file (unfortunately). I fell into that trap a fortnight ago and lost an afternoon testing it out after visiting http://www.ehow.com/how_4969220_make-card-work-like-ram.html - until I searched Microsoft for Ready Boot and got wiser.

    The only temporary solution to the 2 GB limit is at the moment to make Bryce large address aware, as lordHardDriven says above.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    To add a little to Horo's statement...Windows has a propensity to protect itself at all costs, which means it shuffles everything else off to virtual memory in low RAM situations...basically that means, the core components of Windows will stay in memory while the app needing the more memory or the data it is looking for are being shuffled off to virtual memory.

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