N.G.S. Anagenessis II - Revolution [Commercial]



  • HorusRaHorusRa Posts: 1,664
    edited August 2017


    Post edited by HorusRa on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,726
    edited November 2016

    ... and another Maddelirium character for V4 (poser only) - Hannah - converted with NGS Anagenessis II. This time without pores added.

    In both posts, I have used some head morphs made by Syyd from recent sales of Runtime DNA items.


    800 x 1080 - 192K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • MsteneMstene Posts: 30

    One other comparison set is rendering now, but I had pulled a previous scene I had made and tried the skin out; with some tweaks to Anagenesis 2 (translucency color and transmitted color) to replace some of the blue tone that appeared with this set up.  I'm more than happy with the results.  =D  (I should have let it render out to completion, but this was enough for me to gauge that this product is seriously good stuff).  I'm very impressed.


    1392 x 1121 - 481K
  • grinch2901grinch2901 Posts: 1,246

    I really like the results I'm getting with this product but I have a question. It seems renders are taking quite a bit longer to converge for me. Is anyone else having this issue?

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited November 2016

    I played with it for four hours over in my Art Studio thread. Starts here. Posting a Gianni now, since SereneNight found it so washed out. The characters do go greenish blue, as one other poster noted. I posted the before and after, then tweaked settings to play around with it (extensively, for hours.)  

    It's not, IMO, just a matter of putting the colors back in from the original. Several settings have changed a LOT, or are not the same, aka Scatter or Scatter and Transmit, etc. One setting that is .65 is 2.0 for example. You may have (not sure) some blowouts if you use the same colors.

    Here's my Gianni- but lots of tweaks. (Edit- I included my color palette for you.)  See bottom for original and A2R. EDIT: The light was white so as not to change the skin tones.

    And here's the color palette, took over an hour of experimenting, hope someone can find it useful (Or a good starting base for green guys and gals.)

    This was the original Gianni. Then the A2R applied. Needed tweaking LOL.

    415 x 575 - 99K
    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    I really like the results I'm getting with this product but I have a question. It seems renders are taking quite a bit longer to converge for me. Is anyone else having this issue?

    No, only about 20 seconds difference.

  • I love what this does to the skin but everytime I try to add clothes it crashes. And where do I get the free manual you mentioned?


    My shader has nothing to do with clothes. Did you have selected Genesis figure when you applied NGS or something else?

    I had G2f selected in scene then applied the G2F from NGS. After that, I added a simple dress, hair and shoes, 3 lights and rendered. Without the clothing, it rendered fine but the minute I added it, it crashed DAZ. It was definitely not a memory intensive scene. So, I reinstalled it by hand and got past that problem, and I entered a second character which made it crash again. Does this program use a lot of memory?

  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679

    I would try Iray Smart Converter on Gianni for comparison, but I don't have him. I don't think ISC messes with the color maps as much.

  • MsteneMstene Posts: 30

    Nice to see what other folks are doing tweak-wise.  I'm doing similar to Novica, but somewhat in the reverse for Translucency and SSS reflectance (reds/oranges in Translucency and Blue/teal offwhites in the SSS reflectance). 

    Here are some of the tests so far more or less fully rendered.  The skin I am using is darker in tone as you can see from the dtraight iray set up; for the out of the box render I did change to ultra low brightness to try to maintain the tone, then with custom adjustments I think I'm a bit happier, though the translucency/sss needs to come up a bit more while I would like to see the tone come a bit further down.  Over all though a great start for tweaking and learning what the shader can do.

    1600 x 988 - 418K
  • Dimension-ZDimension-Z Posts: 352
    edited November 2016








    1. Brightness Ultra Low Level

    2. Glossy Color: 0.40 - 0.60 - 0.75

    3.Top Coats:

    3a. Glossiness: .80

    3b. Curve 0: 8.00

    Natural Spot Light 6500K - White Color




    1932 x 2500 - 3M
    Post edited by Dimension-Z on
  • mgessat_f159911d19mgessat_f159911d19 Posts: 81
    edited November 2016

    This product ROCKS.

    Fantastic render! Could you please tell me "who she is" :)  - the model has much similarity to Erin from Rendo store, but seems to have more freckles, other eyebrows (or is that perhaps the effect of the NGS shader?) and a slightly modified mouth. (If it is a custom tweak it would be great if you could tell us the morph values...) (edit 2: Now I am pretty sure the model is Cailin http://www.daz3d.com/cailin-for-victoria-7 ...) And the hair is perfect for the face shape, too - which product is it? (edit: I just found it, seems to be the new Raffaella Hair...) - Thanks in advance!

    Post edited by mgessat_f159911d19 on
  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854

    I got purchased this a couple of hours ago and I have to say I am impressed. I'm going to have to have more than a few minutes of play to get what it does really sorted. And I think I will need to make some adjustments to the lights I have been using for this set up. But the skin is stunning even with just something thrown together.

  • In the case of a nude render including G3M's "joy department", how do you apply the shader in a way that coorinates the final look of the gens to G3M's ? 

  • I played with it last night (way too late). I'm disappointed that it doesn't handle GeoGrafts. It was a major pain to manually convert them. Saving as a material preset works for Genesis series characters, but if you're going from Legacy to Genesis, you have to find the matching legacy materials, e.g. 1-Face and copy & paste.    There may be an easier way and I look forward to the PA's fix script.

    As far as one-click, not so sure. I created an action for the base Iray Uber shader and a simple Ctrl-A (Select All) in both Scene tab and Surfaces and hit the script hot-key converts everything to Iray at once. And the material I'm playing with is for Poser SSS and I still haven't gotten iray results that i like as well as my Poser renders. That's one of the reasons I bought Anagenessis (both of them). So I'll keep playing.

    Question - does the Pores setting requires visible pores on the original texture map?

  • HoMartHoMart Posts: 480
    edited November 2016

    In the case of a nude render including G3M's "joy department", how do you apply the shader in a way that coorinates the final look of the gens to G3M's ? 

    There might be some ways of applying the shader to geografts like "anatomical elements", tails, horns etc.

    Someone wrote here about saving as a shader preset and after applying to the geofraft changing the diffuse maps manually

    dumb as I am, I used a different way.

    I select (after applying N.G.S.2) the torso of G3M (or G3F, G2F, G2M ....) in the surfaces tab and copy it to the surfaces of the geograft in the surfaces tab.

    Then I select torso AND the geograft surfaces in surfaces tab.

    Now I scroll through and look where the values differ and a questionmark is shown.

    Above the questionmark there are tiny gearweels - the value parameters.

    In this parameters I just uncheck the Limits - (have to ckick twice - first cklick enables them on both surfaces)

    I do this for every questionmark I find.

    After that I copy the torso again to the geograft surfaces.

    Select the surface of the geograft and replace all "torso diffuse maps" with the diffuse map of the geograft.

    Ther might be some easier way - but that worked for me

    like in this image - no "anatomical elements" for obvious reasons - but horns (whole upper head) and tail - click for full size


    Post edited by HoMart on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,726
    edited November 2016

    It brings old Michael 4 characters to iray easily - one click. Below is iray render of Aram for M4 by Studio Art Vartanian.

    Default Daz Studio lights. Background added in post.


    1280 x 1080 - 240K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • Another thing I found about the UV conversion geografts is that they have limits turned on, so a lot of the settings don't get copied. That's another thing that you have to look for and set manually.

  • Has anyone tried this with stand-alone creatures, like Horse 2 and Dragon 3? I know they're in the promotional images, but would like to see some relevant before/after comparisons.

  • HoMartHoMart Posts: 480

    Has anyone tried this with stand-alone creatures, like Horse 2 and Dragon 3? I know they're in the promotional images, but would like to see some relevant before/after comparisons.

    For stand-alone and geografts Dimension-Z announced a free "update script" and a tutorial. Till then this needs to be done manually, the scripts are for G3F/M, G2F/M, Genesis (this script is also usable for V4 and M4)

  • Please don't post texture maps.

  • Please don't post texture maps.

    Are low revolution Richard. Anyway sorry for that.
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,262

    I love that render Artini.  You can see the pores and other skin bits... the scruff and brows look very good too.. not washed out like some settings can cause! 

  • bad4ubad4u Posts: 684
    edited November 2016

    Just a quick test using one of Danae's V4 textures on G2F (Tokyo texture, Giselle shape I think) to see how it improves using iray and NGSA2. I usually don't render in iray, so I cannot compare to other conversion products, but I wanted to see some details, so image size is 1920x1920 (5MB png originally, maybe the forum compressed that) and I let it cook for about an hour.

    So far I like most of the results, but there seems to be a small problem with lacrimals which on some test renders came out greenish, some time even just a light green (e.g. with G3F Aibell), I'm not good fixing such things on surfaces tab (SSS Reflectance Tint and Glossy Color are somehow greenish there), so I had to copy/paste another iray setting for an Aibelll render while here on Tokyo it's left with what NGSA2 comes up. And (after reading Fisty's next post) I remember the teeth are often not white enough, I think too.

    Lights used were some from Pro Studio HDR, NGSA2 settings were Brightness medium, Lips makeup fix and pores high level (I think)

    1920 x 1920 - 6M
    Post edited by bad4u on
  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416
    edited November 2016

    I'm very impressed by this product.  I've been having a bear of a time getting skin to look good since "upgrading" to 4.9.. it always comes out too dark, too grey, or too orange.  This is what it did for FWSA Finley, no tweeking or adjusting from the included presets other than changing the UV back to Base G3F.  For a final render I would adjust the lips to be a bit more smooth and shiny and fix the poke-through on the hair, maybe make her teeth a little less yellow.. but really picky little things, overall the change is fantastic.  I'm a starving artist, I have like no expendable income to spend on superfluous content so I agonized over the purchase for quite a while.  Finally decided it was something that would get used in almost every render I ever made so it was a worthy outlay of funds.

    I used Dimension Theory's Real World HDR "DTHDR-StudioB" preset (which I can't find in the store right now), no other light, headlamp off.

    FWSA Finley.jpg
    1800 x 1200 - 1M
    Post edited by Fisty on
  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416

    I just ran the numbers, this product will pay for iself 10 times over in saved test render times on my next set of promos..  thank you so much Dimension-Z!  heartkissyes

  • Fisty said:

    I just ran the numbers, this product will pay for iself 10 times over in saved test render times on my next set of promos..  thank you so much Dimension-Z!  heartkissyes

    Thnx a lot Fisty. Finley is my fav model. I have done many tests with her. If you come on my deviant page you will see many render with her. Thnx again D-Z
  • Oh, this is really a nice product to have, I'm going to have fun with this one. Thank you Dimension-Z, this is really an amazing product to have.

  • Fisty said:

    I just ran the numbers, this product will pay for iself 10 times over in saved test render times on my next set of promos..  thank you so much Dimension-Z!  heartkissyes

    By the way, for more glossy lips, you can run my preset for female lips and decrease top coat bump to 2-4

  • Oh, this is really a nice product to have, I'm going to have fun with this one. Thank you Dimension-Z, this is really an amazing product to have.

    Thank you so much!

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,262
    edited November 2016

    Any advice on the lips.  The lips for my skin are pretty light, darker than the main skin but not this dark.  I even copied and applied the skin to the lips and then upped the Glossiness to give a bit of shine... still too dark.  Example and Settings below. 

    Thanks for the assist!


    Lips a bit of a bother.jpg
    1156 x 837 - 768K
    Post edited by RAMWolff on
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