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Exactly my friend!
As nemesis10 posted the wikipedia for Anagenesis. But I wanted to speak the "S" with greek pronunciation and not like "Z"! So I made "Anagenessis" with double "S".
Thank you all!
I apologize if it's been covered before, I've read through the first 10 pages and have looked at the PDF guide in the documentation center.
Run into a few things with the shader. Some getting really washed out as mentioned in those first 10 pages, but I haven't had time to play with that yet. More pressing was some character I'm going to use, some areas are getting too red, most noticeably the face. Normally I could spot that with the transparency map in Photoshop, but since it uses all the diffuse maps I don't know what to do. I've been experimenting dropping transparency down, down to .35 on the body and .30 in the face but the face is still very red. His nipples are also way too dark.
I like that the skin is less flat looking, but needs some work.
Comparison, figures together in same scene. Lights are white except a bluish rim light. Lucian 7 skin, Anagenessis 2 applied default on the left, default skin and shaders on the right. No adjustments to transparency or anything else.
ETA: Pic with the elf on the right - Same figure on left is Anagenessis 2, lighting the same with the transparency adjusted - face .30 body .35.
Here's another, this time the skin is incredibly washed out. Skin is Karen 7 with Anagenessis 1 applied, diffuse Base Color RGB 229 194 152. Right is Anagenessis 2 applied to Karen 7 skin, then the same diffuse Base Color values RGB 229 194 152. Lighting is identical, lights in scene not modified, spotlights slightly warm 6000K.
What I haven't found yet are some for dummy guides to help us out.
The PDF instructs to change some values to taste or for dark skin, is there anything somewhere simpler, like:
Skin tone issues:
Skin too red - do x.
Skin too washed out - do x.
Skin too blue/cool - do x.
Skin-Lips-Nails transparency 0.30, Face transparency 0.20. Much better, perhaps a believeable red but face still reddish. Nipples still very dark. Lighting not changed.
The problem is that beauty is somewhat subjective. For example, in your first pic of Lucian, I didn't think he looked too red at all.
It would be cool to have a guide tho. In theory, in spite of subjectivity, there is still a look that is 'best' if 'best' is defined as most appealing to the majority of people in the world.
If skin too washed out/cool, I change glossy color to pale pink, or gray, or yellow.
Also, I may also change translucency color. When using the freebie script on a prob (like clothing), I'll often change one or both of those two colors to white.
Recently, I've just been using Anagenessis as a first pass. I apply it...if it doesn't look good to me, I use one of the other Anagenessis-like products instead (e.g., those by V3D). Sometimes Anagenessis wins, sometimes V3D wins...just depends on the character and starting skin and lighting.
Yeah, beauty is subjective but I'm talking about at least quick corrective steps for number of us have run into. Too red will be subjective, but a step to reduce it should not.
I'm getting a bit frustrated as I understand (more or less) the regular shader maps and values and how to adjust them for my tastes. But I'm clueless here and the PDF doesn't help me enough. I wish I did, but I just don't have the time to blindly fiddle with dials for hours on end to get results I like.
I'd be happy enough if what I did is correct, to lower the transparency values but his nipples are way too dark. What's up with that?
Because Anagenesis 2 uses the diffuse texture maps for many of the channels, things that were "hidden" in the original texture setup, will become more apparent when using Anagenesis. I don't have the other characters you posted to test, but I do have Karen. If you look at the diffuse textures (face for example), you will quickly see the reason she is so pale when using Anagenesis 2 (the original texture is very pale). I did the image below using Karen 7 and Anagenesis 2, and made the skin darker by changing the following settings:
Translucency Color: 0.22, 0.12, 0.07
SSS Reflectance Tint: 0.36, 0.30, 0.23
Transmitted Color: 0.85, 0.060, 0.034
While I understand the requests for a manual telling users exactly what to change and when, I think it would be nearly impossible to do, because each vendor sets up their shaders differently to get the results they desire from their texture set. While individual vendors often use similar "tweaks" on their products, these tweaks can vary greatly from vendor to vendor, making giving specific instructions on how to fix things quite difficult. Basically there isn't a one size fits all solution, and while some texture sets work extremely well (those that are designed more closely to a linear PBR style workflow), some texture sets will require user intervention, and I have run into a few that simply didn't work well at all (red legs syndrome can be a very difficult fix).
As a general rule, when you have to modify settings for your own use, if it looks right/good to you, then that is the proper setting
I'm having a persistent problem; I find NGS doesn't work too well with Wet and Tan Skins for G3. Specifically, I can't seem to make Dark Skin actually keep things dark, the skin turns out much too white. And the wet look disappears.
The character is a bodybuilder (obviously) and I'm trying to make her tan, but when I apply NGS Dark Skin, she turns very pale. How can I fix this, or is this fixed in NGS 3?
From my slight experience the Dark Skin option is "for" dark skin; that is, the skin already needs to be dark and the NGS effects work from that base. You would have to use a tanned skin to start with, and if it's dark enough use the Dark Skin option, otherwise use the other option.
I get a great look for wet skin from a trick mentioned earlier in the thread. You know how it says Don't Have Surfaces Selected, go into the surfaces tab and select the skin, then apply the Lip Gloss option.
I wanna say Thank You for this great content making skin so much more realistic.
You are very welcome!
I'll have to go through some of it tomorrow, there's another thing that
Dimension-Z, can you look at my post above?
Two things - Skin tone is too red, and his nipples turned very dark. Thanks!
1.For changing red color, just play with SSS Reflectance Tint to less red value.
2. NGS works with only diffuse map. So if you have dark parts on the diffuse map, you will get dark result. But you can still use your SSS Map, if the character that you use has one!
I occasionally find it helpful to use bump map for the Top Coat bump, to add back in Normal/Displacement for those sorts of details.
I also usually set glossy back to white, but it depends... ;)
It's worth tweaking, but Anangenessis really gives you a wonderful start to tweaks.
Exactly my friend. My first thought was to create a universal shader to work with any diffuse map and with any Genesis Figure, as all of us know well that legacy characters have fewer maps (especially no specular).
But it depends of the user how many maps he can use instead of one diffuse.
Thank you!
I remember way back when the product was released there was word as to how this shader could be used on other characters, other than human and etc., e'g., creatures, animals etc.
Was the 'how to' info ever released, as I never heard anything else about it, though maybe theres been an over-sight on my part?
Go to the very first post on the first page. The link to the script has been added there.
Thank you.
Just wondering-- I used to hear you talk a lot about NGS 3 on your DA site, do you know when it's coming out?
And what will it do?:)
I have not yet waded through the 33 pages of this thread so apologies if already mentioned but I wish N.G.S. Anagenessis could cover V4/M4 as well because it is a simple way of converting to Iray.
It already does. The base Genesis figure uses V4 and M4 UVs, with the singular exception of missing the V4/M4 eye surface mat zones, which can be handled with the manual apply shader mode.... and also lets you use just about any other figure out there.
Thanks, CyberSox!
Please forgive what might be a totally moronic question but today is my first day in Daz and I just bought your awesome skin shader pack. I just noticed (unfortunately after my purchase) that the concept here is that it's all driven by a single diffuse texture. Does this mean I won't have a bump map to export or is that a dumb question? I want to take into Cinema 4D and Houdini to use with Octane or Arnold render so I'm hoping I can get either a bumb, normal or displacement for the pores so I can affect them with with my own light sources.
Again - apologies for the total n00b question!
Great product by the way! You really nailed the way the dermis naturally come through the skin!
Thanks :)
does this work on the Genesis 3 Female genitalia? I've just been playing iwth it and while I like the results on my G3F, i can't seem to figure out how to get it to apply to the gens. They look totally different.
Read above about the manual script:
1)select gen
2)select surfaces
3) apply ngs shader_new
4) apply pore strength
5) apply brightness
6)apply Freebie script
Thank you, I missed seeing the freebie script.
I think I've got another problem tho - I don't see a "ngs shader_new" in there at all. There's one in the data/cloud/1_35273/data/dimension_z folder, but not in the actual shader folder of the product. What am I doing wrong? I'm thinking this product is meant to be installed either manually or via DIM, not connect/smart content?
Not complaining, just a fun trivia:
I applied NGS2 wigh the hikey presets to the GDN Nora skin (one of my favorites) and it went completly white.
It works fine without the hikey presets.
Sorry, it has been so long since I installed. I highly recommend copying all of the those scripts and placing the copy in a new folder in your content folder (I have mine in Shader Presets in a folder called N.G.S. Manual Apply). Follow my instructions and it should work. Moreover, you can use this with every geograft, anatomy, non Daz character if you go through and apply the right shader to the right surface such as eye shader to eye etc.... It is actually as useful as the actual original script.