The Twinkies and Lime Jello Complaint Thread -- Now With More Squirrels!



  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,458
    edited December 1969

    ps1borg said:
    Lacking intelligence or common sense.
    fool - goof - tomfool - booby- dolt - imbecile
    adjective. foolish - dull - obtuse - dense - fatuous - idioti


  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,078
    edited December 1969

    ps1borg said:
    Lacking intelligence or common sense.
    fool - goof - tomfool - booby - dolt - imbecile
    adjective. foolish - dull - obtuse - dense - fatuous - idioti

    Who, me? Guilty as charged. :P
    BTW ps1borg you are nearly an Addict. (applauds)
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    The ps1borg is pushing for an addict Complaint Thread?

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited December 1969

    " I want my Make ART Button NOW"

    They're called unbiased/spectral render engines :P
    Something I mentioned once in the Carrara thread a few years back and got shot down because "no one around here would use it" XD

    Indigo, Maxwell, iray,, Thea.... Srsly, they're closest things you can get to a Make Art button.
    No fancy knobs or dials, no 128 different boxes to adjust (Vray... How I hated your render settings when I first used you XD ), just a "Render" button. Position lights, adjust camera, hit render.

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Dragons on sale at Rendo!!!!!!! And more Sixus1 monsters at RDNA!! :bug:

    There goes my stripper money! Argh! :ahhh:

    Better get rendering! And saving for that quad-core i7... :red::red:

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,984
    edited December 1969

    ps1borg said:
    Lacking intelligence or common sense.
    fool - goof - tomfool - booby - dolt - imbecile
    adjective. foolish - dull - obtuse - dense - fatuous - idioti I feel after today.

    Could have just gone with the price I had but tried to save a couple more zlotys and ended up losing everything. Now I hear it may have been one of those infamous Magento glitches. I've about had enough of this "site upgrade".

    All those months of waiting for nothing.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,984
    edited December 1969

    ...well it's 12/21 here. No rogue planet, no earthquakes, no comet, Mt St. Helens is all quiet, Rainer did not Erupt, no zombies, no locusts.

    Just as good as yesterday was a bust. Didn't sleep well the night before because of the noisy fridge, fridge then went out and has to be replaced (have to throw a lot of food away after I just dropped 50$ on the weekly shopping trip), then hesitated one moment too long to cash in on the Teens5/Snowball deal and now out an extra 20$+ (ended up getting it anyway as I was afraid the price might go up again after midnight).

    Been an expensive week, more than I wanted. Should be excited about having the Teen Pro bundle but almost feels anticlimactic. Then I looked at the DL list Take away the Mac installers and there is still something between 30 - 40 separate files. Looks like it's a full day at the hotspot tomorrow (and still have the last three files from Ecomantics to DL). Wish that they'd list the file sizes.

    Oh well, time for a bit of distilled potatoe juice.

    The World Didn't End And All I Got Was This Angry Tentasquirrel Complaint Thread
    The Dead Refrigerator Complaint Thread
    The I Missed It By That Much Complaint Thread
    The World Should Have Ended Were It Not For Another Magento Glitch Complaint Thread
    The Too Much Polska Wódka Ziemniaczana Complaint Thread

  • M F MM F M Posts: 1,388
    edited December 1969

    Give me a moment KK and I'll get you all the file sizes of the Teen Pro bundle... sorted in (roughly) product name order... there might be one or two others still mixed up in there - ie don't panic if you seem to have less files in total:


    As follows:
             6,344,272 15406_AaronYTJustinPoserCF_1.0_dpc.exe
            29,779,305 15406_AaronYTJustin_1.0_trx.exe
             6,439,071 15404_AndreaYTJuliePoserCF_1.0_dpc.exe
            40,833,780 15404_AndreaYTJulie_1.0_trx.exe
             6,522,202 15492_DeborahForGenesisPoserCF_1.0_dpc.exe
            44,822,920 15492_DeborahForGenesis_1.0_trx.exe
             6,784,912 15506_FacesOfTeens_1.0_ds.exe
             6,752,556 15506_FacesOfTeensPoserCF_1.0_dpc.exe
             6,563,347 15477_FeelingPreppyPoserCF_1.0_dpc.exe
            58,131,498 15477_FeelingPreppy_1.0_trx.exe
             8,105,853 15512_FlowerPowerPoserCF_1.0_dpc.exe
           210,062,337 15512_FlowerPower_1.0_trx.exe
             6,415,378 15466_JesseforJustinPoserCF_1.0_dpc.exe
            27,055,023 15466_JesseforJustin_1.0_trx.exe
             7,103,860 15314_MallGirlForGenesisPoserCF_1.0_dpc.exe
           201,851,046 15314_MallGirlForGenesis_1.0_trx.exe
            83,250,895 15387_PaulHairForGenesisM4_1.0_dpc.exe
             6,411,950 15379_PaxtonHairPoserCF_1.0_dpc.exe
            29,549,687 15379_PaxtonHairGeneration4_1.0_dpc.exe
            38,277,820 15379_PaxtonHair_1.0_trx.exe
             6,278,699 15462_PinkInkPoserCF_1.0_dpc.exe
            64,989,454 15462_PinkInk_1.0_trx.exe
             6,389,982 15469_PureHairCatwalkPoserCF_1.0_dpc.exe
            37,647,705 15469_PureHairCatwalk_1.0_trx.exe
             6,448,049 15504_PureHairMessyPoserCF_1.0_dpc.exe
            25,171,006 15504_PureHairMessy_1.0_trx.exe
             6,238,697 15361_RealFeelPulloverGenesisPoserCF_1.0_dpc.exe
            30,683,532 15361_RealFeelPulloverGenesis_1.0_trx.exe
             6,244,262 15467_TeenSwagPoserCF_1.0_dpc.exe
            56,191,029 15467_TeenSwag_1.0_trx.exe
             6,528,274 15513_TeenagePoses_1.0_ds.exe
             6,526,524 15513_TeenagePosesPoserCF_1.0_dpc.exe
             6,240,778 15482_TrePoserCF_1.0_dpc.exe
            43,749,814 15482_Tre_1.0_trx.exe
             6,285,322 15484_TrueLovePosesPoserCF_1.0_dpc.exe
             6,287,150 15484_TrueLovePoses_1.0_trx.exe
             6,692,563 15284_YoungTeens5JuliePoserCF_1.0_dpc.exe
            55,185,912 15284_YoungTeens5Julie_1.0_trx.exe
             6,676,841 15286_YoungTeens5JustinPoserCF_1.0_dpc.exe
            54,702,168 15286_YoungTeens5Justin_1.0_trx.exe

    Glad to hear you finally managed to get it though. Britney seems overworked atm, I've got an outstanding refund support ticket from four days ago... >_<.</p>
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,984
    edited December 2012

    ...thanks for the breakdown. This will help a lot.

    Copied it off to notepad so I can have it for reference while Downloading tomorrow.

    Wish they would still get the download filter working so I could screen out the Mac installers.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • M F MM F M Posts: 1,388
    edited December 2012

    I hear ya! ... wish they'd filter out the Mac downloads, AND put back the file sizes, AND filter out the duplicates (I _think_ it's duplicating when you get sub-bundles - I certainly noticed that my Teen Bundle files seemed to be duplicated in the Teen Pro collection), AND timeout the older files properly (I've got like 1600+ files in my Downloads - wtf?!)... and while we're complaining, also wish they'd put in the file resume support, and show proper fileNAMEs (so we can figure out if we've already downloaded the file or not - rather than some hex string).

    *phew* ~_~

    ETA: just noticed the last time I logged in... 21/12/12 12:12... :D

    398 x 138 - 4K
    Post edited by M F M on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,984
    edited December 2012

    ...well off to bed. It's late and the Polska Wódka Ziemniaczana is doing it's job.

    Most likely will awaken to a new thread tomorrow as all of you east of the mountains and Mississippi will be wide awake hours before I will.

    Brekkie will be at the corner coffee shop as the fridge has gone to that great appliance store in the sky. Lots of downloads to deal with from the Teens Pro Bundle so it will be a busy day.

    For all who expected the earth to be part of a cosmic Snooker match or bulldozed for an interstellar bypass, take heart change has happened. Maybe those Mayan's weren't as dumb as some might think.

    Take it for what it is worth, however considering how things have been going as of late, any glint of hope is a good thing.

    Nitey Nite and welcome to the next age.

    ...The Age Of Aquarius Complaint Thread

    45 x 30 - 7K
    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,078
    edited December 1969

    Nope, still have anudder page to fill.
    Complaints: Today will be the shortest day of the year and the official first day of winter. Nature is celebrating by dropping the temp below freezing so that every bone in my body can hurt.
    Nothing personal Canada, but please try to keep your cold fronts to yourselves, K? :)
    Note to certain moronic vehicle operators: staying uncomfortably close to my 6 will not get you to your destination any sooner. This is especially stupid on a 4-lane highway. There's this new fad called "passing" you might want to look into. I'm 59 so I'm aware that the speed limit is a maximum, not a minimum. (sigh)
    Non-complaints: Still not dead yet. Christmas Spirit just won't kick in, but as I'm generally jolly anyway meh. "Meh" BTW just became an official English word. We have Lisa Simpson to thank: she even gave the standard spelling used in one episode. "We said 'meh'... M-E-H." Thanks, Lis'.
    Peace out.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,147
    edited December 1969

    ps1borg said:
    I have a headache, but I have no access to any pain killers. I went to take a nap but I cannot.

    You haz clicks (nuts to achey heads) :)

    thanks and my headache is better actually gone now

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,147
    edited December 1969

    bed time is finally here!

    night nites. :)

    sweet dreams of the 10th Dr.

    doctor doctor thanks for coming to my dreams and you were lovely

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Complaint: world didn't end, had to go to work! Meh! :smirk:

    Oh well, plenty to do to keep me busy. Oh, and it hit 31f this morning after being 80f a few days ago.

    Fun weather, froze my nose off this morning waiting for the bus! Argh! :grrr:

    At least I get to go home early. :cheese:

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,048
    edited December 1969

    99 pages already?... I think I missed a lot.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,147
    edited December 1969

    Crap I went to watch a netflix streaming video, but now it is starting all over again.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 2012

    made it to work.
    complaints: i'm soaked through and through, through my (apparently not) weather proof coat, clothes, underwear. yep my underwears iz soggy from the sideways rain.

    called the taxi this morning. 3 times. never showed up. had to walk. gave up on the umbrella when the wind gusts flipped inside out. wind smacked a garbage bin (empty) into me.

    bedraggled, cold, soggy, and miserable. at least until the cawffee finishes brewing.

    bright side: iz FRIDAY. yayyy. tonight starts a four day weekend.
    ode to joy, four days to model and render and rig and eat ice cream and godiva chocolate

    born free, as free as the wind blows

    wore my favorite tinkerbell shirt today. if only they made the tinkerbell sneakers in my size. age appropriate was made up by people who nothing else to do. {{raspberries}}

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,147
    edited December 2012

    Did someone just post here?

    I do not have time to rewatch that movie. Maybe I can watch an episode of Torchwood instead.

    I got confused between Stonemason’s Utopia thread and this one, and that confused me.
    Does anyone have any water? Or maybe some Dr Pepper? No ice please.

    Do I want to watch Torchwood now or later?

    I am excited about Christmas! Are you excited about Christmas?

    Wonder what is for lunch? I hope it is not squirrel pasta. Right now I am so bored but I do not want to go home right now.

    I am trying to figure out how I am going to download all the Daz Christmas freebies when I am on a limited hot spot. I only have 15 gigs a month.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    omg, someone brought home made pumpkin cheesecake in the break room. trying to sneak up on it but my sneakers are squelching wet noisies

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,147
    edited December 2012

    Are dollar tree electronics worth getting? I was shown a thing that supposed to power up a iPhone 4 and it is also a dock. It was at dollar tree. Is it worth it or ignore it?

    omg, someone brought home made pumpkin cheesecake in the break room. trying to sneak up on it but my sneakers are squelching wet noisies

    I want some! Can you email me a slice? oh wait that would not work. It does sound good.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,147
    edited December 1969

    I am realizing that I should spend more times writing my series instead of posting. I have been addicted to posting and that is not good. I also have a limited bandwidth since I have no home internet, but just a hot spot. I am just hoping once I can figure out a solution, I better limit my time on the internet. My posting too much is probably due to poor cooping skills to deal with boredom. Maybe I can try to install everything I have downloaded so far and try to do some art and fill up my deviant page. Maybe I can also try to do an artist thing on Facebook to help build my image up.
    I also need to work on changing my image here to something better.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    well, i told manpower i won't sign that give away my personal info form.
    don't know what that means for my employment situation, yet.

    i also signed up for direct deposit, and filled out a NY tax form so they'll give an extra 10$ a week out of my paycheck to state income tax, should see a nice tax refund 2015, if i'm still employed after not signing the 'contractor personal data consent form'.

    how does life get so complicated?

    can't decide what to make for christmas day dinner. shake n bake?

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited December 2012

    Humph. Tried logging in and got directed to a "AN ERROR HAS OCCURED!!!11!" page. >_>
    Finally was able to log in after a while though *shrugs*

    Also a gift someone did of my wyvern =)

    450 x 419 - 78K
    Post edited by Rezca on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,147
    edited December 2012

    well, i told manpower i won't sign that give away my personal info form.
    don't know what that means for my employment situation, yet.

    i also signed up for direct deposit, and filled out a NY tax form so they'll give an extra 10$ a week out of my paycheck to state income tax, should see a nice tax refund 2015, if i'm still employed after not signing the 'contractor personal data consent form'.

    how does life get so complicated?

    can't decide what to make for christmas day dinner. shake n bake?

    hopefully it will go well for you

    Humph. Tried logging in and got directed to a "AN ERROR HAS OCCURED!!!11!" page. >_>
    Finally was able to log in after a while though *shrugs*

    Also a gift someone did of my wyvern =)

    that is so wonderful!

    I have not decided what to do. life seems so confusing to me. I wish my life was better and without heartburn.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,984
    edited December 2012

    ...hmm ten posts to go. Not what I was expecting.

    Woke up to the normal chilly damp wet that's normal around here instead of magma flowing down the street and meteors raining from the sky...

    ...or Zombies looking for an early morning snack.

    Listening to a little "wake up" music (Louis Vierne, Lefebrue-Wely, and of course Mr. Bach), before diving into the downlodapalooza.

    ...The I Have Waaaaay Too Much Stuff to Download Complaint thread.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,147
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...hmm ten posts to go. Not what I was expecting.

    Woke up to the normal chilly damp wet that's normal around here instead of magma flowing down the street and meteors raining from the sky...

    ...or Zombies looking for an early morning snack.

    Listening to a little "wake up" music (Louis Vierne, Lefebrue-Wely, and of course Mr. Bach), before diving into the downlodapalooza.

    I feel like a zombie! Brains! Brains!

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,984
    edited December 2012

    ...only the finest brains flown in from an exotic land, slow cooked over a boiling magma pit, and lovingly coated in glucose..

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,147
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...only the finest brains flown in from an exotic land and lovingly coated in glucose..

    wonderful! does it have a cherry on top of it?

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,147
    edited December 2012

    99 pages already?... I think I missed a lot.

    it is actually page 100

    wonder what I will get for christmas

    I wonder what zombies gets for Christmas. I wonder what they give their friends for Christmas.

    Onwards to the end of the world

    Post edited by Chohole on
This discussion has been closed.