Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 10

This discussion was created from comments split from: Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 9.


  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911

    On the river bank

    Bryce 7 Pro. Render Premium TA 16 rpp.
    Lighting: sun and Sphere Dome Light.
    5 Bryce of trees, a grass and flowers from a private library and small flowers from Wings 3D are used.
    Instansing Lab and manual cloning is applied. The size of the file is 30,3 MB.


    На берегу реки.jpg
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  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Slepalex: Wow. All wonderful landscapes. Wonderful use of vegetation in all of them. However, and I cannot explain why, I think the desert one is my favourite. It has such a fantastic texture and great vegetation too.

  • FinnFinn Posts: 24


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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,837
    edited December 2016

    Slepalex - beautiful renders. White Sea depicts a cold and windy place considering the waves in the two ponds and the sparse sunlight coming through the cloud layer.
    Fog almost dissipated shows a valley with great vegetation. The ground fog is a bit on the blue side on my monitor.
    The Stones in the desert is also a very realistic looking scene, very nicely lit, too.
    On the river bank has beautiful grass with flowers. The scene looks very realistic to me and it depicts a peaceful place.

    rakkausburzum - interesting scene, a bit dark.

    Happy Holidays to all artists showing their artworks here. Best wishes for 2017.

    Season's Greetings 2016


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    Post edited by Horo on
  • c-ramc-ram Posts: 376

    @ electro elvis : stunning indoor scene, the lightning is incredible! This a Rashad looking scene.

    @ Dave : nice backstreet renders, I particulary like the night-time one.

    @ Alexey : very inspiring landscape scenes. The river bank is amazing! That's what I call Art with a big "A"!

    Merry Christmas to all of you Brycers ! Wishing you the best for the end of this year.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited December 2016

    Happy Holidays and best wishes for a prosperous 2017 !


    xmas and new year wishes.jpg
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  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644

    Slepalex - wow absolutely beautiful landscapes, awesome.

    Rakkausburzum - welcome to the forum, the render is a bit dark.

    Horo and Adbc - beautiful greeting cards.

    Happy Holidays to all Brycers, looking forward to another awesome Brycing year.



  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    rakkausburzum: Nice render, but you know about the lack of light already, I guess.

    Horo: Nice Christmas card. Good reuse of an earlier landscape, if I remember correctly.

    adbc: Very original and beautiful Christmas card.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all Brycers!

  • FinnFinn Posts: 24

    Horo: danke. ich kann mit Licht noch nicht arbeiten, ich lerne noch.

    Hansmar: thanks, but i don't know how to work with light, i have been learning yet.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Horo: danke. ich kann mit Licht noch nicht arbeiten, ich lerne noch.

    Hansmar: thanks, but i don't know how to work with light, i have been learning yet.

    I suggest you google 'Bryce tutorials David Brinnen'. He has made many very helpful tutorials for beginners up to very advanced users. Very useful. There will be a few on lights as well.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    Hansmar said:

    Horo: danke. ich kann mit Licht noch nicht arbeiten, ich lerne noch.

    Hansmar: thanks, but i don't know how to work with light, i have been learning yet.

    I suggest you google 'Bryce tutorials David Brinnen'. He has made many very helpful tutorials for beginners up to very advanced users. Very useful. There will be a few on lights as well.

    A lot of them are linked to up at the top in one of the stickies.   There's more tutorials linked at the top of the New Users Forum.

  • FinnFinn Posts: 24
    Hansmar said:

    Horo: danke. ich kann mit Licht noch nicht arbeiten, ich lerne noch.

    Hansmar: thanks, but i don't know how to work with light, i have been learning yet.

    I suggest you google 'Bryce tutorials David Brinnen'. He has made many very helpful tutorials for beginners up to very advanced users. Very useful. There will be a few on lights as well.

    yes, it was David Brinnen, who showed this forum. i look his tutorials, but my audial understanding of English is very poor. however, i have just started to learn.

  • Dan WhitesideDan Whiteside Posts: 507
    edited December 2016

    To continue the Stonemason scene examples (he really makes amazing models) here’s one I’ve been working on for the past couple of months (and never got it quite like I wanted it).

    Title: Eagle Master

    Content used:

    Jungle Ruins by Stonemason.

    Temple Ruins, unattributed model that came with DS2.

    Genesis 2 female and Eagle by DAZ3D.

    Olympian Heroine outfit by Sarsa.

    Fishtail Braids  by goldtassel.


    In this scene (as well as the next one and my food challenge entry) I’ve cut the image texture sizes by 75% and run the “posed” model through Modo’s sub-division function which  usually quadruples the number of polygons. This cuts the Bryce memory footprint by about 50% and to me, looks as good if not better (4096x4096 image maps are usually overkill for Bryce applications).


    Illuminated by the Bryce sun and a custom grey to white IBL image. Rendered at 64 RPP with True Ambience enabled. Render time about 4.5 hours.


    I’d like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas!


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  • Dan WhitesideDan Whiteside Posts: 507
    edited December 2016

    This female model was original part of my last posted image but just didn’t work out. I’d spent a lot of time on it so I set up a new scene using it and the floor and plinths of the Jungle Ruins model.

    Title: Contemplation

    Contents used:

    Jungle Ruins by Stonemason.

    Genesis 2 female by DAZ3D.

    Nordic Hair by SWAM.


    Illuminated by a single Globe light (128 lights/quality). Rendered with Normal AA, about 45 minutes to render.

    Thanks so much for looking!


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    Post edited by Dan Whiteside on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,837

    Dan - I've just seen the first one in the Daz Galeries. Superb artwork.
    Contemplation is very well done, too. Excellent renders, both.


  • Electro-ElvisElectro-Elvis Posts: 896
    edited December 2016

    @Dan Whiteside: Amazing work. Very nice lighting in both scenes.

    @Horo: Thanks for the season's greetings. Beautiful landscape and convincing mountains.

    @c-ram: Thank you very much for your kind comment.

    @adbc: Thanks for your nice happy holidays scene

    @slepalex: What a wonderful meadow. I would love to lay down there a while a watch the clouds.

    With the best wishes for 2017 for all of you.

    Mountain scenery with a bit of haze in the valley. Volumetric clouds, double stacked terrain in the foreground. Render time about 15 minutes.

    Mountain scenery

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  • FinnFinn Posts: 24

    Happy upcoming new year with alien doughnut, acid tea and predator greetings (thanks David Brinnen for lessons and hint about water)

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  • FinnFinn Posts: 24

    i found a refrigerator full of orange juice somewhere near Jupiter.

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  • FinnFinn Posts: 24

    Höllequellwasseroberfläche der Einsamkeitserinnerungen

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,837

    Electro-Elvis - well done landscape, clouds are very convincing.

    rakkausburzum - interesting renders, I like the first one best and the title of the last.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001
    Hansmar said:

    Horo: danke. ich kann mit Licht noch nicht arbeiten, ich lerne noch.

    Hansmar: thanks, but i don't know how to work with light, i have been learning yet.

    I suggest you google 'Bryce tutorials David Brinnen'. He has made many very helpful tutorials for beginners up to very advanced users. Very useful. There will be a few on lights as well.

    yes, it was David Brinnen, who showed this forum. i look his tutorials, but my audial understanding of English is very poor. however, i have just started to learn.

    OK, that is an issue. Maybe you should then google for 'Bryce tutorial pdf' for written tutorials. These also exist from various authors.

    In the mean time, you made some very interesting renders.

    For more light, try using a 'sphere fill light' and play with the strength. After adding a fill light, select it and click on the 'E'. Then look for 'diffuse' and 'specular' and play with the values. In the top middle (after pressing 'E') there is a small screen in which you can see the seen if you click on the drop-down triangle underneath and choose: render in scene. Anyway, you learn a lot by just experimenting, of course!

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Dan Whiteside: Great renders. Love the lighting in the second one.

    Electro-Elvis: Nice mountains and good clouds. Good idea to give some sense of scale using the tree.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,837

    rakkausburzum - I have also a few videos (links on my website) and transcripts for them. There are also some memos (the essentials written down) from David's videos, and some written tutorials.


  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001
    edited December 2016

    Since I suggested to rakkausburzum to experiment, I had to experiment a little myself too. As often, these experiments result in abstracts. I created these mostly with negative lights (three negative spotlights and with a positive IBL from the sky. The diffuse is negative (-50), but the specular is positive (25). The sky was a simple white in the first two (actually, same scene, different closeness of the camera). In the second one, the sky background hue colour is light green and the sky dome colour is red.

    In the greyscale ones, there are three endless planes and two transparent and reflective spheres, in the coloured one, there are three spheres, one elongated, and they are pure transparent, with diffuse black (100%). The fun of negative light, of course, is that it also provides negative shadows. So when there is a shadow behind an object it is a lighter place and when the light is coloured, the shadow has the opposite colour. 

    The grey ones do not have a name, but the coloured one is 'Piggy'.

    Addition: in 'Piggy', the scene is surrounded by a transparent sphere also.

    negative light.jpg
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    negative light2.jpg
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    negative light_piggy.jpg
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    Post edited by Hansmar on
  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911

    This fmale model was original part of my last posted image but just didn’t work out. I’d spent a lot of time on it so I set up a new scene using it and the floor and plinths of the Jungle Ruins model.

    Title: Contemplation

    Contents used:

    Jungle Ruins by Stonemason.

    Genesis 2 female by DAZ3D.

    Nordic Hair by SWAM.


    Illuminated by a single Globe light (128 lights/quality). Rendered with Normal AA, about 45 minutes to render.

    Thanks so much for looking!


    Dan, a very good concept.
    Definitely, it is a genre of portraiture. We need to work very seriously with lighting. It is necessary to do so, as the photographers at a photo shoot artistic photos.
    If you want, I'll send you one of the classic circuits of lighting, which I use in still lifes.
    Just send me your mail in a private message.

  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911

    This fmale model was original part of my last posted image but just didn’t work out. I’d spent a lot of time on it so I set up a new scene using it and the floor and plinths of the Jungle Ruins model.

    Title: Contemplation

    Contents used:

    Jungle Ruins by Stonemason.

    Genesis 2 female by DAZ3D.

    Nordic Hair by SWAM.


    Illuminated by a single Globe light (128 lights/quality). Rendered with Normal AA, about 45 minutes to render.

    Thanks so much for looking!


    Dan, a very good concept.
    Definitely, it is a genre of portraiture. We need to work very seriously with lighting. It is necessary to do so, as the photographers at a photo shoot artistic photos.
    If you want, I'll send you one of the classic circuits of lighting, which I use in still lifes.
    Just send me your mail in a private message. For example, as here:

  • FinnFinn Posts: 24

    Horo and Hansmar - thank you very-very much for information!!

  • FinnFinn Posts: 24

    is it any way to change name here? i typed another name by registration, but here is used my email address.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001
    edited December 2016

    Another abstract of mine. Made a robot or chesspiece as well as a spiral with metaballs. Add lights, textured, multireplicated. Tried several colours and sky options, but settled for the one without atmosphere, with skydome black. Only lights are those in the objects. Title: Roboderwish.

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    Post edited by Hansmar on
This discussion has been closed.