Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 10



  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    launok said:

    This is absolutely great!  I gave my first try making a snow scene but absolutely much unrealistic.  It's not a patch to your terrain.  I made use of the snow mats in Bryce for the terrain and falling snow I got from a site Bryce5 or something.  You mentioned above to Finn you have used a snow mat but I assume it's not those presets already in Bryce or part of a product for sale!?  Are those footprints in your snow terrain?  How do one make such prints? Unfortunately I can only use Bryce's presets and not from products for sale.  Here is my very lame try of snow! blush  The 2 mountains at the back are from a snow scene I got free during the December giveaway - a winter Bryce scene.  


    Launok - I am in the same boat as you, I can't buy anything. I can only afford "Free".  I was fortunate to win honorable mentions in the challenges so I could buy a few of Horo and David's products when they were on sale. I also fortunate to test some of their products, so I have those to play with.

    Regarding the screenshot, I posted for Finn, the material is from the Preset, you should have it because it comes with Pro 7, Regarding the footprints, that was a lucky accident, I lowered the foreground terrain and saw the footprints, The material is as the the screenshot. I only modified the frequency.

  • launoklaunok Posts: 793
    edited January 2017
    @mermaid010, I must just play more with all the controls and see what happens. Trial and error is one's best learning school. I was lucky to got 2 Bryce snow products with the daily bonus Christmas giveaway promotion. :)
    Post edited by launok on
  • FinnFinn Posts: 24

    thank you for information.

  • FinnFinn Posts: 24

    Something weirdlike this way comes (c) Shakespear

    800 x 500 - 301K
    800 x 500 - 336K
  • AtlantisAtlantis Posts: 133

    Germany 1922... Hinterkaifeck... farm of a unsolved gruesome murder case

    1200 x 575 - 640K
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited January 2017

    Finn- nice renders, I like floating islands.

    Atlantis – nice to see your renders again, the gloomy atmosphere fits the title.

    A still -A Fruit Bowl  - I used the Front Yard Hdri for lighting.


    640 x 480 - 232K
    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911

    Finn- nice renders, I like floating islands.

    Atlantis – nice to see your renders again, the gloomy atmosphere fits the title.

    A still -A Fruit Bowl  - I used the Front Yard Hdri for lighting.


    mermaid010, apparently you have an additional light source at the left (Radial Light?) with the disconnected shadows. I think, it is necessary to reduce its brightness. In material of apples it is necessary to add Specularity.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644

    Slepalex - thanks for the suggestions. smiley

  • Electro-ElvisElectro-Elvis Posts: 896
    edited January 2017

    Yesterday I downloaded free DAZ3D content. As a kind of saying Thanks a immediatly made a picture with Morphable Meerschaum. I have to admit the smoke is added in Photoshop.

    Happy Smoker

    700 x 700 - 245K
    Post edited by Electro-Elvis on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,839

    launok - nice winter scene. The snowflakes are round, you may want to work on them.

    Finn - nice idea with the floating house and the trees in a cube.

    Atlantis - good to see you back. Your render really conveys the horrible things that happend there. It gives me the creeps just looking at it.

    Mermaid - nice fruits in the basket. I agree with Slepalex about the additional light source. When you us an HDRI with a prominent light source, either disable the sun or put it at the same place like the sun in the HDRI. I find the apple could do with a bit of specularity, the banana is fine the way it is.

    Electro-Elvis - nicely done.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Finn: Love those surreal renders, specifically the second one!

    Atlantis: Bleak atmosphere, but great render.

    mermaid010: Those that have more expertise have given you good advice. It is already good, but will get better.

    Electro-Elvis: Nice grammy render.

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited January 2017

    About snow (topic from previous page). I get to do lots of snow pictures for my Peter The Polar Bear merchandise.

    In the Pro Materials, there is a Volumetric snow material that gives a great falling snow effect.

    450 x 650 - 48K
    Post edited by Dave Savage on
  • Tim82Tim82 Posts: 859
    edited January 2017

    @ mermaid010, I honestly have not used bryce for quite a while sadly! ....i have been spending a lot of time using blender :) modeling skills and renders have gone to a different and much higer more realistic level :D .....i do still come back to bryce though! ....i just dont have anything to show at the moment :)

    Post edited by Tim82 on
  • launoklaunok Posts: 793
    edited January 2017

    Horo - thank you for pointing out the snow fall in my render.  If it wasn't for your comment and the one by Dave Savage regards the falling snow mat he uses, I wouldn't have realised there is a new set of materials for Bryce in my product library.  Goodness, how long ago has it been released and I only pick it up now!? surprise I better check my account frequently!

    I have just downloaded and installed the Bryce Pro 7 materials.  What an absolutely great surprise to see there are so many, including furs and rain! yes  I have searched for a tut making rain in Bryce, but not needed.  I have some furs for Daz Studio but they are DS shaders and do not work in Bryce.  Now I have furs and all the other fantastic materials! Thank you for everyone involved in this set!  smiley

    Post edited by launok on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    Tim82 said:

    @ mermaid010, I honestly have not used bryce for quite a while sadly! ....i have been spending a lot of time using blender :) modeling skills and renders have gone to a different and much higer more realistic level :D .....i do still come back to bryce though! ....i just dont have anything to show at the moment :)

    I tried Blender but gave up after a while; it is only due to Horo’s and David’s tutorials that I am enjoying Bryce, a wonderful way to pass the golden years.  Still hoping to see your beautiful Bryce renders one day.  smiley

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644

    Thanks Horo and Hansmar.

    Horo- I was playing with Hdri lighting and I don’t have an additional light source in the scene.  Maybe I’ll try Obscure Lighting for this one.

    Electro-elvis- nice render.

    Dave – All your Peter the Polar Bear renders are so cool.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Dave Savage: What a very cute render!

  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911


    Bryce 7 Pro. Render Premium TA 36 rpp.
    Lighting: the sun and the Sphere Dome Light.
    Modeling: Bryce, Wings 3D.
    File size 25.5 MB.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Alex: Lovely landscape render again. Beautiful shadow(s) of the tree(s) to the right.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,839

    Dave - Peter the Polar Bear is always cute.

    Slepalex - very nice landscape.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644

    Slepalex - wow another beautiful landscape.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    MAybe I shouldn't  put this image here, as it's not mine,  but was well impressed by this one on another site by an artist I follow.   He uses Byce and Hexagon.

    His name is Carlo Traversi

  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911
    Chohole said:

    MAybe I shouldn't  put this image here, as it's not mine,  but was well impressed by this one on another site by an artist I follow.   He uses Byce and Hexagon.

    His name is Carlo Traversi

    Lighting is ideal! You would not think that this is Bryce.
    And it is only with Radial Lights in Bryce 5.5!

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    Slepalex said:
    Chohole said:

    MAybe I shouldn't  put this image here, as it's not mine,  but was well impressed by this one on another site by an artist I follow.   He uses Byce and Hexagon.

    His name is Carlo Traversi

    Lighting is ideal! You would not think that this is Bryce.
    And it is only with Radial Lights in Bryce 5.5!

    yes, is why I decided to let those over here see it,  I know that not many here do visit the other site.  I have followed this guy for some time now. 

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,839

    Just seen it over there, visiting daily twice, there are still quite a few using Bryce 5 and 5.5 and there are some excellent renders.


  • Oh yeah, he's doing great things. Looks as if he used a self made 3D Fill Light. The way he described  the 81 raidals floating around the space; it is the way we used to do it before the 3D Fill feature was officially implemented in Bryce 7. 3D Fills are extremely useful and realistic and this is an example of how the 3d Fill concept came about in the first place. His modeling and texturing are also top notch! Very impressive.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,839

    Yup Rashad, with inverse gradient.

  • Horo said:

    Yup Rashad, with inverse gradient.

    Inverse gradient is the secret! Not surprisingly, a sufficiently high quality setting smooths out the light as well, but I don't recommend it. I've been reviewing the thousands of threads we've condcuted over the years. I've been looking over your website at the million tutorials and studies we've conducted over the years. As I prepare for this new thread I find I have nothing new to offer, but I'm hoping I'll find an efficient and effecive way of explaining it to people this time, so it becomes more a part of them.

    And I do want to give you a head's up, I expect to make several references to some of the products you and David and other's have placed into the store. Many of those resources are so valuable, I wonder if people fully realize the capacities these products unlock. Hopefully with more understanding, people will jump in deeper. Always fun.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,839

    Rashad - thank you. Sharing is key, not that we always want to "copy" the idea (or even agree) but because it often inspires new ideas which can be shared and inspire yet other ideas. I do miss the community we had at

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644

    Chohole - thanks for sharing the render of  Carlo Traversi, its absolutely stunning.

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