Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 10



  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Electro-Elvis: Fantastic portrait render. (Missed it earlier)

    Horo: Wonderful abstract reflection and transparency work.

    c-ram: How beautiful. Certainly a painterly effect. I would probably like a bit more dark shadows in the woods. While shadows are often too dark, these appear to be a bit light to my eyes. So, maybe my comment is very similar to Horo's.

    Slepalex: Good portrait, certainly for the time when it was made. I find the mouth and teeth a bit distracting, but that is no fault of your render or light. Most people do not have such extremely white teeth. In this case, the upper teeth in my view should be darker in the shadow of the lip. Your road in the rye is a masterpiece, as ever. Really like the sky too!

    S Ray: very interesting and nice experiment. Indeed, remarkable colour on a non-reflecting floor.



  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911
    Hansmar said:


    Slepalex: Good portrait, certainly for the time when it was made. I find the mouth and teeth a bit distracting, but that is no fault of your render or light. Most people do not have such extremely white teeth. In this case, the upper teeth in my view should be darker in the shadow of the lip. Your road in the rye is a masterpiece, as ever. Really like the sky too!

    Thank you, Hans. This is my fault! Most likely there is too big "Ambience" in the material of the teeth and tongue. This is what we talked about with Horo above.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647
    edited February 2017

    Slepalex –nice render. The Road on the Rye is another outstanding masterpiece.

    S Ray- you are correct this effect works on rounded edges. I experimented a bit too and found that it is actually the TA render that is causing the glow. The 1st render all the other options are unchecked, only TA and Soft Shadows checked and the 2nd only TA. Although the best results are with all options and Soft Shadows checked, you can still see a bit of the glow on ground in these examples.

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    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • launoklaunok Posts: 793

    Day and night scene - every model are sketchup.  I still have to add people and maybe an animation.

    The only downfall is some sketchup models can't be ungrouped, i.e. road part is only 1 texture.


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  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911

    Portrait of Victoria 4

    Bryce 7 Pro. Render Regular AA, time 2:58:19.
    Lighting: Cube Dome Light, Radial Light, Spotlight.
    New render of old work 2009, in Corel Bryce 5.

  • Electro-ElvisElectro-Elvis Posts: 898
    edited February 2017

    @slepalex: You have done a very good job here. I like the light in your new version better, because it is softer. Dome lights are a true improvement of Bryce. I am not quite sure, I cannot see it clearly, but have you added bump maps to the skin? It looks a bit like that. Thumbs up!

    "Road in the rye" is a wonderful picture. I find the bent ears well observed and well done. I wish, I knew how to do such a thing

    Slepalex said:

    slepalex wrote:

    Electro-Elvis, it looks like a high-quality studio shooting with professional photographers. Setting lighting - perfect.
    Which rendering mode you used?
    I imagine the difficulties you are facing. Missing maps and how to find and include them - this is not the biggest problem. I have some experience with this.
    The big problem - it's pseudo SSS and other work with the skin.

    Thank you slepalex: Light comes from a HDRI and 2 sphere lights. Rendered with Premium effects with TA and 144 rpp. Still a bit grainy. I have used the spot render with rpp = 256 to reduce the graininess in certain parts.First I used a cube dome light, but the render time would have lasted more than 30 hours for 64 rays per pixel. That means 120 hours for 256 rpp.

    @vivien: Thanks: Your ruins are nicely done and nicely lit.

    @Horo: Thanks. Your study of transparency, reflection and specular looks very interesting.

    @c-ram: Thanks. Another outstanding Bryce scene. The details are wonderful and the angel of view is very good chosen. The only point I could say, it looks a bit bleached out.

    @S Ray: Interesting effect.

    @Hansmar: Thanks

    @mermaid010: I love the texture of the sphere and the table cloth. Dave has given us very nice materials and you have presented them very well.

    @Launok: I love the daylight scene and your idea to show an accident :-D Are the cars Sketchup models as well?

    Post edited by Electro-Elvis on
  • Dan WhitesideDan Whiteside Posts: 507
    edited March 2017

    Hi all;

    First thanks for the comments on my list 2 images back in December (I have an eye disease called Age Related Macular Degeneration which is making text stuff really challenging). This image started with the Caged Sphere Modo tutorial by Peter Stammbach and just happened from there.


     Title: Femme Fatale

    Content used:

    Genesis 2 male.

    Air Defender outfit by Yura.

    Jack Hair by WilDesigns.


    Genesis Female.

    Aspasia Hair by 3Dream.

    1950s casual outfit by Ravenhair.


    Chairs from the Modo Content Library.

    Synthetics bacground HDRI by Horo.

    Walls modeled in Modo.



    Illuminated by the sun, HDRI and 2 ranged omni lights inside the cage spheres.

    About 4 hours to render at 64 RPP, TA enabled.


    Thanks for looking!

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    Post edited by Chohole on
  • c-ramc-ram Posts: 376

    @slepalex : as I have already mentioned on you deviant gallery, your interpretation of this shishkin canvas is splendid, there's less trees on the foreground than the original but it is a real artwork for a bryce work.

    For my last picture, there's not a lot of ambient on the leaves of trees at left side, only a value of 10 but, like electro elvis write, it's a little bit bleached out and that's the effect I was aiming at first because, some real canvas from various painters are looking like this : washed. So it really depends on filling each person have while looking at it.

    @Dan : nice to see you back with such a beautiful render. I like the face expression of your criminal woman.

  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911

    @slepalex: You have done a very good job here. I like the light in your new version better, because it is softer. Dome lights are a true improvement of Bryce. I am not quite sure, I cannot see it clearly, but have you added bump maps to the skin? It looks a bit like that. Thumbs up!


    Electro-Elvis, I corrected all the material in comparison with the version of Bryce 5. I also made another light. First I made a "bump" 20%, but it was too much, so I reduced to 5%. I also used a bump-map of the skin in the canal "Specularity". I also adjust the value of "Specular" in the light sources in order to achieve the necessary level of glare on the skin.

    Thank you slepalex: Light comes from a HDRI and 2 sphere lights. Rendered with Premium effects with TA and 144 rpp. Still a bit grainy. I have used the spot render with rpp = 256 to reduce the graininess in certain parts.First I used a cube dome light, but the render time would have lasted more than 30 hours for 64 rays per pixel. That means 120 hours for 256 rpp.

    I think there is no need to use these settings to render portraits. Combination Dome Light, HDRI and TA - this is a very long time. Excellent quality gives Premium 16-36 rpp (without TA and without HDRI). Dome Light as a GI, Radial Light with 100% soft shadows as the main source and Spotlight as a side light.
    I understand that you have used Sphere Dome Light with disabled "Distant" option?

  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911

    "Road in the rye" is a wonderful picture. I find the bent ears well observed and well done. I wish, I knew how to do such a thing

    I made a model of spikelets in Wings 3D, and multiplied them in Instancing Lab and manually.

  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,803
    edited March 2017
    S Ray said:


    S Ray  and Horo – thanks for the comments. I have no idea what caused the radiosity/glow. It is a Premium 256Rpp render using the Bryce default sun, Soft Shadow, TA with scattering correction and boost light and Focused Scattering Correction. It would be Dave’s material. I will have to check it.

    S Ray - I don’t mind sending the file to you, but I don’t have anywhere to upload this file it is 65mb and that is too big for email attachment.

    Vivien- thanksx3. I like the lighting and overall effect of the ruins render, well done.yes

    Horo  the setting mermaid010 used. The effect is a reflection, That’s why it works with round edge object. What I find interesting is with those setting the ground plane material shows the reflection even though it has no reflective properties set up on it.



    What you are looking at here is a rendering bias of True Ambience in it's old form, an actual visual artifact of a broken feature related to the scattering. Mermaid explained the settings and from that I can tell pretty well what is likely going on. Focused Scattering is the legacy scattering mode of Pre-Bryce7. Scattering Correction is the new approach that replaces it. When both are selected at once in the Render Options the render engine will default to the Focused Scattering. Focused Scattering has some interesting benefits and drawbacks. The primary concern is that Focused Scattering shows preference to sending feeler rays along certain pre-determined angles, rather than allowing randomnes deterined which paths are explored. This is dicussed in the Lighting htread, with picture showing two spheres and the apperance of Foruced Scattering comapred to Scattering Correction. One of the unexpected side effects of this biased scattering could be the apparent amplification of the specular reflection at the base of the rounded edged objects that you and others have observed. Ideally it appears similar to a caustic reflection, like one would expect on the interior of a gold ring, which is a cool effect when one wants it. The main drawback to the Focused Scattering is that it makes all of the objects in a scene to appear slightly shiny. That's part of why all of the surfaces in the scene seem to have a specular coating, as if polished to perfection, ven if no specualr or relfection is enabled in the materials. That was the reason why it had to be corrected, because it was very difficult to produce a dry looking surface. This "polish" is not distracting on the metals and hard surfaces of this particular render, but on the fabric it surprises us, that it reflects the wood so strongly. Doesn't mean it's entirely wrong, it's plausible enough. And very beautiful. If rendered with only Scattering Correction endabled, the reflection might be less intense. But its hard to say for sure if it woulod be any better from an artistic standpoint. You can't go wrong.

    Mermaid- You continue to make sizable strides with bother lighting and also materials. The two go hand in hand. It must be a good feeling. Do keep it up.

    Horo, I'm always finding myself amused when you and MatCreator collaborate.

    C-Ram - Another great eye catching render! Professional grade! The ground level rubble really helps make us feel like we are really there. The SpeedTree veggies are spectacular. I think the lighting is quite as you intended, without a great deal of dynamic contrast. I think it works, as too much contrast might have become distracting. The more interesting question is what steps are you taking to produce a look that is as such? Increassed haze seems to help subdue contrast as does the small amount of ambinece you've applied to the leaves. At a mere 10%, the result is hardly noticable, I don't think the ambience is at all overdone. Looks amazing, as always!

    Hansmar-Soap Bubbles!

    Vivien- Nice step forward with the columns image. Smart choice to warm up the colors of the light, it has improved the mood. The vegetation is better too. There is a difference between transparency and translucency. Translucency is the effect you would have actually wanted here, but I think that transparency can be better than nothing at all so go for it. Shortly I'll try to make some translucent leaf materials available. The render time is similar to transparency, so I'm sure you can afford the translucency when the time comes.

    SlepAlex- Whoa! The overall warmth and generosity of the lighting in the Rye image is amazing! I love it. The vegetation models are also quite convincing, grass and trees alike, first rate.

    The render of the woman is a good start. I would find some way of making her skin appear soft, and I'd look to find some way to get it shinier. There needs to be some sort of bump. I'd think you'd approach skin similarly to the way you approach the skins of the oranges and other fruits in your still life images.

    Elvis- What we need are SSS strength maps that we can then port into the Ambience channel. They need to be drawn and catered to each UV set, but it could be done. Years ago we tested using curvature mapping, setting it to the ambience channel. The goal was to get areas like the nositrils and ears to lighten up more than areas like thighs and torsos. The result was very promising except that curvature doesn't seem to respect smoothing, so the ambience was visible as drawn onto the individual polygons. A super hi-res 2 to 3 million polygon head scan would probably have enough polygons to produce a smooth looking curvature driven ambinece that would brighten up the exact areas we'd expect it to if it was SSS. But at the Daz resolution of models in Bryce, not currently possible. It would be better that they just fix curvature itself in Bryce to respect smoothing. Once fixed did we could begin to use it to fake lots of SSS type effects. But we'll have to wait for Bryce 8 for that.



    Post edited by Rashad Carter on
  • launoklaunok Posts: 793


    @Launok: I love the daylight scene and your idea to show an accident :-D Are the cars Sketchup models as well?


    Yes, everything in the scene including terrain are models from Sketchup Warehouse.

  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,803
    launok said:


    @Launok: I love the daylight scene and your idea to show an accident :-D Are the cars Sketchup models as well?


    Yes, everything in the scene including terrain are models from Sketchup Warehouse.

    I'm so sorry I forgot to comment on your two latest entries. I love both the daytime and the night time versions. To my eye, you seem to be learning very quickly. I think adding people will be a really nice focus for the viewer. Good to see you have a strong desire to animate. We need more Bryce animators. Keep it going!

  • S RayS Ray Posts: 400
    edited March 2017

    Rashad Carter  Thanks for the detailed explanation.  I just started learning/experimenting TA rendering. Been watching you Lighting tread with interest.

    mermaid010​   This is an effect I will try to include in some of my renders.

    Post edited by S Ray on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited March 2017

    Slepalex - Road in the Rye is a fantastic render. The Victoria portrait has certainly improved but the skin is rather difficult to get right.

    S Ray - thank you.

    Hansmar - thank you.

    launok - nice buildings.

    Electro-Elvis - thank you.

    Dan - what a great expression on the ladies face. Cool render.

    Rashad - what's so amusing? Thanks for your insight about the scattering options.

    Post edited by Horo on
  • c-ramc-ram Posts: 376

    @Rashad : thank you! I think that the simple answer to your question is to let you take a look at my file  I will have to upload it to my cloud before let you check your mail then press the download button.

  • launoklaunok Posts: 793

    Just added a few people, which are Xnalara characters.  They are not as good as those of Daz3D but Bryce can handle these low-poly ones better, specially textures.

    Although they are in the night scene already I will re-post that scene when I have done some animation on the logo(s).


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  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Launok - lovely work with the sketchup models and adding the people, adds to the scene. Looking forward to the animation.

    Slepalex - the Victoria portrait looks nice rendered in Bryce 7 Pro

    Electro-Elvis- thanks

    Dan Whiteside - lovely crime scene, I especially like the killer's expression.

    Rashad Carter - thanks for the comment and explanation about Scattering and Focused Scattering




  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    launok: Very nice scene. You'd better call the police!

    Slepalex: Wonderful improvement. Indeed, the softer light works well.

    Rashad Carter: Thanks. Could be, indeed. Didn't think of soapbubbles yet.


  • Electro-ElvisElectro-Elvis Posts: 898
    edited March 2017

    Genesis 2 Figure, let's call him Gene, with a strong back light. Rendered with Premium Effects TA, Soft Shadow and 64 rpp.

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    Post edited by Electro-Elvis on
  • Electro-ElvisElectro-Elvis Posts: 898
    edited March 2017
    Post edited by Electro-Elvis on
  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,803

    ElectroElvis- nice!! I would perosnally like to know what if any particular special tricks you've implemented. Anything special from the materials? Any specific attempt to fake the SSS? If so, what was it?

    SubSurface Scattering requires three distinct effects. First is translucency (aka Transmission), which allows light to enter a medium at a certain angle and to exit along a different angle than it entered, making it distinct from normal transparency where rays dont change direction only due to refraction which has its limits. Bryce has a means for the translucency part. What Bryce lacks are the other two parameters, including absorption and scattering. Without the triangle of Translucency, absoprtion and scatterring control from the materials, we will  never have true SSS in Bryce. The best we can do is to use translucency. But alas, translucency hates the seams where the mesh breaks into separate pieces and it takes amillion years to render, so we are best faking the SSS with ambient glow maps that limit the glow to the areas where we eant it an no where else.

    Assuming there is no actual translucency employed in this test, we need to fake that. When light passes through the ears it takes on a reddish hue, distinct from the yellow hues of the skin itself.

    What we need is for someone with some serious skill to take these models into a 3D painting application and to paint the fake SSS directly onto a uv map that we can then apply to a character. It's also good to keep in mind that most people in Bryce who render humans are not setting the human as the scene focus, there are likely going to be other surfaces in the scene which also needs to be accounted for in the way the light scheme is conceived. What I am saying is that what works for the character nees to work for the rest of the scene as well, otherise they cannot be rendered together at the same time within the same frame.

    I want more from you. Please please please. Keep it up!!!


  • S RayS Ray Posts: 400

    Electro-Elvis    Your figure's skin are always so unique . I really like the back lighting is this render.

  • @Rashad, S Ray: Thanks I really appreciate your friendly comments.
    @Rashad: I must ask you for a little patience, for I'm afraid I have to go to work now. Tomorrow I will show here, how I made the fake SSS. I have figured it out myself only 2 days ago. ;-)

  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,803

    @Rashad, S Ray: Thanks I really appreciate your friendly comments.
    @Rashad: I must ask you for a little patience, for I'm afraid I have to go to work now. Tomorrow I will show here, how I made the fake SSS. I have figured it out myself only 2 days ago. ;-)

    Sounds good. Look forward to it!

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    launok - nice urban scene. Bit of bad luck with the cars.

    Electro-Elvis - excellent, the ear looks particularly good. It seems you've find the trick how to do it.

  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911

    That's my old experiment with the skin in Bryce. I do not remember how I did it:

    Comments on this work here.
    And here is the work of David Brinnen.

  • launoklaunok Posts: 793

    Animation added with Paint Shop Pro's Animation Shop

  • Peter FulfordPeter Fulford Posts: 1,325

    Assuming there is no actual translucency employed in this test, we need to fake that. When light passes through the ears it takes on a reddish hue, distinct from the yellow hues of the skin itself.

    What we need is for someone with some serious skill to take these models into a 3D painting application and to paint the fake SSS directly onto a uv map that we can then apply to a character.

    You don't need anything that complicated; just adapt a copy of the regular surface map (the one that comes with the model) that can drive the ambient channel for a little bit of glow where needed. But it's actually easier and more controllable to use some carefully placed lights in the key areas (ears, etc) to cause a localised glow. That's what I tried years ago before otherwise concluding that Bryce wasn't well suited to closeups of human mesh models. But that was almost a different century, and maybe, if these "HD" figures that DAZ are making can be fitted into Bryce's memory handling, it'll be worth another go. But then again (with a suitable Bryce image as a background, of course), DAZ Studio already has the high res figure handling, the real fake SSS, and now Iray to render it out in less than five minutes...

    But then again, again - still really interested to see what Electro-Elvis has come up with. ;-)

  • DZielsDZiels Posts: 13

    Hi folks! This is the first finished image I've posted here in several years. I think all of my older offerings got lost in one or more of the forum resets. This is an image I was struggling with until I came across Rashad's thread where he explained how the 3D fill lights work and it made all the difference. The True Ambiance seemed to be producing a flat, too evenly illuminated image. The 3D fills really make it pop.

    This is all Bryce. The fluted columns are ones that come standard and everything else is primitives, booleans, and procedural textures. The tiling patterns on floor and walls are simple grayscale images made in Windows Paint and used for bump and diffusion. Only minor tweaking in post processing for brightness, contrast, and color saturation. It required less tweaking than most of my digital photos. It uses no TA but does use soft shadows and premium rendering at 64rpp. It took 3 hours and 46 minutes to render.

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This discussion has been closed.