Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 10
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Hansmar - thank you. I remember TV test pictures, after all, I had started my carrier as a TV repair man.
Your abstract looks great. Metaballs make things look like quicksilver. I've seen the other one over at Renderosity, quite different from this one but also extra cool.
Jamahoney - thank you. I'm not sure it would bulge out in an anaglyph. The distortion are due to the fisheye lens.
vivien - thank you. Your apo render used in Bryce looks beautiful. I see it as something like an alien water lily.
Horo – great abstract, like Jay I think it will make an awesome anaglyph.
Hansmar – awesome abstracts, the one on Deviantart is my fav.
Vivien – beautiful fountain Apophysis. I came across Apophysis while looking for Bryce tutorials. I did try some tutorials for Apophysis and later Jwildfire but give up after a while. I just render the generated ones, and sometimes mix two or more of them in Photoshop for variety. Looking forward to seeing more of them.
Jamahoney: Thanks. Yes, it has a sci-fi feeling over it.
vivien: Thank you. Indeed; that is what it reminded me of! I did not recognize it, but got this feeling of an alien-type person closing in on me. Your Apohysis is great. I agree with the water lily association by Horo.
Horo: Thank you. Metaballs are great!
mermaid010: My thanks. Funny to see that people have different favourites. I think I like this one most, because of the physicality and the sense of distance caused by something close and some smaller items.
mermaid - thank you.
Another landscape with two Arbaro trees. Triple stacked terrains, one of which makes the trees in the distance. For the Arbaro trees foliage I used David's translucency method - scattering effect: transparent color for the leaves, specular halo 254, 100% transparency with refraction 0, a bit specular and a bit diffuse. Rendered with blurry transmissions I've got yet to test both approaches, effect and render speed. This one needed 1 hour with soft shadows, blurry reflections, blurry transmissions and 36 rays per pixel.
Here's an anaglyph of the wide-angle Menger Sponge on the previous page. Because there's already a lens in front of the camera (the GWL gigantic wide angle fisheye lens), I could not attach an ALS (anaglyph lens system) and had to render twice with the camera moved a bit left and right. The renders were made red and cyan monochrome and added. Yes, there's a bulge, interesting experiment an anaglyph from a fisheye render.
Very cool, Horo...there's both an outward 3d depth, but an inward depth, too - particularly on what looks like corridors going into the picture.
C-RAM, simple comment: depth of field, materials, textures, lighting, bump and composition - all worthy of imitation!
Horo, great!
1. Is it a render with TA or just a Premium?
2. Publish a screenshot of the foliage material, because the description is not very clear.
Slepalex - thank you. This render is premium, no TA. I'm currently rendering tests with Rashad's translucency method and David's scattering method. I will show the results along with the material used on the leaves of the Arboro tree and render settings. What I can already say is that both need the same time to render - within a few seconds.
Just the words "soft shadows, blurry reflections, blurry transmissions and 36 rays per pixel" mean a Premium renderer with or without TA.
Here are the settings of the tree at left above. I moved the camera a bit to centre the tree in the image, no change in lighting. As mentioned, I used David's scatter method for the Arboro mesh leaves.
Here is a comparison to Rashad's method of translucency. Same light settings and also 20% soft shadows.
Now the above may look a bit unfair, in fact, both methods can be set to give nearly the same result and render in the same time, as the examples below show.
I find the scatter method has an edge over the translucency method if not meshes are used for the foliage but 2D faces with a picture for the leaf form. Here is an Xfrog tree with such alpha-controlled foliage; rendered with the default material that comes with the tree, in the same environment as the renders above.
Finally the scatter method approximated. Of course, 100% transparency cannot be used, but a bit of it already helps. I find the tree more interesting in this way than with the original material. However, the render time more than doubles.
Click on the images to enlarge.
Horo: Very nice landscape again. And thanks for the details on the tree rendering.
Horo, thanks for the info. In principle, if there is no transparency mask, then it does not matter what kind of tree it is, Bryce or Arbaro.
In general, I looked at similar methods here:
It should also be noted that the hue, saturation and brightness of the channel "Volume" also plays a role.
And if the foliage is formed only by geometry, then the refractive index also plays a role:
Hansmar - thank you.
Slepalex - yes, there are a couple of things that can be adjusted and have an effect.
Here's another triple stacked terrain, with some modifications in the TE for two of them.
Very nice again, Horo.
I'm still under the influence of the body snatchers, so here is another one. Different camera position and sky.
I call it: "Looking close-up"
Thank you Hansmar. You're doing a great job with metaballs.
Horo – both the MurkyLake and RoughValley are beautiful. The anaglyph is awesome with the inward and outward depths. Thanks for the screenshots of the tree materials.
Hansmar – another cool abstract. Inspired by your method I tried a few, using Hdris and materials from David and Horo's Hdri4Fun pack.
Horo: Thank you.
Mermaid010: Nice to see that I inspired you. I like your results. I think, I like the green one best, probably because there is a bit more natural focus for the eyes in this one.
Hansmar - thanks
Mermaid - thank you. Great abstracts, like Hansmar I prefer the green one.
I played with transparency, lower refractive index than air and TIR to get multiple reflections. A 13, 11 and 9 segment Moebius object (see David's video v=mUhTObksItU on YouTube) stacked one above rhe other.
Horo- thanks. Love the reflections, very cool effect.
Horo: Wonderful abstract. Fantastic colouring.
Thank you mermaid and Hansmar.
Here's another escapade with Apophysis, two flames made to two terrains and applied different metal materials. The Rainbow HDRI gives negative light and thus enhances the colours. The sun provides the main light.
The same terrains were used again, a bit differently arranged and given a different material and obviously a different sky.
The first one, Horo, would make for a great sculpture.
Meanwhile, Dave's model is still giving good - thank you again, Dave. Title: Quenching a thirst at Temple Savage.
Horo – nice use of the Apophysis flames, the 2nd one looks more like an offshore rig.
Jay – a beautiful sunset render. Love it.
I used one of my fav Hdri from Horo’s Sunless Hdri Skies for this render, a full moon with the sun,
Horo, Jamahoney and Mermaid: Really love your renders. Mermaids one should be 'howling at the moon' but for the dog that clearly is not howling.
As always, many thanks, Mermaid (btw, I loved the film 'Aquamarine' - about a mermaid becoming human...etc.,, so hoped you've seen it), but love the lunar work - right up my alley.
Ah, Hansmar, I was going to mention 'howling at the moon' to mermaid, but you got in before me
Horo- Wow. Great translucency/scattering study. Depending on the settings, the tow approaches look identical and render in exactly the same amount of time. I think that from a realism standpoint, scattering is more accurate. But the scattering requires some degree of absorption to become a true SSS. My translucency method uses refraction to fake the behavior or absorption. Not surprising that the best looking method combines both approaches and takes twice the rendering time. But it seems that you have proven SlepAlex's previous observation; that it is possible to get a translucency effect when using alpha mapped leaves so long as you use Premium Mode and enable Blurry Transmissions, the look is what one would expect. Thanks for solving this riddle.
Mermaid- The top abstract makes me think of a soap bubble commercial, and the second one makes me think of a Coca cola commercial.
Jamahoney- Several cool things occurring at one time. Not only is this a great Golden Hour render, but it also appears to have some cell shading effect, as well as Savage's temple model off to the right. Nice!
Cheers, Rashad...I had to look up what cel shading was - a new term for me.