Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 10



  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited September 2017

    Mermaid - this landscape looks great.

    Giving myself a bit of rest from curvature, here's a simple triple stacked terrain with materials from the High resolution Terrains sets 1 and 3 and Grand Mountains and a sky dome HDRI mixed with the Bryce sky.


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  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Mermaid, Horo: great terrains and renders from both of you!

  • I just picked up Bryce yesterday and am having a lot of fun with it. Here's my 1st bryce sunset and then my postworked version where I combined it with a daz render in photoshop. 

  • I just picked up Bryce yesterday and am having a lot of fun with it. Here's my 1st bryce sunset and then my postworked version where I combined it with a daz render in photoshop. 

    Cool.  Most of us start around about here, I've since progressed to adding a terrain or if I am feeling really adventerous two terrains!  This is no joke, I don't generally include many elements to my Bryce scenes.  Lazy lazy david.  The likes of C-ram and Rashad and Dan amaze me with their mega-scenes, filled with millions of elements.  You've done a good jobs with the photoshop combinations - you might hear the Bryce purists grumbling over that - but pay them no heed.  Remember Horo's wise words, which I will para-pharse "the artist has the final word on their creation."


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    deathbycanon - Very nice sunset (or sunrise) scene. The character could have been exported from Daz Studio as OBJ and imported into Bryce - or you could have used the bridge. I'm indeed a purist, not because that's the right thing to be but to push me to see what can be done in Bryce. In the end, the artwork counts, not the means how it was arrived at, and the artist is always right.

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227
    edited September 2017

    Thanks for the comments @David Brinnen & @Horo I have been using photoshop for almost 20 years and 3D for under a year. At this point the time the render would take if it were combined is sooooo much longer then the time it takes me to photoshop it. (I need to render at a large size so I can can convert to a print size) To me Bryce and Daz are just one more tool in the shed used to get to the end product. In this case the end product looked like this. 

    ETA: @DavidBrinnen , just realized it was your tutorial I followed to make this sunset. Loving your youtube channel right now! Thanks for the great lessons. I'm killing my machine with a very large render of the spooky trees video right now. ;) 

    667 x 1000 - 66K
    Post edited by deathbycanon on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited September 2017

    Very nice, Deanna...what text(s) are used in your titled submisssion. As to 3000 years...whoa - more, I'd guess. Btw, hope you've seen the film 'Mission to Mars'...a nice one to be envisioned (but not really close to being practicable). Those going to Mars have innumerable risks - but that's a whole new story.


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited September 2017

    deathbycanon - working for a deadline always asks for efficient procedures and there's no time for fiddling. Book cover looks great, makes one buy the book.

    I'm still experimenting with curvature filtering two textures. Here's another try using two Armadillos from the Stanford Scanning Repository.


    900 x 1200 - 179K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited September 2017

    Thanks Horo and Hansmar

    Horo – Beautiful landscape, the Armadillo render is also very nice, especially the lighting.

    Deathbycanon – welcome to the Bryce forum , very nice 1st render, hope to see more of your work. The book cover is awesome.

    An abstract after I saved one of Dave’s temple renders as an Hdri and used it as a backdrop for this render.


    1000 x 500 - 153K
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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited September 2017

    Mermaid - thank you; cool idea, well done.

    Post edited by Horo on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited September 2017

    Nice one, Horo...for some unknown reason...I think of an episode from Star Trek (Kirk on a planet has to battle something like you've imaged).

    Very cool, Mermaid...abstracts can be, well, abstract, but I can relate to this (great reflections).


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227
    edited September 2017

    Thanks @jamahoney The font used was Amarante. Thanks @Horo

    Here's another non pure Bryce art piece that I did using another of David's turtorials. I lost patiance with how long it was taking to render, but I knew I would blur it in post (DOF) so I stopped it early. I'll attach the pure Bryce one also.



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    Post edited by deathbycanon on
  • Thanks @jamahoney The font used was Amarante. Thanks @Horo

    Here's another non pure Bryce art piece that I did using another of David's turtorials. I lost patiance with how long it was taking to render, but I knew I would blur it in post (DOF) so I stopped it early. I'll attach the pure Bryce one also.


    Great results, don't feel beholden to hold yourself to anyone elses standards.  While I hold to Horo's perspective on using Bryce, that is a matter of personal challenge, because otherwise we have no goal execpt the one set by ourselves.  If your aim is a particuar effect and one you have achieved with the tools with which you are adept, then that's fine and the fact that it does not rely entirely on Bryce should not detract from that.  Also, I'm glad to see you are putting my tutorials to use!



  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited September 2017

    Nice., Deanna (deathbycanon - love your avatar titlel btw)


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911
    edited September 2017

    I found here an interesting property of the button "Textures on/off". If the "Curv account for bump" option is enabled in the material properties, then the render of this object goes with textures, even if the button is in the "off" state. But, if the "Calculate curvature" option is turned off, then everything goes as default, that is, the "Textures on / off" button works as expected.
    How many uncharted properties of Bryce? Or it is a defect of programmers?


    interesting property.jpg
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  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644

    Thanks Horo and Jay

    Deathbycanon- cool renders, I like the results of the 2nd image

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited October 2017

    deathbycanon - good work, more dramatic than pure Bryce render.

    Slepalex - good found! I never render with Textures off so I never noticed anything strange. But I also observed several things than made me ask whether it is a hidden option, something that went unnoticed by the programmer or is an outright bug we can exploit. That's part of the fun with Bryce.

    Here's some fun for those liking anaglyphs: an anaglyph in an anaglyph. The main scene was made 5 years ago using the ALST+. I just added a sphere and put a photographic anaglyph I made last week with a circular fisheye lens on it. The sphere is embedded in the scene, a bit behind the screen plane and in front of the building. Some plants appear to come out of the sphere (click on picture to enlarge).

    Shuttle Lines Anaglyph Anaglyph

    1200 x 800 - 263K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited October 2017

    Horo - as an anaglyphic viewer/user/producer, your image is super (perhaps, future 3D effects in 'stacked', 'curvature', are possible, too - not to mention the current 'VR' environment).


    PS. Those who don't have the 3D Red/Blue goggles: they are cheep-as-hell, and will open up your creative world (might I add, that the Anaglyph Maker is still FREE).

    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • c-ramc-ram Posts: 376
    edited October 2017

    Thanks to everyone for your great comments on my fall picture! Print is coming soon and I will show you the result.


    Horo : I'm amazed by your last landscape picture using stacked terrains, this one is looking perfectly real!


    Deathbycanon : nice creepy scene and good use of foggy dome. I'm rendering a forest scene with about 4000 instanced trees using this effect and that's going to be an incredible image with godrays making their way through foliage, branches and trunks. Something really hard to calculate from two month now.

    Post edited by c-ram on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited October 2017

    Janahoney - thank you Jay. By the way, I opened a new page with 180x180 degree photographic anaglyphs on my webpage under HDRI & Panoramas.

    c-ram - thank you very much, Marco. It means a lot to me if it comes from you.

    I used three fractals made with Incendia_NEXT, converted in Genetica and cleaned up on MeshLab, then instanced them several times and manually scaled and placed them. In the back is a shadow capture 2D disk. Lit by the specular convolved Holt HDRI and a bit of sun. Rendered with IBL quality 64, soft IBL and sun shadows.


    1200 x 990 - 305K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Deathbycanon: Very well done, great renders.

    Mermaid: Wonderful realistic abstract.

    HoroArmadillos look very good and even without red/green glasses the anaglyph is interesting. But I truly love the (X-mass) abstract.

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227
    edited October 2017

    Thanks for the comments everyone. Here's a couple that more that I did using David's 15 minute tutorials that take me 3 hours to compleate. lol 


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  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911

    Thanks for the comments everyone. Here's a couple that more that I did using David's 15 minute tutorials that take me 3 hours to compleate. lol 

    I remember the lesson for the second picture.
    Elegant seascapes!

  • Thanks for the comments everyone. Here's a couple that more that I did using David's 15 minute tutorials that take me 3 hours to compleate. lol 

    Excellent!  Though I will add in my defence, I think the 15 minutes was to describe the duration of the tutorial - not how long it would take to complete it!  Anyway, they have turned out very well and I'm glad you are finding the tutorials useful.  Incidentally as I mentioned in another thread, the Bryce Tutorials site has been updated now to include a search faclility to make finding tutorials easier - also technically overhauled to now work with mobile devices.  I made a video to this effect and put it on my youtube if you want to see how the filtering and searches work and navigate through 100's of tutorials!



  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227

    Thank you Slepalex

    David, searchable tutorials sounds great, I'll check it out. So far I have just been going through your YouTube channel in the order that things were posted. 

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited October 2017

    Cool, David, I always love it when this Internet thingy is made easier: for those, like me, wanting to explore further: The Tuts Page (put it in your Favourites) and the YouTube Intro Vid.


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited October 2017

    Playing around in the designing of 'Fidget Spinners' using Byrce - the central structre is made up of 4 Metaballs, while the rest is of various Booleans and flattened spheres. These experiments are in their infancy, so, maybe futher developments will yield better results - it's all about angles - 0 versus 120 versus 240 versus 360...etc.



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  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited October 2017

    Horo- the Anaglyph is awesome. The Incendia Abstract is so cool.    

    Hansmar – thanks

    Deathbycanon – both the seascapes are very nicely done, I especially like the clouds in the 2nd one.

    Jay – wow cool model. I had to look up ‘Fidget Spinners'

    I played more with curvature on a single terrain, and used the material and lighting from of David's and Horo's products.


    900 x 450 - 77K
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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    Hansmar - thank you.

    deathbycanon - nice landscapes, beach came out fine.

    Jamahoney - looking great, that new toy for children and teenagers. I discovered even a Fidget Spinner site in Switzerland.

    Mermaid - thank you. Well done scene, the sky looks awesome.

This discussion has been closed.