Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 10



  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    S Ray - well done Space Scape.

    Dan - thank you.

    Hansmar - thank you. Cool tree, goes beyond the ordinary.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited November 2017

    Horo : great landscape, nice sky.

    S Ray : Nice space render.

    Dan Whiteside, Hansmar : thank you.

    Hansmar : I like what you did with NgPlant

    Post edited by adbc on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Horo - beautiful Reservoir render, very nice lighting.

    SRay - very nice space render

    Dan - thanks

    Hansmar - thanks, I'll keep that in mind (lowering the camera), when I work on it again. Cool abstract, love the "Tree"

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited November 2017

    I couldn't resit to have a go with the Organodron City model from Herminio Nieves. 

    This is what I came up with.


    Organodron city.jpg
    960 x 480 - 97K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited November 2017

    adbc - thank you. Very special and charming use of the Organodron City.

    mermaid - thank you.

    Another triple stacked terrain scene. Not bad but after all the time I invested I'm not convinced.

    Lake in Shadow

    1200 x 660 - 214K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647
    edited November 2017

    Adbc – I agree with Horo awesome render

    Horo – another nice landscape.

    I also couldn’t resist using Herminio Nieves models, I used two of them- Serpertine city (ShareCG) and Organodron city, and a sky preset from the Sky ToolBox (available at for this render.


    1000 x 500 - 134K
    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo : thanks. Nice terrains !

    Mermaid : thank you. I really like what you've done with Herminio's models, great sky as well.

  • c-ramc-ram Posts: 376

    @ Hansmar, Electro elvis and Mermaid : thanks for your comments on my mushrooms scene.

    @Alexey : nice landscapes renders with awesome use of bryce trees, something I'm unabe to do because I simply haven't got good knowledge of tree lab.

    @Electro elvis : nice character render, you've really got success with studio.

    @Rashad : thank you too, the background of my scene is composed of speedtree models.

    @Horo : I really appreciate your last render with the little shaded lake. Nice! The other one with the reservoir is nice too, however, I could be wrong but I think that its arch is turned on the wrong side of the mountain.

    @Dan Whiteside : beautiful render, very futuristic and you've made the right choice with 256 rpp in this case.


    Another season render which is appropriate. A golden forest inspired by a photo from the web. I have build the ground by populating my terrain with a leaves carpet made in speedtree. The entire scene is also filled with about 20 instanced speedtree trees. Stumps from megascan.

    Print is available and the render is 5400 per 3100 pixels.

    Season of gold 1500x1000.jpg
    1500 x 1000 - 3M
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    c-ram : Outstanding render, very detailed and the colours are so real !

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited November 2017

    Hansmar...abstract effects are very experimental - a resource of wonder and rendering imagintions.

    A multi-colour futuristic city, AdBc...very cool.

    That's an area, Horo, I always love walking around the gloved-like perimeters of a mountain lake: no matter the higher peaks nearby. The: guranteed ripple-like water sounds; the odd croaching call of a raven flying past; the hip-o-hop of a hare (not a rabbit - the hare has a dark tip to their ears); and the shriek of a cold-to-swimmer human - crazy-like - who has dipped-in in such a water of life, makes the experiences all worth while.. Peace: a crunchingly, well-deserved cheese-sandwich munched within the above... at the end of such a wonderful day.                                      

    Very nice ocre effect, Mermaid...looks like a 'made-of-wood' city...super reflections.

    I like the natural, half-fallen tree, draws in the viewer...very clever, the character I could do without...sort-of interupts the scene.


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited November 2017

    mermaid - thank you. Excellent render with Herminio Nieves models.

    adbc - thank you.

    c-ram - thank you Marco. Yes, arch dams are bent upstream, gravity dams are straight. I realised that after I finished the scene. 
    Beautiful autumn forest scene. 

    Jamahoney - thank you Jay.

    I tried to use a bit of vegetation.

    Tree on Rock

    1200 x 870 - 265K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911

    adbc and mermaid010, beautiful renders with this free brass band.

  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911

    c-ram, a stunning autumn landscape.
    Horo, a pleasant watercolor morning mist.

  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911

    The theme of mountain paths is not exhausted.
    Full description here.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Jamhoney : thank you !

    Slepalex : thanks. "brass band" that's a different way of looking at it laugh

    Horo : beautiful misty landscape, lush vegetation.

    Slepalex : Great scene, awesome vegetation and mountain path !

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647
    edited November 2017

    Thanks Adbc, Jay, Horo and Slepalex wink

    C-ram –wow magnificent autumn render.

    Horo – beautiful scene, love the mist and vegetation.

    Slepalex – outstanding, beautiful detailed render.  Great work by you and C-ram. I would love to know how you makes flowers in Wings 3D,

    Rose Abstract with spheres and an object done in Wings 3D. The lighting is provided by one of Horo’s Hdris from the Exotic Hdri

    A re-render of my Heart-view scene after suggestions by Horo and Hansmar Thanks both.yes



    910 x 610 - 144K
    500 x 500 - 64K
    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911

    Slepalex – outstanding, beautiful detailed render.  Great work by you and C-ram. I would love to know how you makes flowers in Wings 3D

    mermaid010, I'm not a guru in modeling, so just can not answer this question. But I will try to answer the peculiarities of procedural texturing in Bryce in a thread specially created for this forum. Wait...

    PS. Now your heart looks much better.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001
    edited November 2017

    Horo, adbc, Mermaid, Jay: Thanks!

    adbc: Lovely view of the Organodron City; wonderful texture

    Horo, great landscapes again. I really like the fact that you use some vegetation now!

    Mermaid, great idea to mix two cities and wonderful reflections in your render. The abstract looks nice and colourful. And I agree with Slepalex, that the render with the heart shape and tree is even better now. 

    c-ram: now that is a fantastic season render. Unbelievable detailed and great render. I think the character is OK, but maybe a bit large, compared to the trees. And there is some strange colour banding at the right side low among the trees. But, look at me, criticising one of the most wonderful landscape renders I have ever seen!

    Slepalex: another great vegetated landscape by you. Keep them coming, I love them.

    I did not exactly make a season render. But I tried my hand at improving my earlier 'magnolias' render. I took the advice to use smaller leaves. I also added more trees and bushes by instancing. And I modified the clouds somewhat to get a more interesting light on the grass and trees. 

    1754 x 875 - 2M
    Post edited by Hansmar on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited November 2017

    Vegetations are super - some overly-cooked.


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    mermaid :  Rose Abstract has really nice colours and your Heart view looks much better.

    Hansmar : thank you.

                      Your trees are nice, the grass looks natural, I like the effect of the light.

  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911
    Hansmar said:

    I did not exactly make a season render. But I tried my hand at improving my earlier 'magnolias' render. I took the advice to use smaller leaves. I also added more trees and bushes by instancing. And I modified the clouds somewhat to get a more interesting light on the grass and trees. 

    Hansmar, remarks only on trees.
    1. The leaves need to be reduced about three times.
    2. The number of leaves should be increased threefold.
    3. Create branches of the second and third generation.
    4. The leaves should be located at the ends of the branches. Leaves should not be located on thick parts of branches and on the trunk.
    Something like this. 

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Slepalex - thanks for the comment and the help with texturing plants.

    Hansmar - thanks for the comments and all your suggestions from time to time. I like your magnolias' render especially how you have all the trees in the background.

    Adbc - thanks

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001
    edited November 2017

    Jay, thanks. What do you mean 'overly cooked'?

    adbc: thanks

    Slepalex: thanks for the suggestions. I think I largely agree, but not fully. The leaves are certainly not three times to big. Probably still too big, but magnolia leaves are rather big for the tree (I have one in my garden and my neighbour across the stree has one too, so I did take a look at them). At most two times too big, I would guess. I think the problem is more with the thickness of the trunk, which is overdone. Somehow that makes the leaves look very big too, because it makes the trees look shorter. And, while magnolias do have trunks and bigger branches with strange bends in them, those are overdone as well (looks more like an old olive now, I guess). Also, you are very right about the number of leaves: those should be many more. However, if I increase the number of smaller branches and the number of leaves, the NgPlant tool will no longer export the tree. So I have to keep a balance. I am thinking about a trick, where I make the same tree twice, with modifications in leave settings, but without randomisation and then group them into one, removing the additional trunks and branches (that should be in exactly the same spot) in Bryce. Indeed, there should probably be more leaves towards the end of the branches. However, I am quite sure that the leaves are all over the first and second level branches and not just at the end. The flowers, however, are always at the end. By the way, there are second and third generation branches, but not a lot (due to memory limits) and not very visible, apparently. Finally, the last generation branches actually always points upward, which I did not do. I think they start bending after their first year. Maybe I will do it again, but it is not the first priority.

    Mermaid: thanks. And you're very welcome. I may not have the technical skills of Horo, C-ram, Slepalex and others, but I am always willing to give my opinion on the artistic elements (for whatever they are worth, of course).

    And now, I could also not resist to give my view on the Organodron city by Herminio Nieves. I was looking for another perspective. This one is on Mars, after the first years of terraforming. At least there is already some kind of atmosphere. Light by the sun and by an abstract (white/pink) HDR used at rather weak settings. Sky is one of the presets in the sci-fi presets. I decided not to add the HDR as background, because that did not look good to me. The spaceship is MANTA TYPE RESEARCH VESSEL MKI by Kunshouling at renderosity.

    Organodron city Mars.jpg
    1754 x 875 - 1M
    Post edited by Hansmar on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited November 2017

    Slepalex - thank you. Another beautiful and inviting path into the mountains.

    adbc - thank you.

    mermaid - thank you. Lovely rose abstract, I like the colour choice. Such a small change for Heart-view and such a big improvement.

    Hansmar - thank you. Oh I do use vegetation some times as is evidenced in my galleries on my website. I'm just not very comfortable woith it.
    I don't have Magnolias around me so I have nothing to compare whether they are realistic or not, but I like what you made. Your Organodron City render looks great, good POV and the landscape looks Mars-like.

    I also had another go with the Organodron City and put it offshore on a world with big moons.

    Research Centre

    663 x 1000 - 111K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162
    Horo said:

    Another triple stacked terrain scene. Not bad but after all the time I invested I'm not convinced.

    Lake in Shadow

    It isn't that bad @Horo. Perhaps reducing the scale of the heavy rocks on the right foreground would enhance it. I can't believe how close it is to this picture of mine taken at a high loch I visited some years ago :)

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Horo: Thanks. What a beautiful view of the Organodron City. Great texture too.

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791

    Hansmar... 'overly-cooked' - just that the there is too many leaves, and can't see the wood for the trees, as they say  wink WOW also on your space city work...the long shadows give it great depth.

    Horo...great perspective...and love your rocket.


  • Electro-ElvisElectro-Elvis Posts: 898
    edited November 2017

    I am not sure, whether the girl is jumping because she is so happy or whether she is happy because she is jumping. Anyway have a similar week-end!

    @Horo: Congrats to your picture in the Daz3D Top Recent Images Gallery! Great work!

    Jumping Girl

    551 x 741 - 170K
    Post edited by Electro-Elvis on
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Hansmar : Awesome Mars/Organodron landscape.

    Horo : Different and perfect use of the Organodron City.

    Electro-Elvis : I think the girl is happy !

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited November 2017

    Fishtales - thank you Sandy. Very nice photograph from a beautiful place.

    Hansmar - thank you.

    Jamahoney - thank you Jay.

    Electro-Elvis - thank you Alex. It's the second that made it. For the initialy gallery here, what you uploaded was judged by artists at Daz and only if they found it good enough, published it. It took me 2 years to get a render into the gallery.
    I think the lady started to jump because she was happy and with jumping, her happiness increasses.

    adbc - thank you.

    Post edited by Horo on
This discussion has been closed.