Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 10



  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911
    Jamahoney said:

    Shadows, lighting is super, Horo: the Captain and crew, me thinks, missed out on the geology aspects.

    Slepalex: Love the pond view...super. The trees/trunks in the forest view are mock-ish-looking (but, I do like the dead trunk on the foliage, and where its end meets at some colourful mushrooms). I did a course on 'rooms for years, and these look editable, but, one never knows - some say 'eat me, right now, or a day or two within picking me', however,  while others are enticing-looking, they may me 'sickerners', if not 'killers'.


    Thank you, Jamahoney. The dead tree and mushrooms I created in Winds 3D and applied procedural textures from Bryce. Mushrooms are inedible :-)

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842
    edited January 2018

    Trying to make something with a difficult terrain. It was made from a nebula (Helmet, Space Construction Kit) and processd to make it stackable. Instead of using the ground plane as a sea, I put on fields from the Vegetation set and a copy of the terrain in the distance.


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  • c-ramc-ram Posts: 376

    Thank you all for your nice reply on my last picture, you're more than welcome and it a pleasure to share my last 2017 work with you. 


    Well here is 2018 and it's time for hope since Bryce is getting older and older and haven't yet enter a new development cycle.


    Have all an happy and creative year!


    @Slepalex : let me tell you that fot me, you rank first in luxurious and populated landscape with Bryce. You're still the best when comes the time to talk about procedural use with the software. Your two latest works are incredible. Maybe the forest path is looking a little bit too dark but I think that's because of bad weather.


    @Horo : beautiful landscapes! I'm always amazed by the complexity of your procedural textures.


    I'm a bit disappointed right now.. while I have built a new machine with X299 chipset, I just couldn't run Windows 7 system on it.


    I will have to buy a windows 10 system and I wonder about using bryce on.


    Does bryce able to run with l.a.a on windows 10? I hope so..

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    c-ram said:
    I'm a bit disappointed right now.. while I have built a new machine with X299 chipset, I just couldn't run Windows 7 system on it.

    I've not researched it yet, but I know people were looking into the possibility of hacks and workarounds to try to get Windows 7 to work on newer chipsets.  Might be worth a bit of research.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    c-ram - I don't have Win10 yet and I don't fancy the moment I'll have to change Win7. However, there are many on Win10 using Bryce. LAA ought to work on Win10, it just sets a flag in the exe-file telling Win can use all 32 bits to address memory, not just 31.
    Hopefully, someone using Win10 and LAA will confirm this.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo : amazing landscape, really beautiful.

    I can confirm that Bryce works on windows 10 with LAA. Don't use it much on that particular computer.

    Still on windows 7, microsoft will stop the updates in 2020 though, still 2 years to go !

    Windows 10 is not that different, it works like every system with the usual problems to solve. The updates that's something else, they are huge and sometimes it takes a whole day to complete.

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited January 2018

    Yes, as you mention, C-ram and Sriesch, the LAA works for Bryce in both Win 7 and Win 10, but as to hacks for Win 7 on a Win 10 OS...hmmm...I'll guess...problematic.

    While Win 10 is okay-ish, it also is a curse - one needs to adjust settings (Auto-updates, the Edge, the Cloud....etc.,), so reading/research has to be done (give me Win 7 any day).


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • c-ramc-ram Posts: 376

    Thanks for all your reply. One thing I forgot to mention about my computers : they're all white station machine so, no connection to the web. To connect to a browser, I am using a laptop with Ubuntu system.


    This allow my desktops machines to be "safe" from viruses and from Microsoft updates.

    Right now I have purchase a 64 bits version of w10, I'm downloading with my laptop.

  • Electro-ElvisElectro-Elvis Posts: 898
    edited January 2018

    @c-ram: Incredible forest scene. It looks so realistic.I dare to say it looks like a Vue render or better. Chapeau!
    BTW I am using Windows 10, Bryce and LAA and - thouhg I was very sceptical I have no problems at all.

    @Horo: Nice city landscape. Well choosen perspective. Have you tweaked the materials of the buildings? I always add some specularity to the windows textures.
    Also a beautiful rugged landscape.

    @RexRed: Well done! BTW I use Hexagon for any text in Bryce.

    @slepalex: Two beautiful and rich pictures. C-Ram, Rashad and you are the masters in adding an incredible amount of plants into a scene.I love the orange mushrooms in "Forest Road". There is only one little thing. I think the sun light may be a bit stronger in your forest road scene.


    Post edited by Electro-Elvis on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Horo- your landscape renders are awesome, nice lighting and material.

    Slepalex – I love both your renders, the Overgrown Pond is beautiful.

  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911
    edited January 2018

    @c-ram: Incredible forest scene. It looks so realistic.I dare to say it looks like a Vue render or better. Chapeau!
    BTW I am using Windows 10, Bryce and LAA and - thouhg I was very sceptical I have no problems at all.

    @Horo: Nice city landscape. Well choosen perspective. Have you tweaked the materials of the buildings? I always add some specularity to the windows textures.
    Also a beautiful rugged landscape.

    @RexRed: Well done! BTW I use Hexagon for any text in Bryce.

    @slepalex: Two beautiful and rich pictures. C-Ram, Rashad and you are the masters in adding an incredible amount of plants into a scene.I love the orange mushrooms in "Forest Road". There is only one little thing. I think the sun light may be a bit stronger in your forest road scene.


    Electro-Elvis, generally speaking, the sun in the scene is enough. The value diffuse = 120. The sun is low above the horizon and shines on the left. Look at this scene without grass and bushes. There are shadows from trees and lots of sun, but the main light comes from HDRI. My task was to create a shaded forest and rare sun rays breaking through the leaves. Just shadows from grass and bushes create such an effect.

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  • Slepalex said:

    Electro-Elvis, generally speaking, the sun in the scene is enough. The value diffuse = 120. The sun is low above the horizon and shines on the left. Look at this scene without grass and bushes. There are shadows from trees and lots of sun, but the main light comes from HDRI. My task was to create a shaded forest and rare sun rays breaking through the leaves. Just shadows from grass and bushes create such an effect.

    Thank you Slepalex for the clarification and the extra picture. Now I can see the spots of sunlight clearly. Though I am not fully conviced, that a diffuse 120 is enough. Normally I prefer to use a value of 120 for diffuse for scenes rendered with True Ambience and where the sun is high in the sky. But for sunset or sunrise I like higher diffuse values, e.g. even 300, although it depends on the material you have chosen. It might be not physically correct, but I guess that's also a matter of taste. ;-)

  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911
    edited January 2018
    Slepalex said:

    Electro-Elvis, generally speaking, the sun in the scene is enough. The value diffuse = 120. The sun is low above the horizon and shines on the left. Look at this scene without grass and bushes. There are shadows from trees and lots of sun, but the main light comes from HDRI. My task was to create a shaded forest and rare sun rays breaking through the leaves. Just shadows from grass and bushes create such an effect.

    Thank you Slepalex for the clarification and the extra picture. Now I can see the spots of sunlight clearly. Though I am not fully conviced, that a diffuse 120 is enough. Normally I prefer to use a value of 120 for diffuse for scenes rendered with True Ambience and where the sun is high in the sky. But for sunset or sunrise I like higher diffuse values, e.g. even 300, although it depends on the material you have chosen. It might be not physically correct, but I guess that's also a matter of taste. ;-)

    Yes, much depends on the material. If the material is light, then you can not increase the light, since there will be overexposure. And in the case of a render with TA, I sometimes reduce the diffuse value of the material of the earth and other flat surfaces.

    In addition, the middle and back plans cover a cube with a volumetric material for the fog effect, which makes the forest darker and enigmatic.


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  • Electro-ElvisElectro-Elvis Posts: 898
    edited January 2018

    I made a further skin study with Bryce IBL lighting this time. Even though the picture is a bit grainy I quite like the result.

    This is Genesis 3 character Sushmita. I had to add the skin bump maps. For the face I also used the specularity map, the specularity for the other body parts comes from Bryce specularity. The background are a few low poly rocks from the internet and 2 Bryce terrains for the face of the rock and the ground.

    Light comes mainly from a HDRI and IBL. I added a sphere light for the gloss. Rendered with Premium Effects and True Ambience with 144 rpp.

    A bit of postwork with Photoshop. Increased the contrast a bit and used a soft lighting effect.

    Thanks for watching.

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  • S RayS Ray Posts: 400

    The first callage I tried 

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  • Made the Hallicafters Radios in Bryce 7.

    The puzzle, Jonny Quest stuff is from the free 3d sites.

    Then i watched a bunch of David Brinnens vidoes.

    and TA DA

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842
    edited January 2018

    Electro-Elvis - good pose and backdrop. The skin on the face looks great, on the arms a bit less so, particularly the right arm looks a bit "sandy". This isn't a critique, just an observation. I'm not sure TA is good to render gloss/specular.

    S Ray - that looks beautiful.

    yeahrightok - welcome to this forum. Great radio models and the puzzle is a neat idea. Very well done scene.

    I thought I do a landscape for a change laugh. 16 tiles made in the TE, assembled, filtered and different resolutions made in the TE Advanced Filters program. Triple stacked with different materials. Ambient light and sky backdrop from an HDRI, the cloud is a volumetric one from the Sky Toolbox (


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  • c-ramc-ram Posts: 376

    @Electro-Elvis : nice character.


    @Horo : wonderful! This last landscape from you is looking realistic and I really appreciate the level of details in your textures.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Slepalex: great path through the woods!

    Electro-elvis: nice work. Skin will always be difficult in Bryce.

    Yeahrightok: Welcome to the forum. Very nice radio models and lovely puzzle. Good work

    Horo: What a surprise, a landscape! No kidding, it is really wonderful and I agree with c-ram on the great texture.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Electro-Elvis : nice lady.

    SRay : a very nice view.

    Yeahrightok : great modeling, well done scene.

    Horo :  wonderful landscape, like c-ram said : great textures.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Electro-Elvis -nice render

    S Ray - beautiful view

    yeahrightok - welcome to this forum, nice modeling and lighting.

    Horo - beautiful, landscapes like these don't need vegatation.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842
    edited January 2018

    c-ram, Hansmar, adbc, mermaid - thank you all.

    Essentially an indoor light study. This is Dark Star by Stonemason, extended by a mirror to close the open side. All visible lights have either a round or a square flattened spotlight with linear falloff, 20% soft edges and 40% soft shadows, 22 in total. Another 18 radials with square falloff, 40% shadows and 40% softness to create the faint light behind the spots to the wall and ceiling. In the tunnel behind the door is another radial without falloff and behind the light transparent mirror a parallel light with linear falloff and no shadows. Black sky, no sun but two star fields and two galaxies visible through the windows to give it a "spacy" look. The camera looks through the gigantic wide-angle fisheye lens (GWL) and covers 260 degrees horizontal and 160 degrees vertical. I have also an interactive panorama on my website.


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  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo : A (to me) very complicated explanation for a fantastic render.

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited January 2018's my new desktop image...:) - can't go wrong with Stonemason, can one???

    I've been out-of-the-loop for some weeks now (Christmas Period etc.,), so, currently, catching up with the extraordinary rendered works posed - always amazing.


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001
    edited January 2018

    Horo, Spaced-out render, man! (whatever that may mean, but it sounded nice). Anyway, quite a spectacular view. I like the fact that there is such a variation in light and dark parts, though even the visible lights themselves appear a bit subdued. Looks very good to me!

    I made a quickie, using 'Distopian blocks' from DAZ and some means of transport (a quad and a flying M45). Added lots of lights at the transport-media and in the streets and a sunset HDRI. Also used the sun.

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  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Hansmar : very nice scene, great sky and lights.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842
    edited January 2018

    adbc - thank you. Sorry for my exhaustive comment. I just lit a beautiful ready-made model.

    Jamahoney - thank you Jay.

    Hansmar - thank you. Very nice Dystopian Blocks render. Sky, lighting and reflections in the windows give it a dramatic touch. Great POV, too.

    I digged out a low-res mammoth model I once downloaded from the Internet and tried to present it on a stand. Backdrop and light from an HDRI, the sun provides only some anisotropic specularity.


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  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911
    Horo said:

    I digged out a low-res mammoth model I once downloaded from the Internet and tried to present it on a stand. Backdrop and light from an HDRI, the sun provides only some anisotropic specularity.

    It is a pity that the model is low polygonal. Otherwise, it would be possible to apply a bronze material with a patina and using a curvature filter. 

  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911
    edited January 2018

    This is also a low-poly model of the dog, so the curvature filter here does not work very well.


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  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo : I like the mammoth, very nice texture.

    Slepalex : nice dog. Did not know about the curvature filter not working on low poly models thanks for mentioning it.

This discussion has been closed.