Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 10



  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    Dave - tower is going to look excellent, already does. Snake also looks very good, tongue is missing indeed.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,495
    edited May 2018

    I've just been looking through the last few pages of this thread and have been really impressed by some of the images posted recently. Wonderful work, folks!

    I was hunting for some files today and came across some terrain maps I downloaded from months ago and never used. So these are my modest contribution, based on a terrain map for the Zugspitze in Germany. HDRI lighting and shaders from Horo/David sets.

    1536 x 768 - 652K
    1536 x 768 - 712K
    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649

    Slepalex –once again a beautiful landscape, love the addition of the grass, are they Bryce presets.

    Dave- welcome back, the waterfalls look nice - cool idea. It’s great that the waterfalls experiments brought you back. It’s so cool to see your work again. Both the tower and snake look great.

    MelanieL – lovely winter scene.

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited May 2018
    Dave- welcome back, the waterfalls look nice - cool idea. It’s great that the waterfalls experiments brought you back. It’s so cool to see your work again. Both the tower and snake look great.

    Hi Mermaid. I'm just on with another waterfall experiment now. I'm trying to do an animated one, but there is no quick way to render it, so it's going to take about 12 hours for a few seconds worth of movement. I may be able to loop it in iMovie when it's done so it'll look like a longer clip, but its only very low render settings so it's not going to look great (and thats if it even works) laugh

    I looked back through my previous particle stuff and the particles will only bounce off the Bryce floor and the outer box of grouped boolean objects. So if you put a positive cube and a negative cube together in a group, the particles will bounce/roll off the top of it. If you then tilt the group, the particles roll off it like balls would in the real world. A good thing is that even if you then make the boolean group "hidden", the particles still react to it in the same way. So with some clever working out and carefull positioning, you can put several of them in a particle waterfall to alter the flow of the water and then just add stones so it looks like the water is deflecting off them.

    In other news: Here's a couple more of my "catch up" renders. A few cars from when I was further exploring curvature and creating a rusty material.

    The cars are both bought from Humster 3D and I've had a lot of fun in Bryce with lots of their models... The taxi came as just a regular HotRod, I made the taxi sign, the graphic decals and numberplate. The Mercury I have since remodelled the front end to make it more like a custom Mercury Lead Sled type and lowered the suspension (maybe I'll post some renders of that soon).

    Horo: Apparently it's not a fault with my loading the snake, it really doesn't have a tongue... Which seems a bit strange to me, Maybe I'll figue out a way to steal the Millenium Dragon's forked tongue to use on the snake (the Dragon actually has two tongues so it won't miss one). laugh

    Melanie: Nice, I often browse for interesting terrain bumpmaps and I downloaded a few last year, If I can remember where I got some good ones from I'll post a link later. I know I actually found one of the whole UK a few years ago, because I did some graphics with it sinking into the sea. Not good enough to close ups but for lhigh in the sky renders, it looked great. laugh... Nice renders you've done anyway.

    1111 x 650 - 495K
    1111 x 650 - 420K
    Post edited by Dave Savage on
  • c-ramc-ram Posts: 376

    Thanks for your comment even if I have already publish this picture on the forum last year.


    Allright, as promised, here's the link to let you download my fall scene without vegetation. The file size is about 90mb.


    Of course, this is no the best way to produce a fall in bryce, this is just one way.

  for daz forum.br7?dl=0

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    MelanieL - very nice renders of the Zugspitze, I like the second best.

    Dave - cool renders of the HotRod and the Mercury.

    c-ram - thank you for the br7 file, Marco. Once I have the courage and the time I'll look how you did it. There's always an opportunity to learn something. 

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649
    edited May 2018

    Dave - seeing these stunning car renders, yes we missed your work. I remember sometime ago we played with the particle emitter but I just can't remember much about it. I'm sure David has a video on it.

    C-ram - thanks a ton for the file

    The Particle emitter video is by Horo not David


    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    mermaid - no, not David. That was probably my first video that was once featured on the official Daz site. It's certainly the first listed on my site under Documents > Videos > Horo > 1. Particle Emitter.

  • Dan WhitesideDan Whiteside Posts: 507
    edited May 2018

    Good to see you back David - always enjoyed your images.

    “The Heroine”

    Some messing around with our own David Brine’s and ForbiddenWispers’ Castle Dungeon model (from DAZ3D). It came into Bryce at exactly 2 gigs which I was able to drop to 800MB by texture size reduction. Illuminated with one standard Spherical Dome light and 2 ranged dome lights inside the “braziers” with the “fire” texture applied as a gel.

    Scene surround by a cube with a simple, low quality volumetric  smoke texture.

    G2 female and Mindvision’s Katana and really well done pose. Hair and outfit from DAZ3D.. Stigol and the Gargoyle models are characters for the Genesis male.

    Full size image took about 12 hours to render at 16RPP with True Ambience enabled.

    Full size image can be found here:

    Thanks for looking!


    Bryce Gallery:

    Voyager 4 Gallery:


    1200 x 720 - 176K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649
    Horo said:

    mermaid - no, not David. That was probably my first video that was once featured on the official Daz site. It's certainly the first listed on my site under Documents > Videos > Horo > 1. Particle Emitter.

    Horo- I think we cross-posted when I edited my message. I have a link to your video in my post.

    If anyone is interested this is the thread which Dave started on the emitter


    Dan Whiteside - beautiful render and lighting.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,495
    edited May 2018

    Thank you, Mermaid, Dave Savage and Horo.
    Interesting jallopies, Dave. And lovely render from Dan Whiteside - one day I must work out how to transfer a whole scene from DAZ Studio. I have lots of problems getting the textures to work.

    Today I decided to visit the French Alps (near Chamonix) - from morning till dusk.

    1024 x 512 - 539K
    1024 x 512 - 622K
    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    Dan - great render, lighting and POV are spot on.

    mermaid - thank you. Yes, sometimes I'm fast and sometimes I'm slow.

    MelanyL - mountain scenes look great.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    MelanieL : Very nice scenes (Zugspitze and French Alps), great use of the terrain maps.

    Dave Savage : cool car images.

    c-ram : thanks for the file.

    Dan Whiteside : Beautiful render.

  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911

    Dave Savage, a beautiful scene with a waterfall and a beautiful tower model. Working with the textures of cars is also impressive.
    MelanieL, excellent mountain ranges, the latter particularly liked.
    Dan Whiteside, excellent lighting in the scene with swords. 800 MB - this is also amazing for Bryce! I can not do such a big scene.

  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911

    My next work. Full description on the DAZ gallery.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    Slepalex - nice and peaceful place. Great details - back of the cabin and also the cabin at right in the distance, the rocks and the boat.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649

    MelanieL - both the French Alp renders are beautiful, I still haven't worked out you guys us the Terrain party height maps to get these beautiful renders.

    Slepalex - another magnificent render.

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited May 2018

    The first two terrains, MelanieL are super.

    Awesome cars, as usual, Dave...looks like the taxi just got its tyres, so clean devil Good idea, also on the boolean +/- thingies use - perhaps, as well as bouncing/rolling the particles off the tilted boolean in the horizontal, you could also include two others (one on either, and agan tilted, in the vertical) to create a kind of inverted funnel effect - e.g. it might then have the waterfall narrower at top, broader at bottom etc., (hard to describe, sorry, but I'm sure you get what I mean).

    The light, Dan, is particularly good (perhaps, you're using your fog effect, too).

    Noce one, Slepalex.


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,495

    Thank you to Horo, adbc, Mermaid, Jamahoney and Slepalex. Today I'm visiting the Swiss alps (but it may take a while as Bryce has just told me that my first render will take 1hr38 (or maybe more).

    Slepalex: another amazing landscpe: how do you get so much detail in there?! I really struggle to place vegetation - possibly because coming from DAZ Studio I'm used to seeing the landscape in a solid form so it's a lot easier to place things in the right place. I spent 30 minutes today trying to scale and place one clump of water plants so they were actually in the water, then tried to multi-replicate and BANG, there went Bryce. (I'd forgotten that usually happens to me and had not saved the scene before that). I don't know if you saw it, but another thread pointed to your gallery as a fine example of realistic and detailed work - they wre right, your stuff is awesome.

  • Dan WhitesideDan Whiteside Posts: 507

    mermaid010 , MelanieL, Horo , adbc , Slepalex: thanks you so much for your kind comments. Much appreciated! 


    MelanieL: transferring whole scenes from DS is seldom succesful for me either. I usually transfer one object at a time and use the merge function to bring them into a master scene. Great Alpine scene, especially the first one.


    Alex: Lovely patrol scene with such excellent detail - reminds me of John Wayne’s cabin in the movie “North to Alaska”.

    Oh - Happy Mother’s day to those Mom’s on this forum!

  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911
    MelanieL said:

    Thank you to Horo, adbc, Mermaid, Jamahoney and Slepalex. Today I'm visiting the Swiss alps (but it may take a while as Bryce has just told me that my first render will take 1hr38 (or maybe more).

    Slepalex: another amazing landscpe: how do you get so much detail in there?! I really struggle to place vegetation - possibly because coming from DAZ Studio I'm used to seeing the landscape in a solid form so it's a lot easier to place things in the right place. I spent 30 minutes today trying to scale and place one clump of water plants so they were actually in the water, then tried to multi-replicate and BANG, there went Bryce. (I'd forgotten that usually happens to me and had not saved the scene before that). I don't know if you saw it, but another thread pointed to your gallery as a fine example of realistic and detailed work - they wre right, your stuff is awesome.

    MelanieL, multi-replicate for a mesh object is a bad idea. Thus, you just make copies (duplicates of the object). Thus, you increase the file size and memory capacity in a geometric progression. It is necessary to use Instancing Lab or manual cloning (ctrl + I, then alt + I). In any case, after each operation with Instancing Lab and after removing unnecessary objects, do not forget to press ctrl + s. However, if your aquatic plant is a group, then all these operations will not help you, because in any case, not a clone but a duplicate of the object will be created. What do you do then? There is a way out, which I once suggested to Hansmar. Please read this dialog carefully.

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited May 2018

    Dan: Super lighting. I still try and avoid people (in Bryce AND in real life lol) laugh You always make a good job of them.

    Melanie: 2 more nice mountain renders, the top one is my favourite. As for placing things, Bryce has an OpenGL view which allows you to make the scene solid... Having said that, I wouldn't advise using it for complex scenes as it slows things down a lot, but if you wanted to have a look, you can find the option in the little icon menu down the right and looks like a cube. Click that and there are several view options.

    Alex: Your work and attention to detail is as always outstanding. You always seem to nail the perspective perfectly and your landscapes always have a great sense of depth and distance.

    Mermaid: Thanks for finding that old thread and linking it. I'd forgotten nearly everything I ever learned about the particle emitter... My animated render of the particle waterfall worked OK, though the resolution is poor, but you can see the effect. But now I'm having trouble logging into my YouTube account to upload it, so will try sort that out next week sometime.

    C-Ram: Thanks for providing the file to examine. I had a good look and worked up my own version. I don't know why I'd never thought of tilting a terrain to make the stone/cliff part of it. I've used that technique on other projects to get good overhanging cliffs. Anyway, I quickly knocked this one together using that method and I think it works OK.

    Most of the waterfallness I feel comes from the clever use of good materials and here, where the water hits the plunge pool, I have used one of David Brinnen's water materials that I edited heavily for one of my ship renders last year... This material is great because it is height controlled for where the water turns foamy and it's got great swirls that allow it to blend with the rest of the water. Then I added just a small amount of David's volumetric snow to look like little splashes. Topped off with some quick Arbaro trees (which are great because they don't use trans maps for the leaves so render quickly) and some X-Frog plants (which are great just because they are great).

    650 x 650 - 601K
    Post edited by Dave Savage on
  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911

    Alex: Your work and attention to detail is as always outstanding. You always seem to nail the perspective perfectly and your landscapes always have a great sense of depth and distance.

    Most of the waterfallness I feel comes from the clever use of good materials and here, where the water hits the plunge pool, I have used one of David Brinnen's water materials that I edited heavily for one of my ship renders last year... This material is great because it is height controlled for where the water turns foamy and it's got great swirls that allow it to blend with the rest of the water. Then I added just a small amount of David's volumetric snow to look like little splashes. Topped off with some quick Arbaro trees (which are great because they don't use trans maps for the leaves so render quickly) and some X-Frog plants (which are great just because they are great).

    Dave Savage, your waterfall is gorgeous! I feel like I have to do Arbaro again. I tried it several years ago. You are right: the lack of a transparency map plays a big role in our business.
    Your water is gorgeous! I roughly imagine how the material and texture of the water should look, but I would like to look at the screenshots. I understand that the water is made from the terrain. Approximately the same thing I did in these works:


  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,495

    Slepalex - thanks for the hints, and for the link to the grouped object solution. I guess that was the cause of my problems.

    Dave Savage - thanks for the reminder about OpenGL - I found it once (I think in one of David Brinnen's videos) but forgot how to do it (i.e. the need to hold the mouse button down long enough for all the options to appear) The only snag is that using Instances they don't appear in that view (well, only their bounding box).
    And your waterfall pic is really looking good - lovely water effect.

    Here are my final Alpine views from TerrainParty maps for a while (I want to try to create something from scratch next)

    1024 x 512 - 649K
    1024 x 512 - 549K
  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited May 2018

    Yes, Alex, the water was just a default terrain, I placed and added the material to... I did no editing of the terrain at all apart from resize it to fit the scene.

    I'm talking past tense here because, as I was typing my reply to Melanie about using Open GL, I clicked on the cube to make a note of exactly what options were available and Bryce decided I wanted to turn Open GL on (which of course I didn't because I had my waterfall scene open)... As a result, Bryce sulked for about 20 minutes before crashing, losing my scene, which I hadn't saved...

    Yup, I've been using Bryce for decades and STILL I forget to save my work. frownblush laugh

    I do have the Water I used in a .mat file (only two materials in the file, the water and one accompanying one I was working on to make wave tops have some spray on them, which didn't quite work out), if you'd like it. smiley

    Melanie: The first one of these latest 2 is super... Most realistic one yet, great use of light and materials.

    Post edited by Dave Savage on
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Slepalex : as usual amazing detailed renders.

    Dave Savage : gorgeous waterfall !

    MelanieL : your final Alpine views are awesome.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649
    edited May 2018

    Dave - Beautiful waterfalls; looking forward to the animated version. It will be a good idea if you shared your mat for the waterfalls here, I've been modifying a few of David's material with no success so far.

    Slepalex - two lovely lighthouse landscapes.

    MelanieL - two awesome Alp renders.

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    MelanieL - great high mountain scenes. My favorite is the second.


  • c-ramc-ram Posts: 376

    You're all more than welcome. If my file could help I'll be glad.


    Well, I think that waterfall is one of the hardest thing to achieve with Bryce. Dave has shown a very very good result with its last render and the water waves with David material is perfect.


    However, the waterfall itself is looking a little bit like a flat wall to me. I'm posting an alpha picture of a real waterfall to let you work with it.


    The trick is to load this waterfall in the terrain editor then load the same waterfall as a material in the material lab. I get a good result using this technic.


    Alexey : I'm speechless while looking at your render! Wonderful landscapes.


    Melaniel : nice alpine render.

    910 x 480 - 19K
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,495

    Thank you for your comments, Dave Savage, adbc, mermaid, Horo and c-ram.
    Dave - I'm so sorry that your efforts to help me lost your scene! blush
    Slepalex - I succeeded in adding a bunch of grouped-object water plants to my scene at last - thank you for your help. If I ever complete the scene (lots more to do yet) I'll post it.

This discussion has been closed.