Post Your Renders like it's the year 2020!!!



  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 2017
    PhilW said:

    Surface replicator would be a good place to start. Or Carrara's dynamic hair with very thick hairs.

    Agreed. I'd also love to see what Anything Grows' dynamic hair could do with it - making a separate domain that has crystals on the ends of each hair!

    imageTip Tab

    1. Use Tip Object to add an 3D object to the tip of each strand. Tip objects must be 3D objects with geometry, no volumetrics.
    2. Tip Scale is used to size the Tip Object. The shader picker below adds another level of control
    3. Tip Twist is used to add a twist to the Tip Object before it is placed on the end of the strand.
    4. Face Camera twists the tip objects, like Tip Twist, aiming them at the Camera.
    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • I am not one who is torn between the two, like most of my friends fall in one camp or the other, even if they like both. I like both - a lot. I also love the reimagined Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Dark Matter....

    There are some Star Trek series that I haven't watched much of because they didn't grab my interest early enough - DS9, Enterprise, maybe another one or two. I have always intended to go back and give them a try one day - but haven't yet. I love the Original series as well as Next Generation and the movies that support them, and really love the new movies. 

    I like both, got Episode 1 - 6 on Bluray but the interest in Star Trek is just bigger :)
    Love the old movies with Kirk and Spok but also Jean Luc Picard in TNG was great episodes.
    DS9 and Voyager was also great but than i've stopped watching the new, series, didn't really excited me as the first ones did.
    Oh, and one of my favs is Spaceballs :)
    Maybe could that be a new challenge? A Scene in Space/craft and so? :D
    Lord Helmet in 3D would be fun :)

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723

    "What a BIG Helmet you have!" LOL

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,236

    It's Christmas Eve downunder... Trifle Making Time

    Merry Christmas Carrarians yes

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,236

    whilst waiting for the release of the dogs.....................

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148

    Wonderful characters!

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Scoooooby !!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723

    Oh No!!! Stezza's a Grumpy Pidgeon now? What are we to do?

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,099
    Stezza said:

    whilst waiting for the release of the dogs.....................

    hey Grumpy , what dogs these be?


  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,236
    edited December 2017

    The Hivewire dog.... you can follow the progress at Hivewire

    Mod Edit  :- To remove off site commercial link.

    an awesome model when it finaly comes out... yes

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 2017

    Just messing around with little time

    800 x 800 - 339K
    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723

    Here is a rundown of the methods I used to make the above image: Shattered

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited January 2018

    Another frame from a different animation. The lens flare (a star near the nebula the fleet had to travel through) is rendered directly in Carrara. Having a lot of fun revisiting Carrara's awesome lighting effects. Again... I kinda like this still shot, but it doesn't do the animation any justice - looks SO much better in motion!

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • magaremotomagaremoto Posts: 1,234
    edited January 2018

    cool and effective DB, as always I like the pathos

    here testing the selective lighting functionality: both the sets by HF and Stonemason share the same lighting rig but in a selective way

    no postwork

    4800 x 1710 - 2M
    Post edited by magaremoto on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723

    That looks absolutely amazing, magaremoto! Wonderful kitbash!!!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited January 2018

    Something interesting about my last image (above).

    That glow coming from the side of the ship is a super-huge launch bay. It was kinda modeled inside, but nothing fancy, so I put 3-d-c's Hangar 2260 in there, and it fit nicely into one of the twenty bays inside, so I fully realized the Hangar 2260 with cranes, lighting, optimized shaders, etc., and duplicated it to fill each of the twenty bays inside that massive deck.

    When I brought the ship into the scene to start working on my animated sequences, I was actually planning to remove those to keep the scene light on its feet. The funny thing is, Carrara nor my computer minded all of this extra material. So I added the three Heavy Cruiser ships (more coming behind them) and 19 more ships that are actually a kit-bash of two ship figures plus an animated LoRez MU Worker pilot inside.

    It might be the larger GB graphics card that's keeping the scene so light on its feet? But the scene navigates and animates very well. Lot of lights, a few Volumetric clouds, many animated ships and people (I also have several Lorenzo LoRez in the hangar bays) and good ol' Carrara is just pleased to allow me to do so - so I just had to ad more cameras and get a whole lot of scene shot since I have the opportunity. Man, 17 ships (actually 34 since they're each made of two!), each with a pilot, waiting to launch from the hangar deck, two outside escorting the capitol ships, three heavy cruisers and the main battlecruiser... 

    Average render time has been 1 minute, 45 seconds per frame. Six or seven animated cameras shooting different sequences, and more to come. 

    The scene that keeps on giving!

    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148

    Dart - that is an epic space scene! It looks terrific as a still, it must be amazing as an animation. And glad to hear that Carrara is doing the business for you.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,099
    Stezza said:

    The Hivewire dog.... you can follow the progress at Hivewire

    Mod Edit  :- To remove off site commercial link.

    an awesome model when it finaly comes out... yes

    thanks Stezza, looking forward to it


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,099

    Another frame from a different animation. The lens flare (a star near the nebula the fleet had to travel through) is rendered directly in Carrara. Having a lot of fun revisiting Carrara's awesome lighting effects. Again... I kinda like this still shot, but it doesn't do the animation any justice - looks SO much better in motion!

    wow Dart, that's a double wow.


    ps what's a  'larger GB graphics card '?

    Ot I just bought a revamped  flight sim after many years of staying away from them - the new gpu's are blowing me away....(and the flight sim is not even cutting edge any more)


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,099

    cool and effective DB, as always I like the pathos

    here testing the selective lighting functionality: both the sets by HF and Stonemason share the same lighting rig but in a selective way

    no postwork

    nice work, really needs to be clicked on to appreciate this - and the lady even looks real :)


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    head wax said:

    Another frame from a different animation. The lens flare (a star near the nebula the fleet had to travel through) is rendered directly in Carrara. Having a lot of fun revisiting Carrara's awesome lighting effects. Again... I kinda like this still shot, but it doesn't do the animation any justice - looks SO much better in motion!

    wow Dart, that's a double wow.


    ps what's a  'larger GB graphics card '?

    I meant that I have more graphics GB now than I ever had. I can't remember if that's 2 or 4 GB, but it was ATI's competition to the GTX 7something, and they didn't have the GTX in stock, so I got this one from XFX. Really nice. But ATI has no cuda cores! LOL

    head wax said:

    Another frame from a different animation. The lens flare (a star near the nebula the fleet had to travel through) is rendered directly in Carrara. Having a lot of fun revisiting Carrara's awesome lighting effects. Again... I kinda like this still shot, but it doesn't do the animation any justice - looks SO much better in motion!

    Ot I just bought a revamped  flight sim after many years of staying away from them - the new gpu's are blowing me away....(and the flight sim is not even cutting edge any more)

    I (accidentally) got into the free version of X-Plane for a while there - right after going to the EAA Fly-in. They had a model of aircraft I saw there and wanted to fly, so I downloaded it and got pretty addicted! Whew! Now to just stay away from that for now!!! LOL   Fun thing though!

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,099

    thanks Dart, I ended up with a ASUs 8G DDR5 Dual GTX1070 PCI Express somehow. But studio still renders like a drowning dog caught in a jar of molasses

    on Flight Sims, yes, I packed away the joystick last night - too much of a time waster - life is short, though I always wanted to save London from the Nazis ... ;) guess I'm too late for the first wave

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,236

    Another frame from a different animation. The lens flare (a star near the nebula the fleet had to travel through) is rendered directly in Carrara. Having a lot of fun revisiting Carrara's awesome lighting effects. Again... I kinda like this still shot, but it doesn't do the animation any justice - looks SO much better in motion!

    blasting into 2018 .... niiiiiice Dart yes


    cool and effective DB, as always I like the pathos

    here testing the selective lighting functionality: both the sets by HF and Stonemason share the same lighting rig but in a selective way

    no postwork

    awesome render.... she looks so alone... sad

    Modeled the trailer for some modeling fun and practise over new year

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited January 2018

    Fantastic Trailer, Stezza! Great scene and render too! Bravo and Happy New Year!!!


    Wow, HW... can I borrow your card for a little while, say... a few years or so?

    I grabbed another frame from animation but, argh... it still doesn't portray how cool the animation actually is. I guess I just better hurry up and get this thing done. I am working hard on it.

    ...and then she takes a closer look

    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723

    Hah!!! Nice pun too!

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    cool and effective DB, as always I like the pathos

    here testing the selective lighting functionality: both the sets by HF and Stonemason share the same lighting rig but in a selective way

    no postwork

    You really outdid yourself on this one, Magaremoto!  Wonderful combination of sets, and perfect lighting.  How long did it take to render?

    This may be a rudamentary question, but the pic is so huge - how did you keep the image file size so small?

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723

    cool and effective DB, as always I like the pathos

    here testing the selective lighting functionality: both the sets by HF and Stonemason share the same lighting rig but in a selective way

    no postwork

    the pic is so huge - how did you keep the image file size so small?

    Funny question. Just yesterday I had to make the loge for my band for a printer guy to put it on a large backdrop. He said to give him the biggest image I could make. Really? How does one test that? LOL

    So to see, I took the dimensions I was given that the banner itself is supposed to be, which is 6' x 20' and started a new document in Affinity Photo using those dimensions at 300 dpi. I was originally thinking my computer was going to cough digital blood. At least nuts and bolts!

    No. I made the logo to scale on this enormous document. I had to view it at 2% in order to see the whole thing.

    When I got done, I was amazed at how it looked when I zoomed in to 100%. Crisp, clean edges!

    I exported it to a 16 bit grayscale TIFF and that took a little bit - but not at all the long time I was expecting to wait - we're talking maybe a minute. I thought it was going to take a LOT longer.

    All done, the file size is just under 23MB! I was astonished! Try to open that 23MB file in an image viewer and all of the RAM in the computer gets sucked dry and your computer is now too busy trying to render that image to think about doing anything else! Just walk away - which is what I did. I took Rosie shopping. Came back three hours later and it was fully rendered. When I closed the app, it took quite some time for my laptop to dump all of that memory back and close the app. Just stuck for a while! LOL


  • magaremotomagaremoto Posts: 1,234

    thank you all, I should work on HF textures to get more realism and a bit of postwork too, anyway I'm statisfied with lighting and shadows cool

    the lady is a beautiful free scan by Human Alloy, too much realistic for such scenes but useful for quick comparisons

    the rendering time was about 45 mins on a i7 6700, too much for my taste

    the small file size is the result of using the preview lighting quality and Xnview wink

    I'd like to get a 360° view from it but apart from using a spherical camera I can't remember how to do it, maybe Wendy or Daniel could remind to me how to make it


  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,586
    edited January 2018

    It's as simple as setting the frame ratio to 2:1 and rendering with the spherical camera. You can make it whatever size you like, but bigger is better, especially if you are going to put it into a 360 viewer. Skydomes rendered with this technique are typically 8192 x 4096. It will likely be slow, especially at that size - you might want to render it overnight.

    (btw, the image in my sig is a 360 render, just cropped top & bottom)

    Post edited by TangoAlpha on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723

    bigger is better, especially if you are going to put it into a 360 viewer.

    Also if you expect to use the ground, like using a shadow catcher.

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