Still waiting



  • tylerzamboritylerzambori Posts: 79
    edited February 2013

    The burning of straw men does nothing to improve the atmosphere - please refrain from grossly exaggerating another's views only to knock the exaggerated positon down, and in general keep the discussion civil.

    I am so glad it's possible to use Daz content in cararra!

    PS: cararra is pretty!

    Post edited by tylerzambori on
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    The burning of straw men does nothing to improve the atmosphere - please refrain from grossly exaggerating another's views only to knock the exaggerated positon down, and in general keep the discussion civil.

    I am so glad it's possible to use Daz content in cararra!

    PS: cararra is pretty!


    I was already considering un-subscribing from this thread as there was nothing new being discussed. Now you've made the decision easier with your oh-so-insightful comments. :blank:

  • tylerzamboritylerzambori Posts: 79
    edited February 2013

    well......Look at what the moderator said, then look at what I said. Think about it.
    Or not!

    Thanks to Holly for your insights, that was interesting.

    Post edited by tylerzambori on
  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    Honestly, Dart gets on my nerves sometimes, especially when he makes such extreme fanboy statements that veer over into impossibility. *That* doesn't necessarily do anybody any good. Perhaps I'd better just ignore him...

    I get where Dartanbeck is coming from. I understand is enthusiasm. So it doesn't bother me. On the flipside of the coin, I also get where ManStan is coming from.

    I think Stan's gripes are legitimate ones and he is not complaining purely for the whining sound of his voice. He is complaining because he wants to see Carrara improved in areas that matter to him. I'm in both camps and while Dart doesn't point out problems like some others of us (me included); I know that he too is passionate about seeing Carrara improved.

    We love our tools.

  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247
    edited December 1969

    Getting back on track and keeping it very civil:)

    Dart is absolutely correct - no vendor is obligated to provide updates and communicate with customers, but it does make for really good business practice to do so. and good business practice brings in the bucks.

    Couple of examples - there is a really good UV mapper that I bought a few years ago for $30 - they still provide free updates and patches. When I report a problem, I get an immediate response and a fix at the end of the month. Result - I recommend it to all and sundry and they must have made hundreds of sales because of this.

    Second example - i was very interested in buying a modeler to replace my beloved Hexagon. As is common practice, i looked at the user forums and found tremendous dissatisfaction. It had been abandoned in Beta a few years ago and absolutely no amount of begging from the community would get the owners to even acknowledge there was a problem - but they keep selling it. Result - no purchase from me and probably hundreds of other potential customers.

    There is no doubt about it - the forums are very powerful marketing tools and it would pay for the owners to employ someone to monitor them, pick up on the good and bad vibes and especially the suggestions and wants expressed to feed back to management.

    A void in good, solid communication will always be filled by speculation, mostly negative. I wonder how many potential customers have shied away because of the negativity that fills this void?

    Daz is in the very fortunate position that they hold a monopoly niche market in this price range, especially since Carrara has evolved into a rendering an extension of Studio and Poser, with, it seems, very few subjects for renders other than stills of e-dolls.

    On the subject of communication - when Genesis was being developed and was called Project X, the Daz staff were with us every day, encouraging, answering questions and keeping interest alive. Now that Studio 4 is in its how manyth Beta, they are still there, communicating. Clearly, the only interest is in developing the Studio/Poser/gaming market and Carrara has been placed on the back-burner - I only hope that this is temporary and that Genesis doesn't spell the exodus of Carrara with its fantastic potential:)

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    Garstor said:
    Honestly, Dart gets on my nerves sometimes, especially when he makes such extreme fanboy statements that veer over into impossibility. *That* doesn't necessarily do anybody any good. Perhaps I'd better just ignore him...

    I get where Dartanbeck is coming from. I understand is enthusiasm. So it doesn't bother me. On the flipside of the coin, I also get where ManStan is coming from.

    I think Stan's gripes are legitimate ones and he is not complaining purely for the whining sound of his voice. He is complaining because he wants to see Carrara improved in areas that matter to him. I'm in both camps and while Dart doesn't point out problems like some others of us (me included); I know that he too is passionate about seeing Carrara improved.

    We love our tools.Impossibility? Hmmmm... Gonna have to look that one up some day. I do point out problems when I find them. In the upper menu items: Web > Send Bug Report. Like I said, All of mine were fixed :)
    I am awfully busy having fun in Carrara. Swordworks for M4, for instance, is a product that I decided not to submit, but it was fun making it. I'm constantly working on assets for my movie series, finding new ways to make cool stuff, improve shaders and lighting, etc., Fun Carrara stuff. Sorry, really, for being obnoxious. I often forget what I built to run Carrara on. That probably makes it work better than on the average, store bought rig.

    Lately I've been crunching away on my latest projects as well as putting together stuff for the Carrara Information Thread, which has been fun. But I'm looking forward to the day when these products are submitted so that I can put more time into fixing some of the problems I'm seeing many people having around here. One big step that I did make in that end, is to begin cataloging Cripeman's tutorials. He can teach you a lot. The render thread also helps. I have some tips and tricks up there, but it needs a lot more.

    I am certainly not an expert Carraraist. But I am rather successful with getting decent results. Carrara just thrills me to that end - because it really is an impressive lot of tools that amazingly work well together under one roof. Right now I am back at trying to get my dynamic hair issues taken care of. I totally suck at dynamic hair. Biggest problem being that I need it really curly, really long, and it has to be animated. Although it frustrates me, I always look forward to times when I can play around with it some more. Using the Advanced Carrara Techniques series, I am now going to try using the V4 Proxy model that Phil built, and nicely included with the set (thanks Phil!) by itself wearing the hair (also from Phil, tweaked and styled by Dartan) and animating it the same as the Rosie figure. After all is done, merge them into the final render... fun.

  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969 is that old (but still interesting) video. I thought this was an obituary or something...

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    2011, I think.

  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    Roygee said:
    Getting back on track and keeping it very civil:)

    I salute you sir! Your post sums up my own thoughts quite wonderfully.

  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    2011, I think.

    Wait a IS an obituary of sorts?

    In that case, condolences are long past due from me. Blaine was definitely a presence in the forums.

  • petefpetef Posts: 47
    edited December 1969

    Any publicity is good publicity is the old saying but constant gripe's at Daz and Carrara does nothing but harm imo, if I were a possible buyer of Carrara I'd think it broke SO badly it wasn't worth buying (it isn't and it is),

    Also some people hover around these forums to complain and for some strange reason throw around personal attacks at each other and then they'll end up complaining the tread was locked because of censorship, :shut:

    Isn't it possible that we could just actually wait and see what Daz has to say first

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited February 2013

    DAZ better hurry! There's only ten more days until the end of February! We all know they said they would reveal their announcement exactly on Febru- Ummmm.... Oh wait, never mind. They never did say what day. :red:

    Post edited by evilproducer on
  • 3dView3dView Posts: 0
    edited February 2013

    I am not even sure if it was declared a big announcement even....I think it was called an announcement would be forth comming in February but I may be wrong. Hopefully it's something interesting...all this banter and all .....smiles

    Post edited by 3dView on
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    I shall dutifully edit my post! I would hate to be accused of hyperbole! ;-)

  • JoeMamma2000JoeMamma2000 Posts: 2,615
    edited December 1969's software.

    Not your girlfriend. Not a religion. Not your spouse. Not your kid. Not your best friend. It's software.


    No need to get upset if anyone dares to say anything negative about it. No need to prove to the universe that it's a perfectly conceived morsel of brilliance handed down by the almighty into our unworthy hands. No need to spend endless hours wringing your hands over its possible dreadful fate.

    It's software. It's not perfect. And in fact, any objective analysis by any totally unbiased and skilled individual in the arts would result in a fairly long list of areas in which it sucks. And a fairly long list of areas in which is excels. And that's fine. If it doesn't work for what you need, then expend a tiny bit of energy and try something else.

    And before you proclaim its infinite perfection or it's dreadful imperfection, first consider developing some non-software skills, and learning what "good" is, and then come back and do your analysis. Because saying it's perfect when you don't know what good is, or proclaiming its suckiness when you don't know what bad is, does nobody, including yourself, any benefit.

    And instead of promoting only sunshine and lollipops, try promoting something really useful: HONESTY. Become skilled, learn what good is, and give your recommendations based on a position of knowledge and objective analysis.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited February 2013's software.

    Not your girlfriend. Not a religion. Not your spouse. Not your kid. Not your best friend. It's software.


    No need to get upset if anyone dares to say anything negative about it. No need to prove to the universe that it's a perfectly conceived morsel of brilliance handed down by the almighty into our unworthy hands. No need to spend endless hours wringing your hands over its possible dreadful fate.

    It's software. It's not perfect. And in fact, any objective analysis by any totally unbiased and skilled individual in the arts would result in a fairly long list of areas in which it sucks. And a fairly long list of areas in which is excels. And that's fine. If it doesn't work for what you need, then expend a tiny bit of energy and try something else.

    And before you proclaim its infinite perfection or it's dreadful imperfection, first consider developing some non-software skills, and learning what "good" is, and then come back and do your analysis. Because saying it's perfect when you don't know what good is, or proclaiming its suckiness when you don't know what bad is, does nobody, including yourself, any benefit.

    And instead of promoting only sunshine and lollipops, try promoting something really useful: HONESTY. Become skilled, learn what good is, and give your recommendations based on a position of knowledge and objective analysis.

    I should really hang this statement next to my monitor. Thanks again Joe. By saying "I just can't help it - I love it!" I'm not doing anyone, especially myself, any favors. And like you say, it's SOFTWARE for the cryin' out loud! Why would any rational indiv.... ahhhh!
    So that brings me back to having this hard-copied and framed, and hanging in front of my face every day - so I can increase my rationality. I feel pretty childish right now - but I'm sure I'll get over it. I will certainly learn from those words though, Joe. Their just words - but they're placed in just the right order for my thickness to allow them to come in and settle nicely.
    Carrara doesn't need defense. Everybody here already has it! ;)

    Just read that third line down... and I am now very relaxed. To any who may have taken my silly whim in offense, I truly apologize.

    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    Garstor said:
    2011, I think.

    Wait a IS an obituary of sorts?

    In that case, condolences are long past due from me. Blaine was definitely a presence in the forums.No... he just doesn't work here anymore >:(

  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    Garstor said:
    2011, I think.

    Wait a IS an obituary of sorts?

    In that case, condolences are long past due from me. Blaine was definitely a presence in the forums.

    No... he just doesn't work here anymore >:(

    Ah! Okay...that does suck because I think it is good for a company to have a social presence and Blaine seemed to be that. Well, DAZ's loss. Maybe one day they will realize that.

  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited February 2013

    I was going to say Dan hasn't been CEO for a while. In my opinion DAZ as a company peaked when Mr Farr and Mr Creek ran it.

    Roygee I wish I could express myself as fluent and fluidly.

    Back on topic? Sure. 10 more days and no carrara saving announcement yet. And honestly, I don't expect one.

    This went 16 pages?

    But in the end we all just want a better carrara. The difference is in how we go about trying to get it done.

    Post edited by ManStan on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614
    edited December 1969

    how do WE go about getting it done?

    think it is kinda up to Daz %-P

    all we do here is keep the Mods occupied.
    (and keep me entertained waiting for my render to finish)

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    how do WE go about getting it done?

    think it is kinda up to Daz %-P

    all we do here is keep the Mods occupied.
    (and keep me entertained waiting for my render to finish)

    Ugh! Speaking of waiting for renders to finish... I am not fond of SSS!

  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    how do WE go about getting it done?

    Honestly? Learn C++ programming. ;)

    Facetious? Yeah - a little bit. It sure would be easier with the source code.

  • tsaristtsarist Posts: 1,618
    edited December 1969

    ManStan said:
    Back on topic? Sure. 10 more days and no carrara saving announcement yet. And honestly, I don't expect one.

    This went 16 pages?

    But in the end we all just want a better carrara. The difference is in how we go about trying to get it done.

    Yeah. I was surprised this thing went on more than a few pages.
    I thought someone would come through and say something "official" after awhile.
    Damn, 10 more days and it's time to pay rent!
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited February 2013

    how do WE go about getting it done?

    think it is kinda up to Daz %-P

    all we do here is keep the Mods occupied.
    (and keep me entertained waiting for my render to finish)

    Ugh! Speaking of waiting for renders to finish... I am not fond of SSS!EP! It was only a dog gone idea! You...
    C++, eh?

    // You can call this in our overridden spellscript. If you call this
    // this will prevent the original spellscript (and all craft item code)
    // from being executed. If you do not add this line, the original spellscript
    // and/or crafting code will run in addition to your script
    void SetModuleOverrideSpellScriptFinished()
    int GetModuleOverrideSpellScriptFinished()
        int nRet = GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"X2_L_BLOCK_LAST_SPELL");
        return nRet;
    void SetCreatureOverrideAIScript(object oCreature, string sScriptName)
    void SetCreatureOverrideAIScriptFinished(object oCreature = OBJECT_SELF)
     //   WriteTimestampedLogEntry("Custom AI Finished");
    object GetCreatureOverrideAIScriptTarget(object oCreature = OBJECT_SELF)
        object oRet= GetLocalObject(oCreature,"X2_NW_I0_GENERIC_INTRUDER");
        return oRet;
    void ClearCreatureOverrideAIScriptTarget(object oCreature = OBJECT_SELF)
    void SetCreatureFlag(object oCreature, string sFlag, int nValue)
            if (nValue != 0)
                nValue = 10;
        SetLocalInt(oCreature,sFlag ,nValue);
    int GetCreatureFlag(object oCreature, string sFlag)
        int nRet = GetLocalInt(oCreature,sFlag);
        return nRet;
    LOFL...F'n A!
    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • Kodiak3dKodiak3d Posts: 223
    edited December 1969

    Well, if we don't get the announcement I was told we'd get this month, I for one will lose the inclination to believe anything DAZ says anymore. I'm already highly skeptical, but this will really take the cake.

    Why oh why did they merge with Gizmoz?

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    how do WE go about getting it done?

    think it is kinda up to Daz %-P

    all we do here is keep the Mods occupied.
    (and keep me entertained waiting for my render to finish)

    Ugh! Speaking of waiting for renders to finish... I am not fond of SSS!

    EP! It was only a dog gone idea! You...

    Some things you just gotta test!

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Kodiak3D said:

    .....Why oh why did they merge with Gizmoz?

    Lots and lots of filthy Lucre? ;-)

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    ManStan said:
    I was going to say Dan hasn't been CEO for a while. In my opinion DAZ as a company peaked when Mr Farr and Mr Creek ran it. Is Dan gone? Or did he just hand over his seat?
    He really did care. This whole thing was his passion. I hope he's still here.
    Garstor said:
    Garstor said:
    2011, I think.

    Wait a IS an obituary of sorts?

    In that case, condolences are long past due from me. Blaine was definitely a presence in the forums.

    No... he just doesn't work here anymore >:(

    Ah! Okay...that does suck because I think it is good for a company to have a social presence and Blaine seemed to be that. Well, DAZ's loss. Maybe one day they will realize that.What about Bruce? We still have our DAZ_Spooky!!!
    Ooops. Is that getting too excited again?

  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    C++, eh?
    //---Dart is a showoff---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    LOFL...F'n A!

    Honestly...I wish I could show you some of SQL Server's C++ code. That was awesome, noodle-baking stuff. But...I'm biased about that...

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