Still waiting



  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    And, no. I am not ribbing on you or you or you. So don't think that.
    I really want some improvements made to Carrara as well. I love progress. The devs have even thanked me for my rational input in the beta test. All of my issues got fixed. What did they say about attracting bees with honey? I don't know. I was never good at remembering those lines.
    When Daz came in an said - "Well if you really want improvements - what is it? Oh, and please try to be civivl about it", Holly, Wendy, I think Kevin Sanderson, Manley Stanley, Kodiak too? I think so. I'm too numb. So I just read Holly's and said, "Yeah... what she said". That part I do remember. So Kodiak, you big ol' awesome bear, I'm not disagreeing with you on the progress of Carrara.
    We don't really have any right, even as loyal customers, to invoke time limits to development or their communications on the forum. Takes too much energy and time better spent in the lab fixing sh... stuff.

  • Kevin SandersonKevin Sanderson Posts: 1,643
    edited December 1969

    At this point I don't know if I prefer a sale to an eager software house rather than wait 2 years or more for a release...

    I don't feel it will be much longer to wait. I would prefer Carrara stayed with DAZ so the content works. Otherwise, there's no point for me if I have to build everything or make changes to go with a new company's ideas. At least when DAZ saved it from the trash heap, Carrara was already content compatible. Since it's been selling better lately, in the Top 10 sellers for January at DAZ, I think it has a brighter future here.

  • DesertDudeDesertDude Posts: 1,238
    edited December 1969

    Kevin Sanderson - 17 February 2013 01:39 PM
    ...Somebody recently ooohed and ahhhed about some plugin to make oceans and it got me thinking, maybe it could be done with animated terrains in Carrara because that’s what it basically looked like to me… an animated mountain range… don’t know if it’s possible, but maybe someone will try it. A lot of stuff in the past was harder because computers were behind speed wise, but some folks here have blazingly fast machines and they could be cutting edge trying the stuff that was thought to be impossible in the past.

    I think there was an old tutorial in one of the ezines using a terrain as an ocean and animating it with a Wave Modifier.

  • Kevin SandersonKevin Sanderson Posts: 1,643
    edited December 1969

    Kevin Sanderson - 17 February 2013 01:39 PM
    ...Somebody recently ooohed and ahhhed about some plugin to make oceans and it got me thinking, maybe it could be done with animated terrains in Carrara because that’s what it basically looked like to me… an animated mountain range… don’t know if it’s possible, but maybe someone will try it. A lot of stuff in the past was harder because computers were behind speed wise, but some folks here have blazingly fast machines and they could be cutting edge trying the stuff that was thought to be impossible in the past.

    I think there was an old tutorial in one of the ezines using a terrain as an ocean and animating it with a Wave Modifier.

    Cool. Thanks!

  • magaremotomagaremoto Posts: 1,234
    edited December 1969

    At this point I don't know if I prefer a sale to an eager software house rather than wait 2 years or more for a release...

    I don't feel it will be much longer to wait. I would prefer Carrara stayed with DAZ so the content works. Otherwise, there's no point for me if I have to build everything or make changes to go with a new company's ideas. At least when DAZ saved it from the trash heap, Carrara was already content compatible. Since it's been selling better lately, in the Top 10 sellers for January at DAZ, I think it has a brighter future here.

    maybe you are right but if I think they have paused the development and they have been selling at half price, my question is: what they wanna do this way? I guess they are selling carrara I can't find any other logical answer.
    my two cents on that

  • Kevin SandersonKevin Sanderson Posts: 1,643
    edited February 2013

    At this point I don't know if I prefer a sale to an eager software house rather than wait 2 years or more for a release...

    I don't feel it will be much longer to wait. I would prefer Carrara stayed with DAZ so the content works. Otherwise, there's no point for me if I have to build everything or make changes to go with a new company's ideas. At least when DAZ saved it from the trash heap, Carrara was already content compatible. Since it's been selling better lately, in the Top 10 sellers for January at DAZ, I think it has a brighter future here.

    maybe you are right but if I think they have paused the development and they have been selling at half price, my question is: what they wanna do this way? I guess they are selling carrara I can't find any other logical answer.
    my two cents on that

    Well, Holly posted she saw new bug tracker activity on DAZ's part and DAZ sells things at a discount more often than not. I've never paid full price for Carrara, ever. It's been an upgrade ever since I bought a copy of Ray Dream years ago. I've gotten the promotional discount and PC discount every time DAZ has had an upgrade. I think it's pretty impressive that C8Pro made the Top 10 sellers for January and DAZ has to be happy about that, too, otherwise they wouldn't be promoting that on their Sales page.

    Post edited by Kevin Sanderson on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    Kevin Sanderson - 17 February 2013 01:39 PM
    ...Somebody recently ooohed and ahhhed about some plugin to make oceans and it got me thinking, maybe it could be done with animated terrains in Carrara because that’s what it basically looked like to me… an animated mountain range… don’t know if it’s possible, but maybe someone will try it. A lot of stuff in the past was harder because computers were behind speed wise, but some folks here have blazingly fast machines and they could be cutting edge trying the stuff that was thought to be impossible in the past.

    I think there was an old tutorial in one of the ezines using a terrain as an ocean and animating it with a Wave Modifier.

    Cool. Thanks!Not just that, but if you read the article on plugins at Holly's Site, you'll find that she mentions one in there. She also has a link to Brianorca's awesome Ocean plugin.
    I have Holly's page come up as the third tab whenever Firefox opens. It's a great resource site - and a fun read as I'm waiting for renders and such.

  • tsaristtsarist Posts: 1,618
    edited December 1969

    I still maintain that there is a ton of untapped potential in Carrara and we just haven't figured out how to do it.

    I agree with some parts of your post, not with others.
    The above quote is one I agree with.
    Carrara may not be the most state of the art, but it IS very powerful. I know I’m not getting the most out of the software. While it is very nice and appreciated that so many people have contributed tutorials, they are of varying quality and not always easily found. I have never found a lack of help in the forums, but it really isn’t efficient to have to come to the forums everytime I get hung up. We need to bring the tutorials under one roof, with consistent quality.
    I DO very much support our fellow Carraraists in their quest to get at least some form of communication from Daz about the state of the beta/ future versions. I personally am in no hurry for an upgrade. C7Pro is working well for me, plus I haven’t spare cash for the “nominal cost” of the upgrade.
  • Kodiak3dKodiak3d Posts: 223
    edited December 1969

    And Dart, one thing you point out that I totally agree with is the proper way to make suggestions/complaints. Making useful suggestions or critically helpful complaints is one thing. Just being purely negative and abusive is completely different.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited February 2013

    You've always been civil, Kodiak. So I've never meant to elude to the contrary.
    Manley Stanley might appear negative, from time to time - but his points are valid when he is. I might have a different take on situations, but I've always respected the Man Stan. He is a pioneer in many things, Carrara, which has helped many of us in many ways. That's why I'm saying that I don't mean to sound like I'm pointing fingers. I'm really just cheer leading!
    Go Daz 3 eee eee eee D! :ahhh: Go Cah ah ah Rah ah Rah! :ahhh: Decimate DeTriangulate Apply Sub D! :ahhh: Ambient Occlusion and Render to Me! :ahhh: Rah... Rahh... Rahh... Cah Rah ah Rah! :ahhh: Morph 'em up Shade 'em up and An eee Mate! :ahhh: Tweak 'em in the Timeline and Scroll their Fate! :ahhh: Plunk 'em in a Scene and set the Lights Just Right! :ahhh: Queue 'em in a Batch and Say Good Night! :ahhh: Rah... Rahh... Rahh... Cah Rah ah Rah! :ahhh: Rah... Rahh... Rahh... Cah Rah ah Rah! :ahhh: Rah... Rahh... Rahh... Cah Rah ah Rah! :ahhh:

    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • 3dView3dView Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I have to agree that there is a ton of depth to Carrara that lies undiscovered by many including myself. 3d apps are by their nature some of the most difficult things to wrap you head around and know all its inner workings. So sure ----I for one can wait for Carrara 8.5 or 9 - I have so much to explore and use with what Carrara is right now . I just look for a little communication now and then ---smiles.

  • tsaristtsarist Posts: 1,618
    edited December 1969

    Go Daz 3 eee eee eee D! :ahhh: Go Cah ah ah Rah ah Rah! :ahhh: Decimate DeTriangulate Apply Sub D! :ahhh: Ambient Occlusion and Render to Me! :ahhh: Rah... Rahh... Rahh... Cah Rah ah Rah! :ahhh: Morph 'em up Shade 'em up and An eee Mate! :ahhh: Tweak 'em in the Timeline and Scroll their Fate! :ahhh: Plunk 'em in a Scene and set the Lights Just Right! :ahhh: Queue 'em in a Batch and Say Good Night! :ahhh: Rah... Rahh... Rahh... Cah Rah ah Rah! :ahhh: Rah... Rahh... Rahh... Cah Rah ah Rah! :ahhh: Rah... Rahh... Rahh... Cah Rah ah Rah! :ahhh:

    This sounds like some of Wendy's sound effects.
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    tsarist said:

    This sounds like some of Wendy's sound effects.
    Thank you Tsarist,
    I shall take that with honor as a very high compliment!
    I'm a Huge wendy♥catz Fan! :coolhmm:
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614
    edited December 1969

    well that caught my eye in a tedious thread I cannot be bothered reading.
    Is this becoming a ManStan instigated vigil?
    should we bring rations and weapon stockpiles?

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    3dView said:
    I have to agree that there is a ton of depth to Carrara that lies undiscovered by many including myself. 3d apps are by their nature some of the most difficult things to wrap you head around and know all its inner workings. So sure ----I for one can wait for Carrara 8.5 or 9 - I have so much to explore and use with what Carrara is right now . I just look for a little communication now and then ---smiles. The really neat thing about Carrara, is that it really helps you to uncover these secrets as you go. It is a very friendly environment in which to work (play?). However, if you have little knowledge of where to begin to look, or what to do when you're there - like I was when I first stepped inside of this vast wealth of artistry tools - it really helps to get a bit of a push in the right direction. For me, like my new friend, Garstor, I found the Post Your Renders Thread to be invaluable. Because in there, when we bump heads with the amazing talents of Evil Producer, Koukotsu, de3an, wendy♥catz, 3DAGE, chris poole, Design Acrobat, holly wetcircuit, magaremoto, the list continues..., and admire their gorgeous renders, Gastor and I pick their brains... ask them how. That's how I've learned a great many things about shading and lighting. Evil Producer will get down-right blunt if he knows you're open to it, and then you apply what he's coaching, and yeah... he's very, very correct about a lot of techniques.
    It's always a good habit to take a break from your druthers, as well, and kick back to watch a few quality episodes from the Cripeman. His insight, knowledge of Carrara and fun way of getting the massage across is a great way to learn, be inspired, and is some great entertainment.
    Cripeman's Video Tutorial Index
    This is an amazing pair of videos to get some real advice about how a true pro does his magic:
    Cripeman's dedication to Frank Frazetta
    Where he links to a feature-length special on the artist himself:
    Frank Frazetta - Painting with Fire
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    well that caught my eye in a tedious thread I cannot be bothered reading.
    Is this becoming a ManStan instigated vigil?
    should we bring rations and weapon stockpiles?
    It's my numb head. So please forgive when I ask, but...
    What do you mean, sweetie? My cheer? I guess I am a Carrara Cheer Leader, don't you think?
    Or perhaps I like Sharron's description better:
    Dartan, The Ambassador of Carrara
    Yeah... that one. My new title. :coolhmm:
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614
    edited December 1969

    your smileys
    lot of glumness in these sort of threads
    like a doomsday cult waiting for the end
    Dartanbeck shines in like a rainbow of unicorns frolicking in the crepuscular rays!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    I like that vision. Thanks Wendy!

  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    well that caught my eye in a tedious thread I cannot be bothered reading.
    Is this becoming a ManStan instigated vigil?
    should we bring rations and weapon stockpiles?

    My posts don't even begin to dominate this thread.
    You can paint rainbows and carebears all over that condemned building, doesn't make it any more habitable. It's the inspector that comes in and points out the issues and the crew that fixes them that make it habitable.

  • tsaristtsarist Posts: 1,618
    edited December 1969

    ManStan said:
    My posts don't even begin to dominate this thread.
    You can paint rainbows and carebears all over that condemned building, doesn't make it any more habitable. It's the inspector that comes in and points out the issues and the crew that fixes them that make it habitable.

    "Rainbows and Carebears"
    That line made me spit my pepsi on the monitor.
    Funny and caught me off guard.
    Funny and true.
  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    ManStan said:
    well that caught my eye in a tedious thread I cannot be bothered reading.
    Is this becoming a ManStan instigated vigil?
    should we bring rations and weapon stockpiles?

    My posts don't even begin to dominate this thread.
    You can paint rainbows and carebears all over that condemned building, doesn't make it any more habitable. It's the inspector that comes in and points out the issues and the crew that fixes them that make it habitable.

    love it - keep every one honest my friend

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    bigh said:
    ManStan said:
    well that caught my eye in a tedious thread I cannot be bothered reading.
    Is this becoming a ManStan instigated vigil?
    should we bring rations and weapon stockpiles?

    My posts don't even begin to dominate this thread.
    You can paint rainbows and carebears all over that condemned building, doesn't make it any more habitable. It's the inspector that comes in and points out the issues and the crew that fixes them that make it habitable.

    love it - keep every one honest my friend

    Not a great metaphor. As far as I know, Carrara is far from condemned. It may need a few fixes here and there, but it's far from a CG hovel. It's that kind of sentiment that gets the cheerleaders riled up. ;-)

  • MadbatMadbat Posts: 382
    edited December 1969

    Bit OT here, but is it normal to get a notice of up to 12 hour delay for order processing from Digital Carvers Guild, or did I just get ripped off?>:(
    I use prepaid cards so no refund/cancellations for me.

  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    For me, like my new friend, Garstor, I found the Post Your Renders Thread to be invaluable. Because in there, when we bump heads with the amazing talents of Evil Producer, Koukotsu, de3an, wendy♥catz, 3DAGE, chris poole, Design Acrobat, holly wetcircuit, magaremoto, the list continues..., and admire their gorgeous renders, Gastor and I pick their brains... ask them how. That's how I've learned a great many things about shading and lighting.

    I'll second that. I hang out here because of the wonderful people who are willing to share their hard-won knowledge with newbies like me. I look forward to the day when I can return the favours by sharing my own growing knowledge.

    I keep thinking how awesome/weird/fun/dangerous it would be if a bunch of us gathered in room and somewhere...the energy would probably affect the earth's magnetic field.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    bigh said:
    ManStan said:
    well that caught my eye in a tedious thread I cannot be bothered reading.
    Is this becoming a ManStan instigated vigil?
    should we bring rations and weapon stockpiles?

    My posts don't even begin to dominate this thread.
    You can paint rainbows and carebears all over that condemned building, doesn't make it any more habitable. It's the inspector that comes in and points out the issues and the crew that fixes them that make it habitable.

    love it - keep every one honest my friend

    Not a great metaphor. As far as I know, Carrara is far from condemned. It may need a few fixes here and there, but it's far from a CG hovel. It's that kind of sentiment that gets the cheerleaders riled up. ;-)I'm getting roiled as we speak! Kidding off course.
    But you're right. I read that and it's like, Condemned Building? Really? Why couldn't Fenric have posted that multimillion facet Carrara post in here?!!! I mean Stan... you really think Carrara is that broken? Silly question. It was like that with every version, why should this one be any different. Well when you get too sick of it, you could always up and leave, again.... 8-/

  • Kodiak3dKodiak3d Posts: 223
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, Carrara isn't a condemned building. She could use some new paint, maybe new windows (Microsoft notwithstanding), a new roof, finish the basement, and maybe replace the carpet while you're at it. :-)

  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    Kodiak3D said:
    Yeah, Carrara isn't a condemned building. She could use some new paint, maybe new windows (Microsoft notwithstanding), a new roof, finish the basement, and maybe replace the carpet while you're at it. :-)

    In defense of my former employer; at least Carrara runs on all versions of the OS produced in the last decade. A certain forbidden fruit company cannot make that claim... :P

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Kodiak3D said:
    Yeah, Carrara isn't a condemned building. She could use some new paint, maybe new windows (Microsoft notwithstanding), a new roof, finish the basement, and maybe replace the carpet while you're at it. :-)

    I won't argue that some of the carpets are a bit musty, and the brass needs to be polished, but it's nowhere near as bad as a cruise ship headed to Cozumel! ;-)

  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,462
    edited December 1969

    Kodiak3D said:
    Yeah, Carrara isn't a condemned building. She could use some new paint, maybe new windows (Microsoft notwithstanding), a new roof, finish the basement, and maybe replace the carpet while you're at it. :-)

    I won't argue that some of the carpets are a bit musty, and the brass needs to be polished, but it's nowhere near as bad as a cruise ship headed to Cozumel! ;-)

    a Cruise to Cozumel, no thanks... better to book at one of the all inclusive resorts there and fly down for the week.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Garstor said:
    Kodiak3D said:
    Yeah, Carrara isn't a condemned building. She could use some new paint, maybe new windows (Microsoft notwithstanding), a new roof, finish the basement, and maybe replace the carpet while you're at it. :-)

    In defense of my former employer; at least Carrara runs on all versions of the OS produced in the last decade. A certain forbidden fruit company cannot make that claim... :P

    I sometimes run a C7 Pro render node on an Intel iMac running the next to latest version of OS X.

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