WinterMoon Wants Attention.



  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    Gordig said:

    Does Edgar actually know how to play guitar? If so, I could help you out with that second pose.

    Shhhhh, no. He doesn't. surprise But I'll remember that you haz knowledgez, in case I ever get around to rendering characters who can. yes


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,180

    Strings are on that guitar backwards!  And it doesn't look like a left handed guitar.


  • HylasHylas Posts: 4,909

    Pleeeeeease tell me that's not a mesh shirt... crying

  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,904
    DanaTA said:

    Strings are on that guitar backwards!  And it doesn't look like a left handed guitar.


    Maybe that's the change they had to make in order to avoid getting sued by Ibanez and/or Joe Satriani.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    DanaTA said:

    Strings are on that guitar backwards!  And it doesn't look like a left handed guitar.

    I wouldn't even know! This isn't the original guitar the pose is made for, but I didn't do anything to it except load it and XYZ it in place. That's just how that model looks.



    Hylas said:

    Pleeeeeease tell me that's not a mesh shirt... crying

    Don't cry, it's not! It's a lace shirt.


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    I feel like I should be apologising for showing you Edgar in various states of undress, so please accept a little bit of eye-bleach. I decided to enter the "Intermediate" level of this month's Newbie contest, the subject of which is LIE. Yeah, I feel I'm intermediate now, rather than plain noob. Feel free to correct me!

    The lovely model is Guinevere, once more. She's sporting several layers of LIE make-up, which I think I managed to pull together into a "look." Sadly, her lovely material set is for G3F and doesn't work too well on G8, as the eye textures glitch out when they're applied. In this picture she's actually wearing another G8F who's invisible except for her eye-balls. It was the only fix I could come up with on the spot, because I didn't remember the exact step to the make-up process and didn't want to lose it by starting over.


    So, that's the explaination for why she looks a little different here. I tried several other material sets, and decided I liked Darcy 8's defaults the best of them. It's too light for the character, but it has the benefit of having eyebrowless options. I'm a fibermesh die-hard, you know. This is most likely not Guinevere's final look, so expect to see more experimentation with her aesthetic.

  • HylasHylas Posts: 4,909

    Ohhhhh pretty! heart

    I think both faces are absolutely lovely and the ring is a nice little touch.
    I personally would probably like the images even better with bigger hair (like Miranda) but that's obviously very subjective.

    G3F LIE makeup on G8F shouldn't be a problem, I do it all the time... I'm sorry your program bugged, I hope it was only a one time thing.


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    Hylas said:

    Ohhhhh pretty! heart

    Thank you! laugh She originally wore a much longer and more volumious(?) hair, but it obscured the sides of her face too much, so parts of the LIE designs were hidden. So I though "Well darn, she's gonna be a retro-deco lady for this."

    Hylas said:

    G3F LIE makeup on G8F shouldn't be a problem, I do it all the time... I'm sorry your program bugged, I hope it was only a one time thing.

    It wasn't the make-up that was the issue, it was the eyeball texture. Specifically, when I applied the skin materials - which are for a G3F character - it for some reason deleted the piece of the cornea covering the iris. (The lense, I believe it's called?) I reproduced the same error with all of that creator's G3F materials. All the other materials from G3 I tried worked fine, but I don't want to name names. I discovered almost by accident what was happening, but at least now I know.


  • HylasHylas Posts: 4,909
    Hylas said:

    Ohhhhh pretty! heart

    Thank you! laugh She originally wore a much longer and more volumious(?) hair, but it obscured the sides of her face too much, so parts of the LIE designs were hidden. So I though "Well darn, she's gonna be a retro-deco lady for this."

    Hylas said:

    G3F LIE makeup on G8F shouldn't be a problem, I do it all the time... I'm sorry your program bugged, I hope it was only a one time thing.

    It wasn't the make-up that was the issue, it was the eyeball texture. Specifically, when I applied the skin materials - which are for a G3F character - it for some reason deleted the piece of the cornea covering the iris. (The lense, I believe it's called?) I reproduced the same error with all of that creator's G3F materials. All the other materials from G3 I tried worked fine, but I don't want to name names. I discovered almost by accident what was happening, but at least now I know.


    G3 and G8 eyes work differently. Some G3 eye materials work on G8, but you can't count on it. The surefire way to make G3 eyes work on G8 requires some manual fiddling:

    - Apply standard G8 eye materials to the figure

    - Select Iris under surfaces. Replace the maps in Base Color, Translucency Color, and Bump with the G3 maps you want.

    - Repeat with Pupils and Sclera.

    - G3 scleras tend to be awfully white when using this method, so you might want to mix in some grey.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    edited July 2020

    Ahaaa! Thanks for the tip! Problem is though, I replaced the eye-material with a G8 one, after I had applied the G3 skin materials, but the cornea stayed broken. So I'm guessing the trick to using G3 materials that have this problem is to apply G8 materials first, and then replace the skin/nails under surfaces? You know? So the incompatible eye materials are never applied in the first place.


    And now I'm just spamming. surprise Did I go a little overboard with the colour-matching here? But hey, I found a solution that works. Skin shaders to the rescue!

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • HylasHylas Posts: 4,909

    Ahaaa! Thanks for the tip! Problem is though, I replaced the eye-material with a G8 one, after I had applied the G3 skin materials, but the cornea stayed broken.


    That shouldn't normally happen...

    My guess is that whatever G8 eye material you applied only affected Iris/Pupil/Sclera but didn't affect Cornea and Eye Moisture. Some PA's save their eye material presets that way (which I personally find annoying).

    Load a base G8F. Save as Material Preset, call it "G8F Eyes Zero" or something. When the list comes up tick only the boxes related to the eyes: Cornea, Eye Moisture, Iris, Pupils, Sclera.

    Apply your G3 skin to your G8F, then apply G8F Eyes Zero. That should reset only the eyes and "fix" the cornea.

    Now you should be able to either manually swap the Iris/Sclera/Pupils maps to the G3 maps as described above, or you can just apply the eye materials of some other G8 character.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    Hylas said:

    Load a base G8F. Save as Material Preset, call it "G8F Eyes Zero" or something. When the list comes up tick only the boxes related to the eyes: Cornea, Eye Moisture, Iris, Pupils, Sclera.

    Apply your G3 skin to your G8F, then apply G8F Eyes Zero. That should reset only the eyes and "fix" the cornea.

    This works! Thank you for helping!

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,180

    All very lovely!  Well done!


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    DanaTA said:

    All very lovely!  Well done!

    Thank you! laugh


  • Fae3DFae3D Posts: 2,531

    Wow, Guinevere is gorgeous!  Love your makeup choices!

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Wow, Guinevere is gorgeous!  Love your makeup choices!



  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    I think I'm on a roll, because I have somehow come up with models for another few of my characters, and managed to render some of them. For some reason, odd and zany characters tend to get priority. Today we have... ahem, Speshylle and Yoonýk, identical twin sisters. They're so exactly alike that even their parents can't tell them apart. That's the reason why their hair is dyed. Yoonýk has the coloured tail on her right-hand side, Speshylle on her left. Their parents named them the way they did to remind them that although they were identical, each of them was special and unique. Sadly, they failed to practice what they preached, by constantly mixing up their daughters. No one knows who originally had which name. At some point after they learned to talk, the girls came to an internal agreement about who was who and have stuck with that decision ever since.


    For identical, inseparable twins, Speshylle and Yoonýk don't get along all that well. They argue about everything. The reason they manage to stay friends at all is that they barely talk, neither to each other nor to other people. Their chronic moodiness sets them apart from the rest of their family, which is composed of pathologically cheerful individuals. Family members are coming soon.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Family members are here! Speshylle and Yoonýk have a tweenaged sister named Precious. She's not much like her older siblings at all. Precious is basically a sparkly rainbow unicorn cupcake with sprinkles, in the form of a human child. She loves everything cute and colourful, and constantly bubbles over with enthusiasm for everything she does. Don't give this child sugar, please.


    Partial list of things Precious is absolutely obsessed with: Princesses, cartoons, ponies, unicorns, cats, plushies, Shopkins, fashion dolls, Monster High, blind-bag toys, Poopsie slime, bath bombs, Harry Potter, Animal Crossing and colouring books.


    While she's still very much a little girl, there's already a part of her that dreams about being older. She's developing into bit of a romantic, with a thing for mystery and adventure. Precious isn't afraid of the dark, because it lets the moon and stars shine so prettily.

    Next up: Baby Jane.

  • HylasHylas Posts: 4,909

    This family sounds like a complete nightmare. I love it!

    (seriously... the twins and Precious are some of my favourites amongst your renders!)

  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,904

    Next up: Baby Jane.

    I was wondering whatever happened to her.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,180
    Gordig said:

    Next up: Baby Jane.

    I was wondering whatever happened to her.


  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,904

    Wakka wakka!

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    Hylas said:

    This family sounds like a complete nightmare. I love it!

    (seriously... the twins and Precious are some of my favourites amongst your renders!)

    Thanks! :D I actually love how those renders came out, myself. Why is it always when I'm being silly and immature that I get the results I'm happy with? Is it because I'm not second-guessing myself while I work?


    Gordig said:

    I was wondering whatever happened to her.


    DanaTA said:


    Waaait... What makes you think something happened to her? She's never even been mentioned before. Do I seem like the kind of person who would pull a dark joke on a poor baby? (Don't answer that.) Baby Jane's had some technical difficulties at the photographers, so her pictures are probably not coming before WM bedtime, but I can tell you that A: Baby Jane did not wander out into the rain. B: She did not get washed down a drain.


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    I had heard of the film, actually, but I didn't know it starred Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. Oh deer! Life on set must have been interesting.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,904

    They basically spent the entire production trying to kill each other.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    Gordig said:

    They basically spent the entire production trying to kill each other.

    I would have expected no less from them!


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Oh, looks like Baby Jane's done rendering. So, let's just get one or two things extremely clear here. One: There's nothing wrong with Baby Jane. She's a completely normal 3-year-old! Two: Her name's not "Gollum" or "Skeletor," it's Jane. Her parents are SO tired of having to explain this.


    *sigh* Jane hasn't quite been the same since that afternoon when she had an unpleasant ride in the washing machine. Her complexion remains a little washed-out, and her appetite hasn't been particularly good. She does drink apple juice though, which is probably good for her. But despite looking a little grey and worse for wear, Jane really is a rather happy and normal little girl.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Maybe you've wondered what the parents who produced the little monsters above could possibly look like. Well, nothing too out of the ordinary, to be honest. You see them here. That's Honey or Hunnybear (real name is Lindsey) and Darling (or Anthony). They're a very happy couple. The times they've ever argued can probably be counted on one finger, and that was after Darling managed to put the twins in the bathtub at the same time, and they disagreed who was who without their colour-coded clothes. After they dried their tears, they decided it didn't matter, because both twins were just as unique and special. They go jogging together while holding hands, cooperate about making dinner every single day, send each other texts from work, have DIY projects for rainy nights, binge Netflix shows together on weekends, make sure all their kids spend family time together and follow up meticulously on homework and after-school activities. Their perfect happiness has drawn criticism from family and co-workers, sometimes even from friends, who accuse them of being in denial. They're probably just jealous.  As far as Honey and Darling can tell, there's really nothing too notable about their family, other than the fact that they have identical twins, which is at least a little unusual.


    Honestly, why would anyone care if one of their children is a little undead? Or if another is displaying "extremely stereotypical" gender presentation, and only has one emotional setting which is "exuberantly bubbly?" Or if two teenagers aren't talking to each other or to their parents for a couple of weeks?

    Precious adores her little sister, BTW. Since Jane's a bit of an insomniac, and Precious has too much energy to sleep through an entire night, they often stay up very late and watch cartoon marathons together. Oh, and in case you wondered: No, Jane's not a vampire or a zombie. At least she doesn't display any of their more challenging behaviours. She's mostly a vegetarian, actually, or maybe "fruitarian" is more correct.

  • HylasHylas Posts: 4,909
    edited July 2020

    Those parents seem very young! surprise

    In the 2nd render you could give the light a blue tint to give it that TV watching vibe. Also, they don't seem to be looking at the same screen?

    Post edited by Hylas on
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